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Any tutorial on how to create vendor NPCs?

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Look at the differences between Manheim Maulhand (who will buy stolen goods from anybody) and Ongar the World-Weary (who will only buy from Thieves Guild members).

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If it's exterior cells (especially wilderness cells) there is often a long disance between nav points. The game will always place them at a nav point closest to where you wanted them. Otherwise without seeing a lot more details I can't say.


- Edit - turn on nav points in the CS and see if they are near one (or where the nearest one is).

Edited by Striker879
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How do you turn it on?


The the vanilla CS it's a button up at the top with little orange and blue boxes and some yellow lines connecting them.

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The button is a toggle ... click it and the nav points and connections are shown in the Render pane, click it again and they are hidden again (seeing them, especially in some interiors does clutter up the view in the Render window when you are placing things etc ... however it is a good practice to check them after altering the postion of things or placing new stuff so you don't have NPCs trying to walk through or over stuff).

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For the problem you stated you'll want to look at where you dropped your NPC that is not where expected and see if there are any nav points close by or not.

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