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Suggestion: Add an Argument for Shortcuts to Open Vortex Straight to Specific Game?


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I posted this to nexusmods subreddit, and it was suggested by Pickysaurus I post it here.


My original post


When I used to use Mod Organizer, there was an argument you could add to shortcuts that would open MO2 directly to a specific game. I was wondering if I can do something similar with Vortex. I use Playnite as a launcher for all of my games, and for games that I mod I have a link to their nexus page and an action to open that game's mod manager. As it stands right now, I just have an action setup to open Vortex, and if it is on the wrong game I just switch games, but it would be cool to have my shortcut open directly to the game I want to mod.

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You can already do that, start Vortex with "Vortex --game <id of your game>"


two caveats:

- The id may not be immediately obvious. Usually it's the same identifier as Nexus Mods uses in urls (e.g. the url for witcher 3 is https://www.nexusmods.com/witcher3/ - so you would run with "Vortex --game witcher3"). There are a few exceptions, off the top of my head: it's "skyrimse" instead of "skyrimspecialedition", "falloutnv" instead of "newvegas" and "nwn" instead of "neverwinter".

- Unlike MO, Vortex is "stateful", most notably it keeps track of whether the links for a game are deployed and up-to-date. When you start Vortex with a specific game it still has to make sure that the game you had managed before is in a clean state, which often means it has to deploy the previous game before activating the new one.

tl;dr: staring with a specific game may take a bit longer.


Also: You can start Vortex with "--help" to find out all available command line parameters but please note that almost all of them are for internal use and could cause problems if used incorrectly.

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One additional note: MO was required to be running when you ran your game. VFS required it.

Vortex does not need to be running to run your game. Yay hardlinks.


If you want a quick start, just set a shortcut to your game (For example Skyrim, or skse_loader) on your desktop.


Vortex honestly is the better solution compared to MO.

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  • 2 years later...

So, I'm trying to run Fallout4. If i understand, the argument should read "vortex.exe --Game Fallout4." This only opens Vortex for me. What am I missing?




You are missing my post just above yours.

Don't use Vortex to launch your game. You don't need it, and it chews up memory and resources.

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