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Next TES game setting?!


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Which province do you hope to see featured in the next TES games?!


Summerset Isle is one I think I may like. It sounds utterly beautiful. Plus, elves ROCK. Long live the Altmer.


Though, I don't know how terribly much I like the idea of the game being set on an island, so I think Valenwood has my vote, because wood elves are just awesome and one of my favourite TES races. Plus its supposed to be really foresty. I like forests!


Black Marsh I think would be an AMAZING setting and land to explore, though it might be difficult to do because of how wild and swampy it is, and it's supposed to be extremely difficult for non-Argonians to survive there. Though I'd love Beth forever if they found a way to do it. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif


It might be cool if they remade High Rock and Hammerfell, since they haven't been seen since the super oldie games (which don't really provide a good representation anyway since all the terrain was randomized).


Personally, I think a remake of Morrowind (the province, not the game) would be amazing, featuring the WHOLE province, not just Vvardenfell. Like, in the wake of the volcano disaster, the Dark Elves are trying to rebuild, take back their land and beat back the lizard people. Wicked. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif



Edited by Lehcar
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i hope Vallenwood or Elsweyr or Black marsh!


I espcially want to see Elsweyr, cause I think the khajitt have some massive pyramids in those desserts, that would be cool.

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I wonder if they'll combine two lands, like Elsweyr and Valenwood. Otherwise the game worlds are going to get smaller and smaller...


Who says they will? They can scale them up. Realistically, Tamriel's a crap ton bigger than in the last three games. They can make Elsweyr as big as they made Skyrim, all that matters is that Skyrim and the other provinces are scaled up properly as well...

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Tamrial is just one side of the planet! imagine what the northpole would be like! or the :O OTHER SIDE of the planet would be like! O m gee


Edit; has anyone noticed that Highrock + Hammerfell kinda look like Europe?

Edited by Bjornheim
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