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Obama: Worst president in the last 100 years


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Given all that's happened in the last several weeks, I think we can conclude that the thread title has been proved false as Trump is objectively the worst president of the past 100 years, and probably in the history of the Union.


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I agree.




Not even close. Stop watching MSNBC and read up on the Obama Administration. He may not have hurt your feelings but he hurt your future.

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For the love of Dread Sithis, please post your sources.


Rumor has it that he reinstated the insurance requirement from Obamacare. I have real issues with the government FORCING me to purchase a product/service from a private company.

Don't you already have to do this for car insurance, groceries, telephone, electricity, dental care etc? Here tax accountant near me - company Your Books On Time.


In 2019, Biden said that China is "not competition" for the United States. That is just such BS, and everyone in the real world knows it. Take a look at how much of our manufacturing moved there. That says it all

What's your point? The US/West pretty much created the manufacturing powerhouse that China is today because US companies wanted to benefit from cheaper labour. How is China competition for the US when many of your most beloved companies (e.g. Apple) generate supra-normal profits by benefiting from geo-arbitrage with China? They are a trading partner.


I won't comment on anything else without knowing what your sources are.





what about taxes? What awaits us?

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Given all that's happened in the last several weeks, I think we can conclude that the thread title has been proved false as Trump is objectively the worst president of the past 100 years, and probably in the history of the Union.


This can be set as the best answer and the thread can now be closed.

I agree.




Not even close. Stop watching MSNBC and read up on the Obama Administration. He may not have hurt your feelings but he hurt your future.


Really? That's all you've got? Assumptions, preachy admonitions and vagaries?


I don't watch MSNBC and I've read a lot about Obama's presidency, specifically about his failure to end America's wars and, in stark contrast to his campaign rhetoric, his warmongering.

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My sources are usually news sites. Most of what I have up there you can find on yahoo news, or, on Bidens own page. (search on "biden political platform") They are all over the place, and I simply don't feel like expending the effort to post links to stuff that is easy to find. I will grant you that the 'gun tax' thing IS just a rumor, however, the person I heard it from is pretty reliable. (I haven't looked to deeply into it myself, yet......)

But you're more than happy for me to expend the effort trying to find the source of some claim that you're making so that I'm not just dismissing it out-of-hand. If you want to engage in quality debates, that's not the way to go about it.


You evidence the claims you make; it's not on the other person to evidence your claims for you.


For clarity, I don't expect you to evidence your claim that Nixon went to China and opened the doors for business to go there - that's a simple, uncontraversial claim that's easily verifiable. But your claims about the Paris Accords and the 'studies', which ones? You are making a claim about a domain that is incredibly complex and about which much pseudo-science has been written. For example, Perraine is guilty of posting climate pseudo-science created by Tony Heller, a climate change denier whose claims have been thoroughly fact checked and resoundingly debunked.


Yes, Nixon went to China, and opened the doors for business to go there. And they have. China went from third-world-nation status, to powerhouse, in a few short decades, mostly due to the sudden influx of money/technology from the west. (which they promptly stole) This did wonderful things for their economy, and gave them large amounts of money to spend on..... their military. Now we have China expanding into the China sea, building military bases there, claiming water/land that is actually in OTHER FOLKS 'exclusive economic zones'.......

Anyone familiar with 20th century world history will understand how ironic this is. I recommend you take a critical look at your own country's imperialistic activities over the past 60 or so years, including its support of regimes that committed genocide, like what occurred in East Timor. Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States is pretty sobering as is much of what your compatriot Noam Chomsky has written and said about US foreign policy and its overseas activities in pursuing and entrenching American hegemony.


And if you wander thru pretty much any department store here in the US, good luck finding any products that were actually made in the US. 90% or more now come from China. Products that used to be manufactured right here in the US, made from US sourced materials, are now coming on a boat from china. Product quality has gone down, but, the 'cost savings' we were promised from this simply haven't materialized. That was the claim about moving auto manufacturing to Mexico as well. It didn't happen that way. I understand the business reasons for moving manufacturing offshore, it's all about profit. However, just because Apple made billions last year, does NOT imply that helps the US as a whole in any way, shape, form, or manner. A select few at the top are making money hand over fist, posting record profits every quarter. The rest of us? Wages are stagnant, the middle class is disappearing, the wealth gap is expanding at an alarming rate, and I don't see any of that changing any time soon.

Bruh, this is just naive. Nobody forced US companies to move manufacturing to China and nobody is forcing consumers to buy products made in China. The wealth gap is not a China-US problem and it's not caused by China. US tax laws allow and incentivize multinationals like Apple to 'export' their profits to tax havens such as Ireland rather than paying tax in the US. You didn't mention this in your commentary, probably because you were too busy demonising China. Clearly you have massive problems in your own backyard that have little to do with China. And China didn't steal your technology, the US taught them how to manufacture efficiently because at the time it was in the US best interests in order to improve productivity and profits.


China becoming a powerhouse is your country's own fault. Yet you blame China - you see how irrational that is? You're blaming China for doing exactly what the US would have done were it in the same position.


Globalization has cost the US population a fair bit.

This is a claim for which you need to post a source, otherwise it's just an opinion. Remember, this is the 'Debate' forum, not the 'Opinion' forum.


We are now primarily a 'service industry' economy, with low-wage jobs. Biden bumping minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour is NOT going to fix that. In fact, it will make things worse. (have a good look at Seattle, and Los Angeles.....)

On one hand you're bemoaning stagnant wages, then on the other you're saying that raising the minimum wage won't make a difference.


In addition to taking a critical look at your own country's foreign activities over the past 60 years, I recommend a course in microeconomics.


You sound like a man who is nostalgically trying to come to terms with the end of 'American exceptionalism' and desperately trying to find someone else to blame for it when he knows, deep down, that it's entirely self-inflicted.

Edited by gnarly1
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American exceptionalism is a myth. :smile:


Serious Debate? On a gaming forum? Hhhhmmmm......


I am not blaming china for anything. I am blaming american politicians for selling out the american people.



And they are continuing their divide and conquer campaign against us with their farce of an impeachment. They have wasted more time attacking Trump than they did investigating 9/11. The Press has spent more time Whining about those poor scumbag politicians because they got scared than they have on revamping our Healthcare system, fixing our infrastructure or shoring up our economy as it runs off a cliff of debt.


The real enemy of the people is in Washington DC. Its the establishment that has betrayed it citizens in a cynical attempt to bring about a one world government.... And they are coming for your country next.




When the French think you're a whiny *censored*...then you know there's a problem.

Edited by MrJoseCuervo
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American exceptionalism is a myth. :smile:


Serious Debate? On a gaming forum? Hhhhmmmm......


I am not blaming china for anything. I am blaming american politicians for selling out the american people.



And they are continuing their divide and conquer campaign against us with their farce of an impeachment. They have wasted more time attacking Trump than they did investigating 9/11. The Press has spent more time Whining about those poor scumbag politicians because they got scared than they have on revamping our Healthcare system, fixing our infrastructure or shoring up our economy as it runs off a cliff of debt.


The real enemy of the people is in Washington DC. Its the establishment that has betrayed it citizens in a cynical attempt to bring about a one world government.... And they are coming for your country next.




When the French think you're a whiny *censored*...then you know there's a problem.


I don't think Washington DC is going for a 'one world government', they already know that it's flat out impossible. Too many WILDLY varying viewpoints for everyone to come together in a common cause. Mainly because, there ISN'T a common cause...... Their sole interest is lining their pockets with as much money as they can gather. It really doesn't matter if what they are doing is 'good for america' or not, so long as it's good for THEM, they vote for it. That's been the case for at least a couple decades now, and I don't see it changing any time soon.

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It's not really even about money. As someone once said (can't remember the source now) Money is just a way of keeping score. The ultimate goal is ... "POW Wah ... Un LIMited POWAH". Money is just another tool they use to get it and keep it.


Facebook donates 300Million plus to the Democratic Party Campaign. How many homes or hostels could that have bought for homeless or underprivileged people? How much medical research could have been performed? How many clean water wells, or sanitation plants could that have built?


That's the ultimate goal. control, influence, and security in the knowledge that they, and they alone control everything, from thought to speech to deed. It's pretty much the purest manifestation of evil and it's a shame that so many don't even see it, (or choose not to see it) even when it's happening right in front of them.


Quid Pro Joe is ruling by royal decree (52 at last count IIRC) and he's only been in office a little over a month, and now keeps a standing army around his palace. Hmmm, there's a name usually attributed to rulers like that.


The American government has just shown that they can choose to interpret the Constitution as they see fit, with outright lies, misinformation and pure sophistry. Nowhere does it say that you can "impeach" a private citizen or former president, but they re-interpreted the constitution and essentially said "we don't care what it actually says, we'll do what we want"


AFAIK, that used to require that the supreme court vote if an amendment is needed or warrabted, but apparently that's no longer the case. So what is next? The First amendment? The Second amendment?

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