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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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Not touching the vaccine with a 10 ft pole...

Not all that much of an issue where I live. Very few cases here. (there are advantages to living out in the sticks.....) I'll give it some time, and see how it goes. I will eventually get the vaccine, as covid would likely kill me.

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Agreed :laugh: What say we re-open the discussion when the United Federation of Planets is finally formed, and we can argue over a replicated bottle of Romulan Ale?


Looking forward to it! :laugh:


i'm sure with a 'me and my followers first' leaders attitude we or following generations will never see that day ;)

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Hahahahaha ... Seriously? You consider factcheck.org a reliable source? :laugh: They are so fake and biased it goes beyond mere disinformation and into the realm of purposeful LIES. 99.99% of their so called "fact checks" are nothing more than "straw man" arguments, where they purposely either take quotes out of context, withhold data, or add in outright falsehoods to try and make their case.


< snip >


No one will ever be able to supply you with the proof you seek. You have made up your mind and closed it down, so any fact, proof, evidence or reality that contradicts your preconceived belief system will not be tolerated or accepted. You will cling to old falsehoods, even in the face of proof which unfounds your beliefs. You are a zealot.

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Hahahahaha ... Seriously? You consider factcheck.org a reliable source? :laugh: They are so fake and biased it goes beyond mere disinformation and into the realm of purposeful LIES. 99.99% of their so called "fact checks" are nothing more than "straw man" arguments, where they purposely either take quotes out of context, withhold data, or add in outright falsehoods to try and make their case.


< snip >

No one will ever be able to supply you with the proof you seek. You have made up your mind and closed it down, so any fact, proof, evidence or reality that contradicts your preconceived belief system will not be tolerated or accepted. You will cling to old falsehoods, even in the face of proof which unfounds your beliefs. You are a zealot.


You are partially correct in your statement, but NOT for the reason you propose. It's true you will probably not be able to provide the proof I seek, not because I refuse to see it, but because it simply DOES NOT EXIST! I am however quite willing to be proven wrong, unlike you.


I'm afraid you seem to be suffering from the same lack of self reflection that many others do.


Take for example the very first article on the factcheck.org page you linked, which discusses Trump's recent Fox interview. Not a single one of their talking points actually shows Trump "lying", in fact they all actually agree that Trumps statements are "technically" correct in most cases. Certainly, the points could be construed as being "misleading", but only of you follow "their" line of reasoning and choose to view the statements through "their" lens.


I have repeatedly emphasized that I do not particularly "like" Trump. He is a braggart, and certainly somewhat narcissistic (after all, he didn't run for President for the money) and he most definetly has nothing I'd consider "class". But that doesn't mean he is evil or wrong, and again I've seen no ACTUAL evidence that what he and his administration are doing is inherently bad. Quite the opposite in fact.



It's also quite telling that you resort to personal attacks, and cast aspersions on MY character rather than simply admitting that we look at the world differently, as Zaldiir and I have done. Do you think that, perhaps says something about you?

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Hahahahaha ... Seriously? You consider factcheck.org a reliable source? :laugh: They are so fake and biased it goes beyond mere disinformation and into the realm of purposeful LIES. 99.99% of their so called "fact checks" are nothing more than "straw man" arguments, where they purposely either take quotes out of context, withhold data, or add in outright falsehoods to try and make their case.


< snip >

No one will ever be able to supply you with the proof you seek. You have made up your mind and closed it down, so any fact, proof, evidence or reality that contradicts your preconceived belief system will not be tolerated or accepted. You will cling to old falsehoods, even in the face of proof which unfounds your beliefs. You are a zealot.


You are partially correct in your statement, but NOT for the reason you propose. It's true you will probably not be able to provide the proof I seek, not because I refuse to see it, but because it simply DOES NOT EXIST! I am however quite willing to be proven wrong, unlike you.


I'm afraid you seem to be suffering from the same lack of self reflection that many others do.


Take for example the very first article on the factcheck.org page you linked, which discusses Trump's recent Fox interview. Not a single one of their talking points actually shows Trump "lying", in fact they all actually agree that Trumps statements are "technically" correct in most cases. Certainly, the points could be construed as being "misleading", but only of you follow "their" line of reasoning and choose to view the statements through "their" lens.


I have repeatedly emphasized that I do not particularly "like" Trump. He is a braggart, and certainly somewhat narcissistic (after all, he didn't run for President for the money) and he most definetly has nothing I'd consider "class". But that doesn't mean he is evil or wrong, and again I've seen no ACTUAL evidence that what he and his administration are doing is inherently bad. Quite the opposite in fact.



It's also quite telling that you resort to personal attacks, and cast aspersions on MY character rather than simply admitting that we look at the world differently, as Zaldiir and I have done. Do you think that, perhaps says something about you?


this part of the dialog shows how the whole debate works:

fact ignoring and unreflected spreading of arguments seem wider spreaded as i believed first. the funny thing is that people who show clearly that they obviously do never any selfreflection tell others they have a some lack of self reflection while proving during the whole debate here that the opposite is obviously true. what can i say ?


a good advice (at least i do it for myself with a good reason and as a part of my self reflection): just read your own stuff again and again and you will see if your shortcoming is obvious for a neutral viewer and who of the participants in fact has the lack of self reflection.

somehow it is consequent that people who ignore or question obvious facts again and again also tend to ignore their own obvious shortcomings. i'm not surprised that this can happen but it is somehow disturbing that this phenomenon is not reduced to just a very few people with limited opportunities.


that is also one of the obvious differences between obama and trump. obama did always much self reflection before spreading phrases while trump with his dumb and unreflected twittering (just one of many examples) already delivers daily evidence that this is one of his personal weaknesses or maybe he is simply not capable to cope with his obvious problem (or to self reflect it just in time). in germany this phenomenon is called "dummschwätzer", "dampfplauderer" or in english "twaddler".

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  • 4 weeks later...



I really don't understand why this president has so many ill-wishers.

Judy....If you live in the USA, just spend a few nights watching the political pundits on the likes of CNN and MSDNC. You will witness "reams" of selectively edited "fact" that form the opinions designed to hurt Trump. Then, tune into Fox-news and get the opposite. Though, IMO, FNC is more honest, a little less bias and more likely to fall into the proverbial "middle", Political alignment is now the dominating factor in today's media. This also includes print and social media.


Though FNC still rules the cable news ratings roost, the are many other media outlets that factor in. It's no longer about fact or actuality, it's now about perception, and, how to influence it.



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that is also one of the obvious differences between obama and trump. obama did always much self reflection before spreading phrases while trump with his dumb and unreflected twittering (just one of many examples) already delivers daily evidence that this is one of his personal weaknesses or maybe he is simply not capable to cope with his obvious problem (or to self reflect it just in time). in germany this phenomenon is called "dummschwätzer", "dampfplauderer" or in english "twaddler".

Oh, please.... save the superficial nonsense. Not to mention your judgmental atty. Obama was self-reflecting? Was he when he demeaned conservative Christians as "clinging to their guns and bibles"? Did he retract or even attempt to re-phrase that statement? Remember the "you didn't build that" statement concerning business owners? Look, I'll be the first to agree with you about Presidents careless tweets., but , the one difference is that I personally judge a president by actions, not words. Sure, words can hurt, but, only if you let them. Actions, however.....


BTW, Hitler was absolute proof of actions over words.


Self-Reflection? Who demand that sort of action and by what standards? What works for you is not necessarily the standard for everybody else. You need to realize that no individual is the same as another. Different countries, societies, religious beliefs, ect. All if these factor in to the individuals perception. Self reflection must consider those factors. One person simply cannot judge by the standard that you attempt to judge with.

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