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Wrye Bash is lying about mods' index numbers! Unable to add items because of it!


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Wrye Bash lists DLCShiveringIsles.esp as 0D but no matter what Shivering Isles item I try to add starting using 0D as the first two letters, it ALWAYS tells me that it is NOT FOUND


According to Wrye Bash, Shivering Islands are 0D




And I tried to add these replacing the first 00 with 0D and they all said not found




I EVEN tried adding these into my inventory using their respective first two characters




NONE of which worked!!! I EVEN tried all three using 03 to 0C and NONE of them worked.


And I am NOT typing the letter o, I am typing the number 0




I need a way to show their actual index number because obviously Wrye Bash is feeding me false information!


How do I really find the real codes to use?

Edited by justinrpg
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Can't say for certain about the Vile Lair DLC but with the Shivering Isles that DLCShiveringIsles.esp is only there so that the DLCShiveringIsles.bsa is loaded by the game (so the actual meshes, textures etc). Oblivion.esm from the vanilla game is replaced by a new Oblivion.esm when you install the Shivering Isles DLC. The Alocasia Fruit will be Player.additem 1ae7a 1 (if you only want a single one).


So are you saying that Player.additem 0c009bfe 15 doesn't give you fifteen Chokeberries?

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also, according to Google, this item here: "DLC06ChainmailGauntletsBullseye" is from the Thieves Den


However, according to Wrye Bash, That DLC is 0B


but typing in player.additem 0B00BF78 1 always gives the following error message:


"Item 0B00BF78 not found for parameter objectID. Compiled script not saved."


I even tried using 00 to 0D as the first two characters and nothing


Any ideas?

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Good catch with the SI ESP, Striker! The empty dummy plugin does of course not contain any records/ids.



Hmm, how do you normally start your game, and manage your mods for that matter, in case you only used Wrye Bash to read up the plugin index? Because it really sounds like you're running your game with a different list of mods than what you set up in Wrye Bash.

One of the virtual managers immediately comes to mind, like reading indices up in WB but running your game through MO/MO2. But then, where do those other mods in this list come from, if all mods were installed through MO/MO2? That makes no sense.

Unless you installed some mods twice, once manually by other means and then again through MO/MO2, for whatever the reason may be.


I take it you're NOT running an auto-sorter like BOSS or LOOT right after looking into WB. That could again change the load order of course and you would've read up the wrong.


Or is it an issue with CBash, maybe in combination with overzealous OS like the latest Windows and/or permission issues?


You could also try using double quotes like so:

player.additem "0B00BF78" 1

But it should also work without them, or so I've heard.



What's your game version anyways? Many plugins will be "silently ignored", if you're not on the latest 1.2.0416. For the game it's as if they weren't there, so of course the load order inside the game will again be different to Wrye Bash's.


Otherwise I'm running out of ideas here, too, as you seem to be the only one having this problem right now, or who I know of that is.

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I have the GOG Games release, Game of the Year Edition.


Where do I find the exact version number?


Lower left corner of the main menu screen ... should say 1.2.0416 (and I'm sure that the GOG version would say that).

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