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Who here actually still plays EVE?


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Name(s) various i have 3 main characters


SP: around 100mill+ SP per char


ISk: enough for me at the moment :)


Corp: belong to a corp set-up by a friend


Stuff: long time player (2004) however hardly been on eve in 3 years, log on occasionally to change skills and see whats been going off, hope to return to eve soon.

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Name: Vindekarr


Corp: Condemned


SP: 2.1 mil


ISK: 18 million today, ??? tommorow :)


Current ships in use: Imperial Navy Slicer, Republic Firetail (rigged as a fighting recon ship) Drake, Hoarder.

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Name: Vindekarr


Corp: Condemned

SP: 2.1 mil


ISK: 18 million today, ??? tommorow :)


Current ships in use: Imperial Navy Slicer, Republic Firetail (rigged as a fighting recon ship) Drake, Hoarder.


Another week another corporation goes bust under me,


In this case Condemned refused to adjust it's British first timezone for it's majority asiatic playerbase, meaning that 88% of the corp was unemployed while the rest had constant acess to L-5s. I raised the concern with the CEO who proceeded to call me a disloyal maggot. So screw them I say! I stole 2.8 million ISK off them and headed off in search of a new one.


Only thing is, im not sure if I'm going to bother this time. TBH im getting sick of bad, direspectful leaders who dont understand the importance of community, and after the last 8 corps I've joined went belly-up in under a month, Im starting to think about getting my own going, because right now I feel like nobody else can do things right. If you''ve got a corp, Im all ears for offers ingame.

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Name: Vindekarr

Another week another corporation goes bust under me,

Best of luck with your new/next corp. Think most players have experienced a dysfunctional corp. Am currently in a one man (13 alts) corp. Licking my wounds after having been burnt twice :)


In fact I am also informally looking for a corp. My experiment with the one-man corp has been pretty successful, and I can hand over operations to an alt. You're probably looking for a pirate corp, whereas I'm looking for some relaxed people with no expectations. Think I may advertise via the recruitment forum.

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Name: Vindekarr



Another week another corporation goes bust under me,




Just some friendly advice...


Good corps can pick and choose who they want as members - they are doing you a favour by letting you join, and expect you to prove your worth to them. It's not up to the corp to adjust to you, but up to you to make an effort to fit into the corp.


With the employment history you are building up, you're going to find it harder and harder to get into good corporations - 'corp hoppers' are generally frowned upon, and applicants with a corp theft in their history are generally rejected outright.


Think about what you have to offer to a corp, what you expect from the corp you join (and try to keep your expectations realistic, no corp is going to change their entire modus operandi for you) and then make a post on the recruitment forum and see what offers you get.


Good luck.

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I do all that Theta.


However the problem is that my last few havent even met basic human expectations, let alone reasonable, minimum-possible corp expectations: being kicked out of a corp because of your ethnic background is unacceptable by anyone's standards, and I reserve full rights to avenge myself upon them!


The whole reason I've corphopped so much lately is because these corps simply have gone out of existance: many having closed or quit, or been abandoned. Thank you, but I didnt do this out of choice,

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some cash somewhere, or earn some serious isk to buy a GTC, I might have stopped playing again after christmas :P

We all better find some ways of making sure Jonan makes that 300 million before Christmas!! You could try pleading for a corp Christmas bonus? Maybe pull off a scam? Sell your soul?



Rob a bank? :tongue:

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Heh, just started playing. Really enjoyinh it so far.


Name: Jake Katarn

Race: Amarr

Bloodline: Khodin


I'm still learning, but so far things haven't been too difficult. Going more for a military career. Will see if I change my mind later. Who knows, maybe I turn pirate for good? Hehe.

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I've been playing off and on for a few years now.


Name: Daza Loraz

Race: Gallente

Bloodline: Don't remember.


I'm a nice lovable carebear, I mine and make my own attempt at building things which is pretty difficult when you are all on your own. I also occasionally dabble in mission running and the random sightseeing trip through Low-Sec.

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