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What are the "Black Planes" about

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They are there to make objects "invisible" to the ingame map (in interiors).


They are placed "higher" then the things that they should "hide".


Then, when the "interior-map" gets generated, all of the "blacked - out" things get "not shown" on the PIP-boy map.

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Yes, no problem ...


At first I also was confused about them too, but then I accidently hit a key once that showed everything from the top view. And then it looked like the black planes made it so that only the actual interior was shown and not the things that "clipped" outside of the actual "playable" area.


It was then, when I realized that the "interior" maps are generatred "at runtime".

Until then I thought that those "interior maps" were somehow like "premade images", if you know what I mean ...


This was back in the good old days of "modding skyrim", when everything was much easier ...

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  • 3 years later...
1 hour ago, Qrsr said:

Is it possible that the black planes force the interior map to be generated at all?

Think of Black Planes as objects that draw black void.  That's the reason why you place them as the top most objects.  It's a very primitive system.  🙂

Additionally, the "Hidden from Local Map" check box in the object reference window is for preventing objects from being included in the Local Map you see in Pip Boy.

Edited by DiodeLadder
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16 minutes ago, DiodeLadder said:

Additionally, the "Hidden from Local Map" check box in the object reference window is for preventing objects from being included in the Local Map you see in Pip Boy.

That makes sense and would help to circumvent the black plane logic.

My question was more, if black planes force the mini map to render, i noticed i made i mistake when doing research, if a new cell is entered and player char did not move so far, the minimap appear to be empty. 🙂 lol

As for black planes, they can be very handy to place them behind doors to hide the empty space, used for a bunch of load doors by default, in vanilla as well. thanks.

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