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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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No one is claiming this is not a disaster. One distinct difference between the Biden administration and the Trump administration is that Biden will admit he made a mistake or miscalculation and even share blame when something goes wrong. Unlike Trump who would not only just put the blame on someone else other then himself but try to use blatant lies and whitewash history to perpetually deceive the public. Maybe no one remembers when Trump basically let our Kurdish allies in Syria left high and dry after they basically defeated Isis on our behalf. Almost every conservative platform suddenly pretended they didn't even know who the Kurds were.


We can only speculate what really happened that lead to this catastrophe until Congress decides to do a full investigation. It might actually turn out that this is all Biden's fault or it could be found that Trump's administration played enough of a role that basically made this situation inevitable. We probably won't know for a few years at the least. At the most, if anything that will happen is someone is going to be held responsible leading to at least one person in Biden's administration to resign over this. But it's ridiculous to believe that Biden himself would resign over this as I've seeing on a few conservative platforms in rage over this as if suddenly their new credo is "Afghanistan First" demanding Biden to quit. The Irony is most conservatives don't even care about Afghanistan and would suggest if Trump was still in office they would cheer him on by nuking the whole nation with bombs. Even my neighbor who I drink with from time to time is a conservative but not super extreme like my new in-law's. He even told me that if Trump was still President he would totally support Trump bombing the whole nation over this. Regardless of the fact that doing so would create a humanitarian crisis beyond belief. But it's relieving that my neighbor is sane enough to tell me he wouldn't vote for Trump ever again even if he does decide to run for President again. All and all, I doubt this is going to effect Biden's ability to continue governing the country.

Edited by colourwheel
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F Syria, the Kurds and the entire ME.


Neo-Liberal warmongering has no place in the future. People who insist we sacrifice or blood and gold on nation building should stop being keyboard warriors and enlist.


The policies of the worst Administration in 100 years ( Obama/Biden) have made a man like Trump possible to be President. I guess you want him back in office..

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F Syria, the Kurds and the entire ME.


Neo-Liberal warmongering has no place in the future. People who insist we sacrifice or blood and gold on nation building should stop being keyboard warriors and enlist.


The policies of the worst Administration in 100 years ( Obama/Biden) have made a man like Trump possible to be President. I guess you want him back in office..


That is just your opinion. Thankfully that's not the opinion of the masses in America because Trump not President anymore. Right now Trump's popularity is at an all time low even him being out of office. He left the Presidency in disgrace, twice impeached, broke the long standing tradition of a peaceful transition of power. At the time he left office his approve was below 35% and had the highest disapprove of any president in the last few decades and he was only in office for one Term. If Trump wanted to improve his popularity he would need to lay low for a few years for his approval to ever go up and that's not going to happen because he is a complete narcissist that craves attention.


Make no mistake Trump might still be popular among Hardcore Republicans but that's not enough. Moderate voters are disgusted by the man and it shows in polls. It's a delusional at best to think Trump could ever be elected again considering his current state of mind. The guy can't even speak coherently anymore. Right now his speech sounds worse then some Crack addicts I have met on the streets asking for loose change. If the Republican Party does make Trump their champion nominee for 2024, something worse then what has happened recently would have to transpire for anyone to even consider about voting Trump back into office who doesn't just blindly follow his lead already. I live in a predominantly conservative state, most of my conservative neighbors wouldn't dare to vote for Trump again after what happened on January 6th. The GOP will need to find a new Champion if they really want to win back the White House next cycle.

Edited by colourwheel
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Polls, you mean the polls who said Hillary would win by a landslide?


Lol you're neck deep in the establishment misinformation game. Good luck with that


Trump barely lost the election and that was with extreme fraud and the total media campaign working against him.

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