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Hello, first of all, thanks steve40 and all of the other people putting the effort into finding these fixes. I was just wondering if there was an ETA on getting the burnt spriggan scipt fix uploaded. I've had that on my character for days, and being the OCD gamer i am, i can't play if he is not perfect. =) Again, thanks for all the hard work!

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Hello, first of all, thanks steve40 and all of the other people putting the effort into finding these fixes. I was just wondering if there was an ETA on getting the burnt spriggan scipt fix uploaded. I've had that on my character for days, and being the OCD gamer i am, i can't play if he is not perfect. =) Again, thanks for all the hard work!

I've uploaded the fixed script. See the bottom of post #8 on the first page. I've modified the script so the effect will be removed simply by attacking the spriggan (no need to kill it). I haven't tested the script so let me know if it works. Cheers.
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The fixed burnt spriggan script didn't work for me, but i think that my problem is actually coming from the Skyrim Immersive Creatures burnt spriggan script. And seeing as how i know nothing about scripting or using the creation kit, i think i am screwed with that character. Thanks again for your hard work, though, i really appreciate it!


Edit: Nevermind, it worked! Turns out i was loading a SIC spriggan instead of the official DLC spriggan, as soon as i loaded the correct creature, one hit and the effect was gone! Thanks so much, for real!

Edited by Faydead85
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I've been struggling with this too, I can't seem to fix it. I've tried removing the spells listed in my log, it didn't help. I don't know what to do, maybe a picture of my character with the effect around him will enlighten some of you.

By the way, I've found a save where this wasn't happening yet and I haven't added or removed any mod since then, except for autosave manager which has nothing to do with magic effects... Really, I haven't done that much, probably killed a dragon, finished a part of that quest where you have to find pieces of Mehrune's razor, stole a bunch of stuff. My equipment is the same, too. I will revert to that save if need be, but I'd rather not if possible.


EDIT: Got it. Frost Atronach. Somehow I had missed it in the first page.


Still, I wonder how in Oblivion this effect got stuck on my character...


Anyway, thanks for the incredibly useful thread, steve40.

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I have quite the annoying problem myself.


It seems to be two effects seem to be quite present on my character at ALL times.


A snowy effect emitting from my boots and ash literally covering my character in a fog can be seen anywhere I go, whether it be Solstheim or Skyrim. I have confirmed this to not be the Ash Guardian Effect as I already have attempted to remove it as seen below in the pictures. The frost on the feet is also something I have yet to be able to find a remedy for. If anyone has any sort of idea what this could be?



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