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Anybody else concerned about Dec 21, 2012?


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To be honest, I am somewhat concerned although I never really cared about this prophecy thing the months before. But there are some things that worry me:


The US-president's schedule is suddenly empty throughout the next few weeks. Same for the vice-president.

The "White House dig" has just been finished last September which is supposed to be a extention of an already existing huge underground system. (Read it.)

Earthquakes happen all over the place. Moreover, activity of Supervolcanos is noticed more frequently. Here.


I know, this sounds weird and I would not have thought so much about it if I just had two weeks off from work. My BF, he's a police officer. Since two or three months, he always brings his pistol and bulletproof vest home with him. When I asked him about it, he said he would do this for safety. I know he is also worried about the date but he doesn't talk with me openly about it.


What do you guys think?

Edited by mrsathletic
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I am not concerned at all. The calendars I buy expire each and every year. The world does not end when the calendar does. I would also point out, that the Mayans weren't the best at predicting future events...... after all, they did not foresee the advent of the Spanish, and the impact that would have on their society......
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I am not concerned. The only thing that may be out of the ordinary will be some people acting crazy because they have worked themselves up over it. They are the ones we have to worry about :laugh: .


Wikipedia List of 'End of the World Predicions' If all the predictions so far have been wrong why would this one be any different?

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The White House regularly changes, adds/removes things from the schedules posted. It could be many things including its the holidays, the inauguration is coming so things are being developed and security measures of not listing where the president is all the time (I hear the Secret Services hates it when the Presidents movements are too widely publicized.)


There aren't any more/less natural disasters than there have been throughout the history of the planet or bad things happening (really you think its bad now..pick any time in the dark ages and tell me it didn't seem like the end of the world any darn day.) As a student of history I can assure you there have been much worse times to live.


I worry about idiots that believe this crap and how they will act...kinda like the people that hear a snow storm may be coming and go knocking old ladies over at the market to stock up on beer and bread. People are kinda dumb and panicky.


Will the world end on 12/21/12? I have no idea. The world may end tomorrow or 14 thousand years from now. I don't think there are any paranormal predictors saying when it will happen...when it does then there isn't crap I can do about it. I have much more important and KNOWN things to stress about (teenage daughter with a steady boyfriend...). I think the fear mongering is terrible. I would like to punch television executives in the face that work on places like the History Channel for feeding into it.


Be prepared for actual emergencies that may happen where you live...prepared in a normal, non-apocalyptic way and quit worrying yourself sick. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow also....you worry about that all the time?

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I'm actually happy about 21. 12. 2012.


I'll be on vacation http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


And I couldn't help but laugh at that wiki link BeyondTom posted.


Especially this part:


30. 06. 2012. - José Luis de Jesús predicted that the world's governments and economies would fail on this day, and that he and his followers would undergo a transformation that would allow them to fly and walk through walls.

Edited by Werne
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If anything, the only problems which might come up would be man-made as people have a tendency to panic because of one thing or another.


Going from the Mayan prediction, if it was some cosmic deity who would come down and shake their head at how humanity has raped the planet, causing destruction and knocking us back to the stone age would actually be WORSE for the planet than if we were to continue our present lifestyle and pace of advancements. Even if such destruction culled 95% or more of the human population. The reason being due to the fact that eventually the surviving group would have to, once again, pass through a stage of development and industrialization in order to meet the needs of a growing population, and that most of the energy to power this development would have to come from easily accessible sources; like coal, wood, oil, natural gas, before renewable sources; like wind, solar, hydroelectric, ect. even become practical on any scale. And since many of those sources have already been harvested aggressively in the last few decades, a second industrial revolution would probably exhaust them even if it were delayed several thousand years. Meanwhile the current push towards more efficient and renewable sources of energy is set to allow us to move beyond our reliance on natural resources. So really, the only thing that would be accomplished would be to slow down or prevent human advancement towards a type 1 civilization, which would be less apocalyptic and more like some alien species just bullying us around.



Personally, I have about as much general knowledge of mechanics, science, tactics, medicine as would probably be useful for just about any situation, am currently in a physical state of reasonable capability, and by means of coincidence am set to be in probably one of the more optimal locations that anyone could hope to be in at the supposed time of the "end". So, come whatever (zombies, demons, aliens, whatever), if it's a survivable situation, I'll probably live through it.

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If my count is correct, This is the third end of the world prediction for this year alone. That is probably higher than normal, but not at all unusual. I see around one or so nearly every year, some get more publicity than others.


The end of the world is one of those things I cannot do anything about. I plan to not worry about this one any more than I didn't worry about the last however many I have somehow lived through.


Being prepared as Vagrant recommended is not doing something about it, but is just being ready to do what you can after the fact. And those same preparations are appropriate for being prepared for any disaster - man made or natural. :thumbsup:


BTW, a scientist finally got around to asking the real Mayans - the descendants of the guys that made that calendar - They had no clue what he was talking about and laughed when he informed them about the 'End of Time' predictions. They plan to celebrate the end of one era and the beginning of a new one on that day.


"The truth is no Maya text -- ancient, colonial or modern -- ever predicted the end of time or the end of the world,"

Dr. David Stuart, professor of Mesoamerican art and writing at the University of Texas at Austin

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I'm not concerned in the slightest. My PC's calendar ends in 2099 or something like that, and we all know PCs are right. :P


Besides, even if it was really going to happen, I still wouldn't be concerned because frankly, there's nothing you can do about it. If the Earth is destined to be blown up or something on the 21st and is set to take all life with it, attempting to try and avert it will be futile, so might as well just carry on with what you're doing.

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