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Graphics card advice please


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At the moment, all the computers in this house share a TNT2 between them since my Geforce 4 Ti 4200 died again (ie, I confiscated the TNT2 while the Geforce has been sent back to the shop under warranty). I'm not looking to update the Geforce just yet - it still has another year and a half of warranty on it, but for a cheap card to upgrade the old computer.


I don't want to spend a lot on it, but I think the kids would appreciate something a bit better than a TNT2 (though at least that card is now several years old and has never malfunctioned.....).


So, my question is, what's the best bargain card out there?



Within budget & available locally are:


GeForce Galaxy MX 4000 128Mb


Geforce 4 MX 440 64Mb Chaintech


ATi Radeon Sapphire PCi 64Mb


ATi Radeon Xpertvision 9200LE 128Mb



Geforce 4 MX 440 128Mb


Mentor Geforce 4 128Mb FX5200 TD Dvi


128Mb DDR ATi Radeon 9200 SE



Do any of these cards support pixel shading? I've had a look at the nvidia website, but unfortunately the information given there wasn't in simple enough terms... :blink:



Which one of those cards would be a good buy for a cheap upgrade?


I would probably prefer nvidia just because the nvidia drivers are already on the systems :D

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Whereever you see "MX" next to a GeForce card....shudder, then go "screw that"


They're not gaming cards, they're graphic development cards (and sucky ones at that).


Can't really help you with old cards though, sorry.

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I know it's not on your list but I personally would go for ATI's Radeon 9600 pro... it's not too expensive and it runs great....


What processor do you have? It might be a better idea to upgrade that first. My current processor is actually holding my videocard's power back! Processors make more of a difference in quality of gaming than videocards. Upgrade that first, then see if you need a new videocard. By that time, ATI will have released a videocard and prices will drop a lot on the older models.


quick tip: newegg.com rules!!

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umm..... I don't want to spend a lot of money on the old computer, and as I said, I'm not planning on upgrading mine yet.



Upgrading the old computer would involve


- new motherboard

- new processor

- bigger hard drive

- more RAM


as well as a new graphics card



Which is why I decided to get a new computer last year instead, and passed the old one down to the kids :lol:




So the MX cards are no use? damn.... that seems to rule out most of what's within budget (around £40) :/


Is the FX 5200 any use?

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FX 5200's are pretty good. if your looking for a gaming card, I would say that is your best option for price and purpose. What is your budget? You can usually find a good deal at newegg.com... I made an awesome computer with everything for just over $600!! I still use that computer today!


SOYO Motherboard (old chipset)

AMD 2600+ processor

ATI Radeon 9600pro

80 GB hard drive

ATX case

256MB 2700 RAM


It works great...


come to think of it, it's time to upgrade!! newegg.com here i come!!

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Lol, the Geforce 4 was the only component I ever bought online - everything else was purchased from local shops. And since this is now the second time the Geforce has been returned to the shop I'm getting a bit fed up with having to package it and post it every few months.


I've got a couple of good local computer stores nearby which offer excellent service, so I'd rather buy any further components there.



Does anyone know if the FX 5200 supports pixel shading?

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Can't speak for the FX cards Theta, but it looks like tyjet isn't getting the net on your budget. newegg.com is an American distributer...I normally order my PC components from dabs.com or novatech.co.uk - both are priced much better than any local shops - and I know Dabs deliver next day if ordered before something like 1pm.


What processor has your old PC got, Theta? Anything above about 1.2Ghz and the GFX is next on the upgrade list. Else you may want to look into a new mobo, processor AND gfx card, since only the recent components can deal with pixel shading.

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i heard mention of the ATI Radeon 9600 pro, the thing is the 9600 se is less expensive and the performance drop is bairly noticable. i got a 9600se for $70 and it came with Rainbow6 3 Raven Sheild. I cant remeber the exact numbers but the core and mem clocks arn't that far off yet the price is. Thats my advice. If your good with GeForce then the 9600 se rates between the 5700 and the 5800.
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Can't speak for the FX cards Theta, but it looks like tyjet isn't getting the net on your budget. newegg.com is an American distributer...I normally order my PC components from dabs.com or novatech.co.uk - both are priced much better than any local shops - and I know Dabs deliver next day if ordered before something like 1pm.


What processor has your old PC got, Theta? Anything above about 1.2Ghz and the GFX is next on the upgrade list. Else you may want to look into a new mobo, processor AND gfx card, since only the recent components can deal with pixel shading.

Lol, it's a 600MHz AMD Athlon - when it had the Geforce 4 in it Morrowind ran ok, and pixel shading worked, too. Even with the TNT2 Morrowind runs....just about.


The main reason for wanting to get components locally is that it's less hassle to return them when they go wrong



Thanks for the link too, Dark0ne...but when I try to go to the Dabs site it doesn't work....keeps reloading itself :/

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