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Hellooo, Capital Wasteland!!! :biggrin:

I guess i´m not the only one waiting for this weapon,

well i´m like the real world weapons, its my favorite in many games like, Counter-Strike, Hitman Bloody Money, Soldier of Fortune 3, Call of Duty Moder Warfare...

There are many variations, but i guess the simplier version fits better in fallout 3, and, must less things to make in the mod, rs.


I read already other topics, like the Real World Weapons one, and post a coment already,

i learnded that it has some difficulties to this mod in special, cause of reloading animations...( the movement is diferent in the m4)

well in my case i don´t mind much for the exact animation, can´t put the normal animations like the other assault rifles in game?


And, there a lots of mods of this weapon for CS, and other games, 3dmax sources...

maybe it can be adapted for fallout3?


Well i´m beging for someone plz plz plz! meke this christmas gift to the wasteland :biggrin:

A compact Deadly Assault rifle!!!


My favorite is the one in the picture.






to all moders


ps. sorry for my bad english, i´m from Brazil :biggrin:


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I want an M4A1 TOO! Too many people wanting stupid Tommy guns. Those guns are stupid. They're old and weak and have a tendency to jam and stuff. M4A1= tactical, sleek, shiny, awesome, all you wan in a gun. So could someone make this weapon? Bastards....
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I want an M4A1 TOO! Too many people wanting stupid Tommy guns. Those guns are stupid. They're old and weak and have a tendency to jam and stuff. M4A1= tactical, sleek, shiny, awesome, all you wan in a gun. So could someone make this weapon? Bastards....


Carry an M4 in combat and you won't think anywhere near as highly of it as you do now. It has very real and very nasty flaws.



Zeperoth's head is in the right place, the M4 has been requested dozens of times already, and the answer is always the same.

The bottom line is that there are no animations that are anywhere near correct for an M4/M16/AR15, and there's no way to really add them yet even with the GECK out. Thus, the only new guns getting added via mods will be guns that can use existing animations, at least for awhile.

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Why do all the people requesting this gun come across as 13 year old Counter Strike players? There's a reason people ask for older guns like the Tommy gun, and the main one is that they fit the game setting... the M4A1 does not. Asking for specific guns just because you think they're awesome based on some other PC game like Counter Strike or Rainbow Six or whatever isn't wrong in any way... neither is listening to techno or rap music on your cell phone speaker in public places, but both things tend to get really annoying really fast.

Also, I've used both M4s and M16s in the real world, and they do not deserve nearly as much praise as they've harvested from the bog standard FPS gamers.

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no need for insults friis. i want a AR rifle in game. cant put one in because of the animations situation (i say for the millionth time)


and for that matter, anyone who does not think modern weapons fit into the game need to go back and play the games again. there were quite a few modern weapons used in 2 and tactics. keep believing that nothing fits if you want but you are wrong.

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I want an M4A1 TOO! Too many people wanting stupid Tommy guns. Those guns are stupid. They're old and weak and have a tendency to jam and stuff. M4A1= tactical, sleek, shiny, awesome, all you wan in a gun. So could someone make this weapon? Bastards....


Carry an M4 in combat and you won't think anywhere near as highly of it as you do now. It has very real and very nasty flaws.



Zeperoth's head is in the right place, the M4 has been requested dozens of times already, and the answer is always the same.

The bottom line is that there are no animations that are anywhere near correct for an M4/M16/AR15, and there's no way to really add them yet even with the GECK out. Thus, the only new guns getting added via mods will be guns that can use existing animations, at least for awhile.



As i ask in topic, About the animations,

Can´t just put the normal assault rifles animations now?

just the clip change, just make a nice model, with the normal assault rifles animations until the perfect animation come up to update.

is it at least possible?

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