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Erotic Bethesda Mods and Sexuality


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I don't think it's a moral or amoral issue. It all falls in the hands of the sites rules and community rules. If people who do not respect what a modding site community dictates and upholds regaurdless if one believe or likes what is being accepted as content to be offered, one should respect anything and everything that the site has to offer regaurdless if they do not like something or not. If one is so strongly against what a site has to offer they have a choice to be part of the community or not. For example if bethesda as a software developer had such a problem with what they intended or not to be modded for their games I am sure they would just stop all support for anyone to bebale to modify their products.


Agian no one is forcing anyone to download anything for their games. It's a choice. Being part of a community reguardless of approving or liking something one should still respect what the site has to offer and the modders that help to keep the community strong and growing.

You are right on what you are saying,but let me add another piece.

What I see is that many people seem to think that their tastes are the only tastes normal people should have. This thread along with many others are just "hey I don't like this stuff so how stupid/perverted are all of you that you like something I don't ?"

The problem that exists,thankfully not in the majority is that some people can't stand seeing that others have different tastes than them. The thing with tastes is that every person has its own. There is not a total of specified tastes that all people should have,each of us is a unique person,and as our personalities/characters are unique,the logical and next thing to happen is that our tastes along with our opinions and maybe other things are different from one another. That's is the natural and reasonable thing to happen.

Someone might hate cheese. That does't mean that those who eat cheese are weirdos or that cheese isn't to like.


I parallel food to sex mods,because what's important is to realize that different people have different tastes,something which is true to almost anything,including food,clothing,hobbies,and yes even game changing mods. I use a nude body mod and a few revealing clothes mods (some of them made from you! :tongue: ) but I haven't used any of the mods like the ones that make characters have sex yet.

This is mostly because they will be either a) huge in seize which makes it very boring for me to wait for them to download or b) require additional other mods required to run who aren't your usual (esp,folder) structure.


I do find some mods to be too extreme for my taste and I don't like them. But that doesn't make me bash the mods or their authors.


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most people get banned by insulting skimpy outfit like saying the mod are gay but i've never seen someone banned because of insulting non-lore friendly weapon mod. weird huh? and skimpy outfit insulting seems only happen on skyrim and maybe oblivion nexus.


Actually this is not true. However the weapon was a male genitalia so it was I guess...very un-lore friendly. :thumbsup:

I have also seen folks banned or gotten in trouble for trolling gun mods in the fantasy RPG.



Also the issue is that nudity (at least in America) always seems to get sexualized. Sometimes its naked not nekked (for those not from the south in the U.S. "naked" is when you don't have on clothes, "nekked" is when you don't have on clothes and are getting into trouble, lol.)

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I've read Freud and Jung and I've watched plenty of Bugs Bunny cartoons. I know psycho-babble when I see it.


What is the typical age group of erotic mod users?

I can say with 100% confidence the 'typical users' of my ero-adult mods are 35+. (verifiable by Nexus forum profiles)


Anyone else have similar experiences growing up?

I feel that the majority of erotic mod users are in fact under the age of 18

Total BS. (my opinion) "You feel" equates to some sort of AA type cult where 'the opinoins expressed, etc.' manifest as facts..when they ARE NOT.


Not trying to hate here, but I believe...

Well..yeah..Sifting through the pseudo-psycho BS...YOU ARE 'hating'. Adult mod users are maladjusted. Other users ARE NOT. I offer players who do not use adult oriented mods are sexually repressed or otherwise not comfortable with a genuine human condition ie 'the lebido'.


In Conclusion:

I don't need to 'spank it'. I have a more-than-willing real life female subject. YOUR implication that adult mod users are somehow less than 'normal' speaks volumes about your mind set and the intent of this thread.

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Aaand...making a casual observation here...rarely do 'adult mod users' attack or flame mod threads over content. Yet the Banned section here at Nexus is full intolerant people who bashed or trolled 'adult mods'. So who is more intolerant? Who holds the moral high ground?'



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Aaand...making a casual observation here...rarely do 'adult mod users' attack or flame mod threads over content. Yet the Banned section here at Nexus is full intolerant people who bashed or trolled 'adult mods'. So who is more intolerant? Who holds the moral high ground?'




Be that as it may....


Don't start none and there won't be none. ~Lisnpuppy


Guess I won't be posting like a normal person in this one anymore. :tongue:

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Aaand...making a casual observation here...rarely do 'adult mod users' attack or flame mod threads over content. Yet the Banned section here at Nexus is full intolerant people who bashed or trolled 'adult mods'. So who is more intolerant? Who holds the moral high ground?'




Be that as it may....


Don't start none and there won't be none. ~Lisnpuppy


Guess I won't be posting like a normal person in this one anymore. :tongue:


*palms face*

Funny, the only thing I've done is use a literary device, thus your menacing post is superfluous.

Indicative to the situation at hand...I have to wonder why I bother if the yellow text shows up after my innocuous initial post and follow up.

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My point still stands: I don't give a monkey's.


I use nude mods. I have used silly armour mods and will continue to. Ribbons as clothing? Yup, made them and used them. Leather straps as clothing? Also made and used them myself. I'm over 21 with a willing companion so it can't be about pent-up energy.


There's also historical evidence supporting naughty cavepeople so it's not like it would be inaccurate or not lore-friendly to use some of the NSFW mods regardless.

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I find it funny when users try to bring up an issue with erotic-based mods, it's either down to jealousy because some guys mod got outshined by one or because they are simply prudish. We are not here to question artistic integrity of mod authors (speaking of which do a bit of art history to see how arotic/nude art have progressed the civilization and understanding) but if erotica is their attraction then that's great, but if you don't like it move along and stop pestering people who enjoy the theme :armscrossed:


Ignorance is typically infinite.

Edited by Ironman5000
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Some people WANT to be upset by something, sometimes. It's hard to explain but sometimes folks just go looking for a fight. Sometimes because they're having a hard time and want to blow off some steam by blowing off someone's head, othertimes it's just meanness, but it does happen, and well do it. I know I've deliberately stirred s*** up on occasion, usually when feeling annoyed at something vaguely related, and sometimes not even then. They want to cause trouble, for one of a myriad of reasons, the mature response is to ignore them, or if neccesary, let the staff handle it, and don't get involved. Personally I think guys who make erotic and skimpy mods are brave indeed to be feel able to post that sort of content, knowing there's a vocal minority who'll use it as a target, I wouldn't have the guts. Edited by Vindekarr
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