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NPCs won't move in combat. What could cause this?

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Whenever I enter combat, NPCs and enemies just stand in place, wiggle around, and don't move. If I move near them they will swing at me, but they won't actually chase me. I captured some gameplay of this here: https://youtu.be/PkautVSFQyo


Here is my load order. Sorry if I've missed something. I checked the commonly asked questions and have done some searched but turned up nothing.




00 Oblivion.esm

01 Morrowind_ob.esm

02 tr_oot_main.esm

03 all natural base.esm [Version 1.38]

04 tamres.esm

05 tamres_landscaperesource.esm

06 knights - revelation.esm

07 Better Cities Resources.esm [Version 5.2.5]

08 unofficial oblivion patch.esp [Version 3.5.6]

09 oblivion citadel door fix.esp

0A DLCShiveringIsles.esp

0B unofficial shivering isles patch.esp [Version 1.5.9]

0C DLCBattlehornCastle.esp

0D dlcbattlehorncastle - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.12]

0E DLCThievesDen.esp

0F dlcthievesden - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.15]

10 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp

11 dlcmehrunesrazor - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]

12 DLCVileLair.esp

13 dlcvilelair - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.11]

14 DLCHorseArmor.esp

15 dlchorsearmor - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.9]

16 DLCOrrery.esp

17 dlcorrery - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.7]

18 DLCSpellTomes.esp

++ dlcspelltomes - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.1]

19 DLCFrostcrag.esp

1A dlcfrostcrag - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.0.10]

1B Knights.esp

1C knights - unofficial patch.esp [Version 1.1.8]

1D tamres.esp

1E all natural - si.esp [Version 1.38]

1F Tamriel.esp

20 TWMP_BlackMarsh.esp

21 TWMP_Summerset.esp

22 all natural.esp [Version 1.38]

23 p1drobesover.esp

24 Spell Delete And Item Remove.esp

25 dynamic map.esp [Version 2.1.1]

26 protocolleddialogs.esp

27 oblivion uncut.esp

28 elsweyranequina.esp

29 TWMP_Valenwood_Elsweyr.esp

2A ElsweyrPelletine.esp [Version 1.0]

2B OblivionUncut-ElsweyrAnequina Patch.esp

2C oblivion_character_overhaul.esp [Version 2.0]

2D The Lost Spires.esp

2E kvatch rebuilt.esp [Version 3.0RC3]

2F knights - revelation.esp

30 bhc_expanded.esp [Version 1.2]

31 immersive interiors.esp [Version 0.8.1]

32 DaggerfallBooks.esp

33 mannimarcorevisited.esp

34 Kvatch Rebuilt - No More Burned Ground.esp

35 enhanced economy.esp [Version 5.4.3]

36 NoStartMapMarkers.esp

37 reznod_mannequin.esp

38 1em_Vilja.esp [Version 4.04]

39 brumamgrestored.esp

3A brumamgrestored-frostcrag.esp

3B morrowind_ob.esp

3C morrowind_ob - chargen and transport mod.esp [Version 11]

3D morrowind_ob - morrobliviontreereplacer.esp

3E morrowind_ob - morroblivion maps.esp

3F morrowind_ob - conversation.esp

40 morrowind_ob - ucwus.esp [Version 1.1]

41 tr_stirk.esp

42 Better Bookshelves In Buyable Houses.esp

43 imperial furniture renovated.esp

44 alternative beginnings.esp [Version 1.4.6]

45 alternative beginnings - kvatch intact.esp [Version 3.0.2]

++ p1dshieldnoglow.esp

46 oblivionreloaded.esp

++ morrob_alt_start_compatibility.esp

47 Better Cities .esp [Version 4.7.0]

48 Better Cities Full.esp [Version 5.2.5]

49 Better Imperial City.esp [Version 5.2.4]

4A OblivionUncut-BetterCitiesArena Patch.esp

4B Better Cities - All Natural.esp [Version 4.9.5]

4C Better Cities - VWD of the IC.esp [Version 5.2.4]

4D Better Cities - The Lost Spires.esp [Version 5.0.0]

4E Bashed Patch, 0.esp



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Yes, if I try to load this save without any mods then it crashes immediately before I get past the loading screen. This actually also happens if I use BOSS to sort my load order. The above load order is not the one recommended by BOSS, but it's the only one that actually works.


I'm not sure what was a .kf replace is, but I googled it and it seems like it's an animation replacer? I don't specifically use anything like that, though I don't know if one of the mods I use does.

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Does it still happen when you start a new game without any mods?

It doesn't even happen when I start a new game WITH these same mods. I'm thinking something is wrong with my save file, but I don't know how to fix it. Unfortunately, reloading an earlier save isn't an option. I guess this was going on for a while and I didn't notice it?

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Give the "coc and wait" trick a whirl then.


Open the console and type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (so three full days and a bit). Open the console again and type "coc weye" (again no quotes ... you can use a different location if you know the correct name for the console) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye.


Go find some bandits and see if it has helped.

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Give the "coc and wait" trick a whirl then.


Open the console and type "coc center" (without the quote marks) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to an open plain with some trees in the distance. Using the wait menu wait 72 hours plus a bit for good measure (so three full days and a bit). Open the console again and type "coc weye" (again no quotes ... you can use a different location if you know the correct name for the console) and hit Enter. You'll be transported to the fisherman's shack at Weye.


Go find some bandits and see if it has helped.

Well, everytime I tried to rest in the Center area, the game crashed (which corrupted the autosave, not sure if that's informative). Tried it three different times. I can rest just fine in other places.


It appears this character is just lost then? :(

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Could very well be, but before you throw in the towel you could try the same wait 72 hours plus a bit in another location. Testinghall is one I see recommended frequently (so "coc testinghall"). If that doesn't work then try a vanilla game interior cell (use one without any bandits etc). I would walk there rather than consoling or fast traveling myself ... same deal though wait 72 hours and a bit and then see if it made any difference.


A suggestion for you that could save you in the future ...


Always save using the game Esc menu, and never overwrite your saves (so always save in a new slot). Prevents any possible corruption due to quicksave/autosave and gives you a fallback position in times like these (and I've used my fallback positions many times in the past, sometimes to undo stupid things I've gotten myself into and others to recover from some game breaking situation that just came to be). Hard drive storage isn't free but it's also not super expensive. I have a 1TB drive that has my saves backups and all of my downloaded mods that is now a bit over half full (after a decade of doing this). When I get a hundred or two saves on my C drive I move all but the most recent to the backup (if you let the C drive folder get too full it will slow down menus opening etc).

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Could very well be, but before you throw in the towel you could try the same wait 72 hours plus a bit in another location. Testinghall is one I see recommended frequently (so "coc testinghall"). If that doesn't work then try a vanilla game interior cell (use one without any bandits etc). I would walk there rather than consoling or fast traveling myself ... same deal though wait 72 hours and a bit and then see if it made any difference.


A suggestion for you that could save you in the future ...


Always save using the game Esc menu, and never overwrite your saves (so always save in a new slot). Prevents any possible corruption due to quicksave/autosave and gives you a fallback position in times like these (and I've used my fallback positions many times in the past, sometimes to undo stupid things I've gotten myself into and others to recover from some game breaking situation that just came to be). Hard drive storage isn't free but it's also not super expensive. I have a 1TB drive that has my saves backups and all of my downloaded mods that is now a bit over half full (after a decade of doing this). When I get a hundred or two saves on my C drive I move all but the most recent to the backup (if you let the C drive folder get too full it will slow down menus opening etc).

Yet another crash in the testinghall while waiting.


I actually have always created a new save, but apparently this has been a problem for a while now and going back before these problems started would set me so far back I might as well just start a new game. I'm sure that in the early days I reloaded a few autosaves more than I should have, but I started this character in 2013, so my memory is of course a bit spotty.


Some things that might shed some light: This save has over 700 hours in it. My character is on in-game day 2500. I started out playing through Morroblivion and when I finished that, I artificially raised my bounty so that I would be in jail long enough to advance the clock from around 3e428 to 3e433. I know that people rarely ever have such long-played save files so maybe that's part of the problem? I think it's more likely I just deactivated a mod improperly a time or two though.



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And here I thought I was the guy with the longest running character (first save for this character Nov 4 2014 at 14 minutes into my alt start play ... currently a bit north of 4900 hours playing time).


Given that we are talking about high value saves here I need to ask are you using EngineBugFixes (the A-Bomb permanent fix alone is worth the price of admission)?


Also do you use Wrye Bash? It has a utility that can give some more info on the state of your save ... and one that can be tried to remove bloat, use caution and backup first. Look in Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html for more info (found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder).


I tend to not change my load order once I get one set for a character (I have saves from my first two characters that are by far less stable than my current guy's ... both of those early character's saves have received far more abuse with adding and uninstalling mods). If I do decide to add a mod it is tested out the whazoo before it gets committed to my gameplay saves (I have a bunch of testing saves from various points in my character). My current guy has a single mod deactivated from his gameplay save, and that is because the MOE alt start I used requires it to be deactivated when you start the main quest.


Hard to put down a character you've spent so much time with, I know.

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