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Slow download speeds (500 KB/s)


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I thought this was because I wasn't premium so I bought it and I'm still getting 500 KB/s max in every single download.

Country: Brazil

Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=120ms TTL=56

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 1, Lost = 3 (75% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 120ms, Maximum = 120ms, Average = 120ms

Only seem to happen with files larger than 1GB though

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Nothing yet. Some files download speeds (< 1gb) are normal, others are capped to 500kbps.


Only in the nexus, so it's not my ISP. How do I get a refund for my premium? It was quite expensive considering the exchange rate.

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I'm having the same issue... trying to download Beyond Skyrim Bruma SE which is a 2.5GB file and it's being capped at 230KB/s at most... I was downloading stuff yesterday and didn't have any issues, but today downloads seems to be being limited somehow.


Just checked my SpeedTest and my connection can reach up to 12Mb/s (~1.5 MB/s max) even while I'm downloading the file.


Here's the ping stats:

Pinging files.nexus-cdn.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=145ms TTL=53
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=53
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 144ms, Maximum = 145ms, Average = 144ms
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Yup. If you try to download a small file you'll see that you'll get almost full speed on the download, but if you try with any mod bigger than 800MB~ you'll get capped to about 300-500KB/s. Because of that, it's pretty clear it's not a bug on our part.


Also, checking The Witcher 3 HD Reworked mod (5gb~, where I first noticed this) posts page I saw someone named crosser0987 ALSO complaining nexus capping his downloads to about 100kb/s.

13 March 2020, 8:33PM
Can someone please upload the newest version for me on another site? i get barely 100kbs on nexus anymore idk why.

I'm seriously mad at this as having my downloads capped at 500kb/s (which should be 2mbps on the free account actually) is the only reason I paid for premium.

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  • Community Manager

Hi guys, can you please provide all the information requested here. Ping results alone are not particularly useful.


Troubleshooting article


Have you tried downloading manually and from the different servers on offer? Smaller files are served from your local CloudFlare server, but larger files come directly from our CDN.



If you're in Brazil I recommend trying Miami, LA and Singapore servers.

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Thank you Pickysaurus... I didn't have the need to download a big file again yet, next time I do I'll be sure to follow to post back the URL. Though, to be up front, I'm using Vivaldi as browser, and for some reason it hides the actual download URLs from the active downloads UI now... I'll have to check how I can enable them, before I can post that info.


And yeah, I thought about trying different servers too... next time I get to download a big file, I'll try that too.


BTW, I'm not in Brazil myself, but I'm in the area... I'm from Argentina, which is close to Brazil geographically, and perhaps share much of the same routes too. No sure on current network topology.


Thank you again!

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Well, I'm no stranger to downloading mods and never had an issue, besides the server overload last December. I constantly download at around 7 to 8000kbps even with larger mods (one GB and larger). Getting several mods at the same time often has download speed going up (12000kbps) instead of down. My connection is a 50Mbps (46 real) up and 5Mbps (4.5 real) down subscription (Scarlet Belgium). Must add I use NMM as mod manager.

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