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BitDefender Webpage Warning


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Since a couple of days I keep getting a pop-up warning from BitDefender Internet Security anti-virus for websites containing malicious software.


This is the message:



This happens occasionally when coming on the Nexus. Just wanted to let you know.

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I've been getting the same from BitDefender Jimmy ... started more than a week ago if I recall correctly. Latest was 14 minutes ago for me, which aligns with when I came back on here today.

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BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...

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BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...



AV software products are like religions. Just about everybody has one, think everyone else should have the same one they do and are willing to go to war to defend their's and make new converts.


You can pretty much ignore EVERYONE when they make comments about AV Software. At one extreme are those who haven't a clue and just use whatever showed up on their box. At the other extreme are those who are so biased as to be considered zealots. And a few are well meaning but they just regurgitate the same old threadbare tales they heard from a friend of a friend of their third cousin's ex-wive's mother's hairdresser's sister's gardener's grandfather.

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BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...



AV software products are like religions. Just about everybody has one, think everyone else should have the same one they do and are willing to go to war to defend their's and make new converts.


You can pretty much ignore EVERYONE when they make comments about AV Software. At one extreme are those who haven't a clue and just use whatever showed up on their box. At the other extreme are those who are so biased as to be considered zealots. And a few are well meaning but they just regurgitate the same old threadbare tales they heard from a friend of a friend of their third cousin's ex-wive's mother's hairdresser's sister's gardener's grandfather.


What are you on about, Swan. Now you make it sound like I'm some kind of AV-lunatic. And yes, I will defend BitDefender. Not because I'm biased but because of test results in umpteen renowned magazines. Sure, there's other good AV-software and BitDefender happens to be one of those and is held in high regard by a lot of companies, so, calling it a 'pseudo' AV software means you either don't know what the word pseudo means or you have not a clue what BitDefender is. And Ferrari make damn fine sportscars.


All of the above don't matter as it wasn't about BitDefender in the first place but about getting a warning of possible malicious software and the rather blasé reply. It will be the last time I post something like that. You can figure it out yourself in the future.

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BitDefender is one of those over-sensitive pseudo-AV softwares. If you can nail down which pages specifically it gets upset by it may something like an image embedded into a mod page.

Calling BitDefender anything 'pseudo' is like saying Ferrari makes wannabe sportscars. But hey, if you don't care too much, I don't either...



AV software products are like religions. Just about everybody has one, think everyone else should have the same one they do and are willing to go to war to defend their's and make new converts.


You can pretty much ignore EVERYONE when they make comments about AV Software. At one extreme are those who haven't a clue and just use whatever showed up on their box. At the other extreme are those who are so biased as to be considered zealots. And a few are well meaning but they just regurgitate the same old threadbare tales they heard from a friend of a friend of their third cousin's ex-wive's mother's hairdresser's sister's gardener's grandfather.


What are you on about, Swan. Now you make it sound like I'm some kind of AV-lunatic. And yes, I will defend BitDefender. Not because I'm biased but because of test results in umpteen renowned magazines. Sure, there's other good AV-software and BitDefender happens to be one of those and is held in high regard by a lot of companies, so, calling it a 'pseudo' AV software means you either don't know what the word pseudo means or you have not a clue what BitDefender is. And Ferrari make damn fine sportscars.


All of the above don't matter as it wasn't about BitDefender in the first place but about getting a warning of possible malicious software and the rather blasé reply. It will be the last time I post something like that. You can figure it out yourself in the future.




You know JimmyRJump, you could have chosen to interpret my post as "I agree with you and you should ignore Pickysaurus and the rest of the hoards when they express ill informed and poorly advised opinions about any AV product".


Instead, you chose to interpret my comment as an personal assault and respond is such a manner as to illustrate my point. I don't have to make you sound like you're some kind of AV-lunatic, you chose to do that on your own.

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