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Anybody else concerned about Dec 21, 2012?


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Being prepared as Vagrant recommended is not doing something about it, but is just being ready to do what you can after the fact. And those same preparations are appropriate for being prepared for any disaster - man made or natural. :thumbsup:


Actually, it's just life as normal. I'm the sort of person who just learns stuff quick and often finds themselves bored on the internet, so knowing all sorts of things that are essentially useless is about par for the course. About the only difference is that my pool of useless knowledge* is probably more well rounded to cover all sorts of equally improbable events, while still having my core mentality grounded in reality, such as it is.


Regardless, generally speaking everyone's survivability actually ends up being better in the case of some sort of spectacular event, like an Alien invasion, than for some number of governments or services to simply fall apart in a blaze of greed, pettiness, and panic. The reason being that some sort of antagonistic force would likely move more methodically allowing for pockets to exist beyond the scope of those methods... Meanwhile riots, civil unrest, and the breakdown of society tends to work with more chaos and destroy indiscriminately without rhyme or reason. In such a situation, survival boils down primarily to luck. Even if you arm yourself to the teeth and shoot anything that moves, you eventually have to sleep, and simply by nature of bunkering yourself somewhere people will seek you out to get what it is you're guarding, or just to get your cache of weapons so they can outfit their own personal army... Leading to a rather desperate and meaningless existence. Even if you're sitting things out in a bomb shelter, relatively few people could stay cooped up for very long, and after a few months any such shelters will be seen as plentiful goldmines worth risking life and limb to crack open as the vast majority of the world would be starving to death... So yeah, also a crappy existence.


If the world is going to end, personally, I'm going to take it as it comes, make the most of whatever gets thrown at me, and probably die laughing.




*on useless information... In the case of Hell opening up and demons spewing forth to lay waste to the realm of man, then all that stuff that that Solomon guy did, and having some sort of idea how the social structure and practices of infernal beings could actually be useful outside of trying to win a pointless argument with that occult obsessed guy who you work with... And that's only if any of it is even accurate (Blame Crowley for screwing up the translations and being a general nutter with a large fanbase). Short of that though, totally meaningless collection of neural impulses except for the base notions and concepts which can actually have a broader applications, but most can't actually make that leap of understanding. But hey, the same could be said for zombies, aliens, or anything else which tends to borrow, or atleast be steeped, packaged, labeled, and served with a heavy dose of fantasy. Personally, I would like the person who is negotiating with the Alien leaders to have enough situational awareness to realize that any sort of invasion, extermination, or large scale action probably has some sort of cost of resources or time, and be able to point out the general futility of trying to fight a battle against a stubborn and entrenched group of people who are probably already learning of ways to adapt reclaimed technology to their own purposes... Rather than someone who is only interested in saving their own skin, or making some sort of grand showing of our defiance. But no, we'd probably get some appointed a**hole middleman who doesn't know that he's doing, isn't quick witted enough to assess capabilities and weaknesses or wrap his head around novel technologies, and who thinks Sun Tsu was something from a takeout menu. And therefore, humanity probably deserves whatever it gets.

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mrsathletic, as you're worried, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You see, ever since I was a little boy, way, way back in the long ago time, I have been cursed with the gift of foresight. I see many future events, some good, some bad, some horrific but, unlike most who claim the ability of prophesy, I have NEVER, been wrong. I have, with 100% accuracy thus far, refuted the predictions of all would be prophets to this date. So, with my unblemished record laid bare, I am going to tell you with absolute certainty that the world is most definitely NOT going to end on 21st December. I stake my reputation and life on the accuracy of this prediction.


I hope that helps to put your mind at rest,


Nemesis :psyduck:

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I'm actually happy about 21. 12. 2012.


I'll be on vacation http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif


And I couldn't help but laugh at that wiki link BeyondTom posted.


Especially this part:


30. 06. 2012. - José Luis de Jesús predicted that the world's governments and economies would fail on this day, and that he and his followers would undergo a transformation that would allow them to fly and walk through walls.


Some of the predictions definitely stand out from the rest though I didn't even notice the one you quoted. Maybe they thought that was the date a real life developer's console would appear, granting them the ability to enter TCL (assuming our world run on the Bethesda version of Gamebryo).

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The only "end of the world" prediction I ever actually got slightly worried about was Y2K. And even then I wasn't underground with a tin foil hat, it was just me and some friends discussing a few infrastructure type things that might fail and what we would have to do..


And to make you feel better OP let me explain some things (or try too)..


Nibiru is supposedly some planet that has a weird orbit with the sun. Supposedly it will hit the earth on December 21, 2012. Problem with this Nibiru is supposedly the size of the Earth, so we should have seen it in the night sky years ago. With days to go before it hits us it should be all we see in both the night sky and the day. It's gravity should be causing weird weather patterns and distorting the oceans and tides. Since we see none of this occurring I am left to believe Nibiru isn't real..


Solar flare? Could happen.. Though the worst it would do is destroy all electronics on half of the planet, maybe all of it. Military infrastructure and some government installations would be partially protected by built in Faraday cages.. This is a really unlikely event anyways. And it's not doomsday, its just a massive nuisance for the entire planet.. We would have to start from scratch and rebuild all electronics. Or most of them.. Actually you know what I am not sure how a civilization would go about rebuilding from a global event like that.


Poles shifting? They do it thousands of times a second.. Not so scary.. Now another part of this is people claiming the entire Earth will move from its axis and North will literally become South and vice versa.. These people have no idea how much energy would be required to do such a thing..


And the mayan calender? When your calendar runs out of months do you assume its because there are no more months left? No.. The mayan calendar goes on, it has more.. Even if it didn't why anyone would think it meant the end of the world is beyond me, especially when a good portion of the calender was meant to tell farmers when to rotate crops..


OP, don't worry. We are safe.


Edit: left out volcanos.. I wouldn't worry about them. Volcanos are no more active now then they were 100,000 years ago. The only difference is we as a species are more global, we have built things in places that we may not have been able to in more dangerous areas and now we are more often then not in the way of what would have been an event unnoticed a few hundred years ago. The whole planet is aware of itself and conscious in a way, that consciousness turns into self consciousness and then the fear of the unknown.

Edited by Dan3345
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I'm not worried at all.


Here's just a few more points to reassure you.


Solar Flares bombard the earth with Electromagnetic Radiation. This causes harmful effects in humans, but only for a very brief duration, and even thent he effects are neurological rather than physical, usually badly itching/burning skin, a brief flash of anxiety, or in rare cares a momentary dizzy spell. The effects pass very quickly and are well-documented, they would pose no threat to us, as the effects would only last seconds at most. Electromagnetic radiation is extremely harmful to electronics, directed pulses of EMR are used as weapons to disable vehicles, with Police in the USA working on a prototype directed EMP "gun" to stop speeders cold. This would be a societal disaster not a humanitarian one. Governments would still function, we would still have ALL technology not reliant on electricity(a far few of our most important infrastructures) My only real worry would be hospitals, but other than that, it would simply be a matter of repairing electrical circuits on a massive scale. Any "dead" machinery, IE, that which does not need electrical parts to run, for example Diesel engines, would work just fine.


Any extra-planetary collsions, IE Bollides(asteroids) or planetary impacts would be calculable decades in advance; NASA and the other space agency spend all year, every year, using extremely advanced equipment to look under every rock and into every shadow in our solar system. If there was going to be an impact, we would also be able to see whatever was going to hit us already. There is little need to fear such impacts anyway; JAXA has been able to land a Probe on a tiny asteroid blasting through space at huge speed, a demolition mission would be even easier.


Polarity shift? Not even the slightest problem, happens constantly. The Poles are magnetic, and would only pose a threat to electronics.


Volcanoes? See Bollides. Volcanoes don't just erupt. They just don't. They are almost organic in that they have epicly slow "life cycles" of activity and inactivity, spaced out across thousands of years. Currently Yellowstone is becoming warmer and more active, while some others are growing quieter. Volcanic Eruptions of the sort that could threaten humanity as a whole are not something that can sneak up on you;the major Supervolcanoes, "Atlantis" south of Italy, and Yellowstone in America, would be blazing hellfires if they were going to erupt, with vast earthquakes all across the continents for years prior.


My only potential threat that i can imagine is that perhaps an extreme group may use 21/12/12 phobia to launch an attack. It would certainly be memorable and tragic, but hardly armageddon.


I personally plan to sit back in a deck chair, don some sunglasses, sip a pink creaming soda float, and dare Satan, Nibiru, Krakatoa, and whatever and whomever the hell else wants to ruin my cool, to go ahead and rustle my jimmies. If they can!




Humerous afterthought:




You see this? This is Barbecue Sauce. And I have a bottle in my pantry which says "expires 4/7/2013" It's not gonna let the end of the Mayan calender upset it, it's not going to roll over and die because someone thinks the world's gonna end. This Sauce has made it's decision; it's NOT gonna die on 21/12/12, and if a bottle of Barbecue Sauce can defy the apocalypse, so can we.


Final Footnote. Ok, so a Diesel does have some electrics, but you can theoretically start one "cold" by using a burning brand. I've seen it done with tractor engines. They use ambient heat to ignite vaporised fuel, if you can provide enough heat, they'll run without a glow plug.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I'm desperately concerned, I envision the tedium of bits of fluff reporting on news channels and I have even more reason than ever to avoid the channel filling gunk which qualifies for magazine tv. Also, I'm debating whether to have any sympathy for anyone who decides to dispose of worldly goods, end relationships or give people a bit of their mind due to the fact that the apocalypse means there will be no comeback... actually thinking about it .........:whistling:
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not even concerned. i believe if even doomsday will happen it'll happen in the future in

year 99999999999999999999 (too many nine so i won't type 9 again). so just calm down. no one know when doomsday happen. only god know. even if it's happen in 21-12-2012 i'll just accept it.

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