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Erotic Bethesda Mods and Sexuality


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Since my first Bethesda game I always download a nude bodies mod,but in my mind I doesn't relate nudity to sex at all. :mellow:

I actually have installed the UNP body in Skyrim,and believe or not I only saw the naked body once,right after installing the mod,just to see how it looks in the game.

I installed it for the shake of immersion. So if I ever take a dead body's clothes off they are naked.

Since then I've never seen a naked person in my Skyrim,simply because I never needed to steal the clothes and armors the npcs are wearing. All of their armors and clothes suck anyway...

Edited by Alithinos
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ironically, erotic and revealing mod seems more popular and have bigger endorsement rather than lore-friendly mod. and the peak of the sexy, erotic mod are skyrim. rather pointless skimpy female clothing mod with minimal protection always have a place on the nexus and always entering hot files. come on, you can't fight a dragon while wearing bikini. you'll get roasted or smashed or worse, devoured. if i create a clothing mod on skyrim i'll never ever give permission for making my mod skimpier.
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Sometimes bikini armor can be the best defence ever. Most likely it's a deterrent distraction against men to fight in almost nothing so their eye's are not focused on fighting. :laugh: lol "Oh, you were looking at my breast this whole time?... too bad you're going to die soon since I chopped off both your arms." :tongue:

Edited by colourwheel
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I definitely agree with what you say about how Ratings can act as a guide for parents/guardians who might otherwise not have a clue about the content of games that they consider buying for their children. I'd also agree that these could and should be more strict and more explicit about what comes in the game. Perhaps some games should have wrappers around them like "certain" publications at corner stores (or cigarettes!) vividly displaying the "best" examples of what is inside. Not that that would do much for digital purchases, however... (though I'm sure something similar could be worked out).


I also agree with Nintii and others saying that parents need to step up and actually put in the work necessary to preventing kids from accessing material that they aren't meant to. That probably should mean things like no computers/tv's IN a child's room, and strict control over bought games and programs watched. Clearly the internet is still (and probs forever will be) the "wild" west, but that doesn't mean that involved parents can't take the initiative ahead of time. Due to the demands of the modern economy, often one or both parents won't be around at some point when a child is--and I'm really not sure that there is much that can be done about that--but perhaps that's where more proactive education about sexuality and having good manners (even to strangers!) can come into play. If sex isn't so foreign and new for teenagers (due to not being overly prudish about it around the dinner table), perhaps teenagers won't find it necessary to bend over backwards being devious and rotten in order to seek out the forbidden fruit.


Finally, I detest "skimpy anime" mods, "Size Quadrupple Z Cup" mods, Rape mods--all that jazz. I feel this way for varying reasons: from trivializing the game and its message (anime) to sexual objectification (ZZZZ Cup), to just promoting highly regressive, dangerous, and sick attitudes toward sex and gender (Rape). Obviously, most fetishes are weird and harmless, but some definitely cross a red line that modding communities really should throw the gauntlet down on. I don't care if somebody wants BDSM or hairy bear (not the animal) housecarls in their Skyrim, but I do care if somebody wants to go after children or go on a forced sex rampage. I think that nudity mods are fine and probably more lore-friendly than weird medieval underwear on poverty-stricken bandits. I'm not down with adding anime ears to everything or skimpy armor because I respect the developers enough to want to experience the game more or less as they had intended (aka go play a JRPG if you want a JRPG).

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Let me just clear the air here... This Modding community does not endorse or support any mods that include Rape or Child pornography. I can understand your personal view on not liking some particular modding adding unrealist or exaggerated themes that are beyond a gaming devolopers intent, but no one is forcing anyone to download anything. lore-friendly or not you should respect the modders as well as the developers.


I particularlly do not like certian types of mods either yet I will still respect the creativity that goes behind almost anything. Over sexualized and sexy costume mods is not and has never been a huge problem other than taking up download traffic...

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Let me just clear the air here... This Modding community does not endorse or support any mods that include Rape or Child pornography. I can understand your personal view on not liking some particular modding adding unrealist or exaggerated themes that are beyond a gaming devolopers intent, but no one is forcing anyone to download anything. lore-friendly or not you should respect the modders as well as the developers.


I particularlly do not like certian types of mods either yet I will still respect the creativity that goes behind almost anything. Over sexualized and sexy costume mods is not and has never been a huge problem other than taking up download traffic...


EDIT: to be more polite.


Definitely not wanting to insinuate that we here support things like that. But like HeyYou mentioned several pages back, certain "communities" (other websites) seem to view mod-able games as nothing but a platform to express their (highly illegal) fantasies. Were I am game developer, I would be horrified to think that certain people were thinking "Oh yeah! Look at those realistic skeletons and physics... I'll bet we can make such awesome [insert fetish] mods out of those"--utterly not caring about the game apart from it being a vehicle for their own sexual expression.


Also I'll have to agree to disagree about some of the "skimpy/anime" mods. With the caveat that some are definitely more well done than others (I'll acknowledge the real difference between an inspired anime armor and a relatively straightforward "strip everything down to the g-string" "armor"), I do not view it is singularly positive that the these types of mods are so overwhelmingly popular, especially vis-a-vis more conservative and lore-friendly styles.


So no, I don't think that all mods or modders are deserving of the same acclaim. I think that skimpy/anime strip-down mods tend to overshadow lore-friendly mods and I'm pretty sure a quick search of "most downloaded' probably bears that out. It is definitely true that nobody forces one to download these, but by the same token I routinely want to table flip my computer when I open five "most recent" mods that sound interesting, only to find out that they are skimpy re-works of Triss Armor.


As in art, not all artists are created equally--nor should their work be considered equal simply because it is all considered "art."

Edited by sukeban
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Let me just clear the air here... This Modding community does not endorse or support any mods that include Rape or Child pornography. I can understand your personal view on not liking some particular modding adding unrealist or exaggerated themes that are beyond a gaming devolopers intent, but no one is forcing anyone to download anything. lore-friendly or not you should respect the modders as well as the developers.


I particularlly do not like certian types of mods either yet I will still respect the creativity that goes behind almost anything. Over sexualized and sexy costume mods is not and has never been a huge problem other than taking up download traffic...


Definitely not wanting to insinuate that we here support things like that. But like HeyYou mentioned several pages back, certain "communities" seem to view mod-able games as nothing but a platform to express their heinous fantasies. Were I am game developer, I would be horrified to think that certain people were thinking "Oh yeah! Look at those realistic skeletons and textures... I'll bet we can make such awesome [insert vile fetish] mods out of those"--utterly not caring about the game apart from it being a vehicle for perverse sexual expression.


Also I'll have to agree to disagree about some of the worst "skimpy/anime" modders. With the caveat that some are more "well done" than others (I'll acknowledge a difference between an inspired anime armor and a simple "strip everything down to the g-string" "armor"), I do view it is a disservice to other modders that the these types of mods are so outrageously popular, especially when contrasted with the seriously hard work involved in the more conservative and lore-friendly mods. I have little skill at working with meshes, but even I could "strip" down iron armor into an iron g-string and post it up on the Nexus. What I couldn't do is sit down and come up with a genuinely creative new armor set in either a lore-friendly or anime style.


So no, I don't respect all modders equally. I think that lower skill/low quality skimpy mods tend to overshadow higher quality mods and I'm pretty sure a quick search of "most downloaded' probably bears that out. It is definitely true that nobody forces one to download these, but by the same token I routinely want to table flip my computer when I open five "most recent" mods that sound interesting, only to find out that they are just lame skimpy re-works of Triss Armor.


As in art, not all artists are created equally--nor should their work be considered equal simply because it is all considered "art." A child can color with a crayon (though Jackson Pollack can also be acclaimed L_L); that is great for a placemat at a restaurant but does not deserve to hang alongside a Monet.


And I strongly resent your equation of skimpy with "lower skill" "low quality". Since you have little skill at working with meshes, it is not justified to denigrate the work of others. I have worked with both humannature66 and the Gloss House Team and beta tested the e55 body mod. If only you knew how much sweat and how many hours go into messing with meshes for things like both body mods and original clothing mods, you would not say that. Just getting them to work at all on Skyrim is an achievement sometimes! And the CK isn't a barrel of laughs at times either.

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I absolutely agree Ginny. I would imagine, though I'm no expert, that nude body meshing would be a very difficult process indeed. When you compare the amount of poly in a convincing naked body to the poly count of baggy robes, I would expect a huge disparity, given the complex geometry entailed in human anatomy. Even more so, it's just not fair to denigrate a mod as "rubbish quality" or "inferior" just because it doesn't fit your tastes or beliefs. Some people probably think the armour you wear is an insult to the very concept of fashion.


Other points to draw attention to before continuing: Nudists. Some people are nudists, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if they took that into games. It's their character afterall. Secondly, cultural trends. There's a fair bit of erotica in Anime, that's just something you've got to expect. Different cultures have very different beliefs regarding sexuality and nudity-we Westerners tend to be very prudish, but take a look at Ancient India or Rome, there are other belief sets, and we need to be conscious of that fact.


As far as my personal belief goes, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. I don't see any moral issue with putting erotic content into a SINGLE PLAYER game, or, if you've created that content, uploading it on a website where it's acceptable. Skimpy outfits don't bother me as long as they're optional, and out-and-out sex mods don't bother me either. To toss my two cents into the pot I feel more embarrised by modern western ideas regarding sex than sex itself. Sex is a natural thing, it's where babies come from A, and B even in a recreational sense it's not only common in humans, but animals aswell. With regards to video games and skimpy outfits-go to a nightclub some time, I'll wager you'll see more destinct navels per hour than you would in Skyrim even with nude mods installed.


People who react with abject horror to the very notion of sex, aswell as the "moral police" who think sexuality is sinful, I find, are a far more pressing worry than video games portraying erotic content. If it wasn't for sex, you wouldn't even exist!

Edited by Vindekarr
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People who react with abject horror to the very notion of sex, aswell as the "moral police" who think sexuality is sinful, I find, are a far more pressing worry than video games portraying erotic content. If it wasn't for sex, you wouldn't even exist!


^^This. A lot of the whining from loremongers isn't about lore, it's about sexuality. If someone uploads a modern weapon for Fallout you rarely hear a peep out of the loremongers despite that weapon not being remotely lore friendly, compare that to what happens when someone uploads a female outfit that isn't lore friendly.

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