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[WIP] Commonwealth of Modders


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off-topic sorry... (or specify context next time plz)

anyway there aint a mod merger yet... tes4gecko works to some extend tho; merging oblivion with fallout mods = no way


aight a merry xmas season and a happy new year's eve to everyone! see you next year :P

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i just checked out the work Jaysus, i gotta say im highly impressed.


ims still working on geck-ifying my releases (and adding new ones) but id like to know how to add my stuff into vendor (if its possible) also, if you dont mind, id like to do a bit more decorations in my vendors cabin. (using my weapons, of course :happy: )

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hi guys :)

im back from my outlandish wasteland travels in the cold north lol... somin like real life beta testing the anchorage expansion...



yupiee :) thx man job handed over... but could you plz make a real spliff too? i mean nothing gainst american or french style bliffies but i prefer the good ol dutch inside out with a rolled paper filter and a very conic shape...

may pm you a pic if you need ;) oh and dont forget the weed itself tho it might be kinda hard lol... such a bud has a very distinctive structure and lots of detail but a good normal should do the job i guess



growlf and malo realized the filename of the esm (master main base mod) needs to stay the same, so ill try to finish that episode/setting/outpost this weekend or early next week at least as far as the compatibility issue goes

anyway in the readme i describe how its done i think but if somin was unclear ill try to remember lol:




all in GECK:


-load fallout.esm and the COMMHSC.esm

(or whatever the name will be, prolly that one, works yet with the released name just not if i change the name and i think i should)


-create your items


-go to the levelled items and look for a levelled list with your name in it, there are 15 (a sufficent number i guess but can be expanded if i update the main mod whilst keeping compatibility... i guess lol... 85%)


-choose one and write it down or just remember it... id start with AAHSCvendorListvash01


-add all the items to it you want to add with that mod and modify their spawn settings as you like

(you only use one list per addon-mod - thus 15 lists equal the ability for 15 addons)

(if you need for some reason use two its not my buisiness lol, just tell me once yours are all used up so i can add more)


-save under a nice name preferebly using COMM at the start of its name so users can search for them more easily if i didnt add them to the description yet,

i think i can somehow even give you write access to the file so you can add that link yourself...


well thats it, kinda streamlined if you ask me :)




as to you changing your cabin i think that should work aswell, or maybe not lol... maybe i should give each cabin its own cell? then there would definately be no conflict...

but you could only change it once unlike with the lists... as each of your mods would overwrite and not add to the new content xcept its in an esm - but i think making all addons esm packages brings tooooooo maaaaaany new problems if its even possible lol


so own cells for each shop... well ok lol... ill just hang out on the main lobby bridge deck thing i guess ;) im the captn afterall harrharr (good laugh for a captn i think...)


growlf will prolly end up as the part time medic



tributes and homages? opinions plz


saidens. (name changed to protect the peronality) the villain as seen in the logbook




i think some of the nexus staff should also get tributes...


and the nifskope team




else i forgot?



posssible fixes to espisode 1:


a new speed boat model,

some weed

better sub and interior sub

some other rocks

a fixed wire suspension for the platform at the radio station

i could redo most of the mod and fix the non-english version bug in rivet city lol... which would nevertheless suck brutally as the terrain is a pain in the ass as is all that dialogue creation for the merchants not to speak of the hundreds of levelled lists for you guys lol... cells i could prolly just copy paste- at least their items

or dows someone know how to undo changes to a dialogue and reset em to vanilla so it wont modify those? fomm mabye? --- edit: mmh seems fomm fixed it lol (i deleted all vanilla thingies i accidently changed but might have made a mistake by overwriting somin important if i messed up lol)... gotta test it abit ;)



addon content:

radio station - i had one ready but it sucks still


so im tired later

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i made a lil mistake in the description vash, you need to load the master file aswell and not just create the lists or it ll create new ones and not overwrite them...

the way in my last post above here should work (does for malo, growlf and me - tested with 2 list addons by myself so im quite confident it does)

oh and you must wait 3 days after the addon got activated... annoying but realitstic... and i know no way to change it atm... ( i bet thats why you didnt see em... patience! :P)


@growlf... i dunno but maybe its those new nifskope versions you use that cause this behavior?

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k you 4 got your cells now, feel free to extend, clutter and modify em

or just go with em a bit dunno your choice :) but plz keep the overall shape of the submarine in mind

they are exactly the same as before right now just in seperate cells


still need to finish brurpos logo as i missed an "R" lol... damn it...


else... mmh...


oh and the language conflict is gone for good... all uncleaniness of the mod removed as far as i can see :) thx to FOMM

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