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Erotic Bethesda Mods and Sexuality


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I wondered about anime/manga in the past.... as most of it that I see is young girls in dresses so short you can see their undies when standing upright... boys carrying absurdly large swords...... I mean, seriously, is "anime" japanese for "Porn"?


Japan has always had a liberated and open minded cultural view on sexuality. As time has gone by, Japans culture has accelerated sexually as well as to some degree perverse in their media outlets compaired to other cultures. Once before the internet, It might have seemed very taboo and in bad taste in the perception of western society to see cartoonish media displaying school girls occasionally flashing thier panties and innuendos suggesting something one would think only a pervert would do, yet this is just how Japan has been culturally.


Yes over time some Japanese Anime has evolved in exagerated ways where there are "girls in dresses so short you can see their undies". But to a culture that has grown up with this kind of stuff it's not even thought as being anything really shocking.


Being an American some cultures think it's very weird we eat corn, because to some cultures it's only used to feed dog or animals. Just imagine how absurd one might think seeing someone eat corn in front of them would be when one is raised on the idea corn is just dog food.


In Japan Their "female porn stars" are called and concider "idols" and are not viewed as being something trashy.


Even Japans public television will allow anime programs to be broadcasted and viewed by teenagers and children where some of the anime girls will be briefly nude or naked showing off just their boobs.


Yet for a liberated and open minded cultural on sexuality they have strange censorship laws where any depiction of a penis or vagina has to be pixelated and any form of media or entertainment has be censored that displays any type of sexual intercourse or sexual penetration in any means. Which you ask me one thing I find very silly about japans censorship laws is that in japanese erotica a womans vagina will be completely pixelated yet it's some how ok for their butthole to be completely uncencered... But these Laws only apply to anything produced or made in the actual country that is intended for distribution or sale.

Edited by colourwheel
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I don't have a problem with nudity and I don't really give a monkey's about most of the sex mods. I object to sexualised violence being glamourised in any way.


I have a problem with double standards, like those fanboys who download various huge boob mods coming to mod pages of people who make NSFW stuff for male characters and posting anti-gay comments.

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There are a few likely reasons. One is hormones, as you said.


Another reason is that sex is considered taboo in many cultures. When something like the internet comes along, all those repressed feelings use it as an outlet.


Yep and one of the worst cultures for it is the Anglo-Saxon one, it's where the Victorian attitudes towards sex and sexuality are still very much alive. Look at the controversy surrounding the San Andreas Hot Coffee mini game, there was uproar because the character could be seen being intimate with his girlfriend yet in the same game you can have sex (unseen of course) with a prostitute and then shoot her in the face to get your money back, that of course was fine. There is something very wrong with a culture that sees sexuality as dirty and wrong while at the same time being accepting of violence.

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There is no single "one size fits all", when it comes to eroticism ... a romantic candlelit dinner can fan the flame of passion

just as equally for one person as pouring the hot wax from said candle across (wherever) for another.

A person and their fetish is a private matter ... as an adult, so I'm not going there.

However, when it comes to gaming, many of the mods created push a person - of an impressionable age - off into an arena

where they shouldn't be ... because quite honestly it's premature.

My nephew is just entering his teens and his hormones are currently doing the backflip ... any woman who has breasts larger

than his handfull is an object of discussion and intense ogling and scrutiny.

That's all he has on his mind ... he knows my thoughts on the mnatter (that it's not a subject up for discussion) so he invents

ways (he thinks) that will fool me into talking about it.


As his aunt, I have to reign him in during any excursion to the mall and ANY game - wer're both gamers - that has even

the slightest hint of a busty damsel is one he holds onto for dear life and then the begging and whinning begins ... Please,

please, please buy this game for me !!!

I couldnt get rid of him when I had Calientes mod on my PC ... he just "had to have a turn" playing and "when was I going to

buy the game for him".


I dread the thought and the state of my electric recliner (my gaming chair) if I had I left him alone for a day during the school


The entire industry is geared towards sales figures and sex sells ... and just as the face of Helen of Troy set sail to a 1000

ships, the naked thigh will set sail to a 100,000 copies of the game.


It's not just Bethesda or the modders, it's something that's across the board everywhere.

Best thing is to simply police it and enforce your standards.


My personal take on the issue is that pornography promises intimacy but only produces distance and so I stay away from it.

It promises to give you a good time but that seems to me to be ... you and the image in front of you or in your mind ... alone in

the room, let's not even go there.

Soon you discover that you're spending less time with your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse and you have the door closed and

locked ... Now it's a problem !


Anyhow, as an adult that's your business like I've said but when it comes to the "under-aged", just don't give them access.

My one main and serious concern is that of mods that allow you to interact with children that could be used for paedohpilia,

hell I don't care if it isn't real, it's the thought in this instance that get's me concerned.

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Anyhow, as an adult that's your business like I've said but when it comes to the "under-aged", just don't give them access.


This is the huge problem about videos games these days since almost every nation has different Video game content rating system standards.




If you look over this you can see some Videogames can be marketed in one nation to be "T" for Teen and yet in another would restricted to an older audience unless accompanied by an adult for the same game.


Entertainment Software Rating Board has very mild standards for western societies in my opinion because You can own an xbox 360 and play an online shooter game that would be rated "M" for mature and endup some how finding yourself in a random game lobby playing with some 10 year old kid that has a problem cursing every other world that comes out of their mouth.


I kinda agree with Bben here...


If you are between 13 and 18, you are not supposed to be looking at the adult mods, and can be banned for doing so.


If you are under 13 - you are not supposed to be here anyway. Does your mommy know you play adult rated games? :whistling:


Video gaming in western societies has evolved to a more adult audience, just like other media outlets have in the past...


Parrents these days have a big responsibility to monitor thier children playing games just like a parrent would to restrict them from watching certain TV shows or movies.


If you have a child that you let play games like "Oblivion" or "skyrim" etc... You should ask yourself do you let them freely watch adult TV and Pornography in your living room?

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Anyhow, as an adult that's your business like I've said but when it comes to the "under-aged", just don't give them access.


This is the huge problem about videos games these days since almost every nation has different Video game content rating system standards.




If you look over this you can see some Videogames can be marketed in one nation to be "T" for Teen and yet in another would restricted to an older audience unless accompanied by an adult for the same game.


Entertainment Software Rating Board has very mild standards for western societies in my opinion because You can own an xbox 360 and play an online shooter game that would be rated "M" for mature and endup some how finding yourself in a random game lobby playing with some 10 year old kid that has a problem cursing every other world that comes out of their mouth.


I kinda agree with Bben here...


If you are between 13 and 18, you are not supposed to be looking at the adult mods, and can be banned for doing so.


If you are under 13 - you are not supposed to be here anyway. Does your mommy know you play adult rated games? :whistling:


Video gaming in western societies has evolved to a more adult audience, just like other media outlets have in the past...


Parrents these days have a big responsibility to monitor thier children playing games just like a parrent would to restrict them from watching certain TV shows or movies.


If you have a child that you let play games like "Oblivion" or "skyrim" etc... You should ask yourself do you let them freely watch adult TV and Pornography in your living room?


And therein lies the rub. The problem is, a significant percentage of parents DON'T monitor their children, don't pay any attention at all to game ratings. (or any other ratings for that matter) and if a game can capture the kids attention for several hours at a stretch, so much the better. Then THEY don't have to deal with him/her.


I think the major difference in game ratings from country to country is a reflection of their social mores. In some places, sex isn't an issue, but, violence is. In others, it's the opposite....

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My own take on it - These are ADULT games. It says so in the description and in the reviews. If the sight of a naked (or skimpily dressed) computer rendered representation of a human (or demi-human) body bothers you, you shouldn't be playing adult games. (And you should probably stay out of art museums. :tongue:). If you cannot behave like an adult, go back to your Lego Star Wars - oops, The lego Leia has a skimpy outfit :facepalm:. How about Mario? Nope, Peach looks too anime. Guess you are just out of luck.


:wallbash: For the love of...


Skimpy dresses doesn't make the game "adult". Having everyone being dresses for titilation purposes doesn't make the game "adult". Violence doesn't make the game "adult". Rape and domestic violence doesn't make the game "adult". Racism doesn't make the game "adult". People seem to think that something rated M for Mature or MA15+ or PEGI 18 makes the game "adult" and "mature" when half of them are just excessive violence and people swearing like five year olds. The whole point of the rating system is to prevent kids from emulating those kinds of things, it is backwards, the more excessive things are the higher the rating goes. You can have a completely adult game without violence or foul mouthing or anything else, like Journey or Dear Ester. I get it, some like to mod their games to the point of titilation purposes, it's not going to change and I'm not going to try. But to say that somehow that having people dress around with nothing but a skimpy outfit makes the game "adult" brings the gaming industry down and says a lot about the players in general. It really has nothing to do with kids and I don't know why some would bring it up.

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If you are between 13 and 18, you are not supposed to be looking at the adult mods, and can be banned for doing so.


If you are under 13 - you are not supposed to be here anyway. Does your mommy know you play adult rated games? :whistling:


Let's be honest here. I'm sure you moderators understand that neither you nor this website and community have much power to prevent teenagers from lying about their age when they register in order to access the adult-content. I suppose once in a while some stupid kid will reveal his real age somehow in a forum post or something.


My point is that the rules and regulations surrounding the internet and minors are useless if there isn't an entity to enforce them. *Cough* *Cough* parents...


If parents don't get involved in their child's "second life", what are we supposed to do about it when we find out middle-schoolers are engaging in sexual acts out of curiosity and shock value? Act surprised that 9th grade sexual education programs are now being taught to 7th graders? The hypocrisy!


And don't tell me that any form of government intervention outside of spreading public awareness is the answer. Parents need to start caring more. I'll be damned if I let my kid(s) grow up influenced by some of the deviant, morally debase, vulgar and disrepectful kids I have encountered on the internet, doing things they should very well not be doing.


I don't have a problem with kids 10+ playing Halo online or anything, but I do when parents aren't checking in on them every now and then to make sure they are being respectful towards other players. Parents these days are just enablers. If I found out my kid was being as disrespectful as some of the kids I've heard on Xbox Live Voice Chat, I would take a hammer and destroy the console, yet most parents just ignore it because they are lazy.

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What is "adult" and "non-adult", is easy to define ...


You're under 18, living under my roof, sleeping on the bed I paid for, eating the food I paid for, watching the TV I

paid for etc., etc., and so the answer is ... NO, you cannot watch that, play that game or mess about with Suzie,

Jimmy or whoever on that bed or anywhere else in my home ... because you're legally considered a "minor" and

I'm an "adult" so I get to make the rules.


So until you have your own place that you pay for, in which case you can watch what you want to, play what and with whom

you want to, and where you want to ... because then you're going to be 18 yrs old and considered by law and society to

be an "adult".


Adult is anything that the basic law says you can or cannot do until you're legally of age ... 18 ...

Anything else just evolves into a moral war which should be ignored.


Btw, I consider game ratings to be useless and irrelevant.

The strict policing by the Nexus to enforce it's "legally 18" policy is truly something that not only I but the majority of "adult's"

here wholeheartedly endorse and support.


As an adult it's your business what mods you create or use !

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I agree to a certain degree game ratings can be useless and irrelevant when it comes to regulating children playing games intended for adults, yet the video game content rating system is still very important. For parrents not very knowledgeable or actively aware with what is happening in the gaming culture would be less clueless to the actual content within videogames.


Imagine if other media outlets like TV and movies didn't have a rating system. It would be very difficult to make judgement on what you would let your child watch...


Rating systems alone won't stop children from playing adult games and I am sure it was not intended on to begin with. But back around 2001 when I worked at a gamexchange and a Game Stop for a year The big hit on the gaming market was GTA "vice city". When this game 1st came out I couldn't sell this game to anyone who was not atleast 18.


When a parrent came into the store with their child countless times I would have parrents buying this particular game for their child without any idea of the controversial content the game held. On occasion when a parrent would be waiting to buy the game in line at the register (ussually their mother) would be reading the back and then see "Blood and Gore, Strong Sexual Content, Strong language, Violence, Prostitution, etc..." They would then turn and look at their child and not buy the game for them. The kid would then go into a hissy fit as their parrent drags them out of the store by their arm while screeming and crying "...but all my friends have this game too, it's not fair!!!..."


Without a very imformative rating system most parrents who do not play video games would not have the slightest idea or be aware what their children are actually playing.

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