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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [44.1[48]


Mattercated cyborgni units were not the only false entities to be found in days following that attack. There came swarms of fake mutated dinosaur raptors that brought forth hidden laserguns when they opened wide their jaws. They fought defenders, of the Starfortress, in the Trenchzone. Mutigeltants, and Seekkars, defeated them in heavy fighting. Then came false greylien alien footsoldiers of copies of lowly, hybrid, greyliclones but this time approaching the Centrogon on the surface; some local gangers ambushed them, wiping them out.


When bits, and pieces, of fallen Ziziane and Yayek attacking craft were found by Seekkars, it was to prove that these were also mattercated forgeries and that the aerospacecraft were remoterobotic with no crews having been in them. Both the Ziziane and Yayek used flightcrews in such warmachines.


It was RainbowTinzi who indicated that one of her missing Rainbowtoys was likely being used to create the very accurate duplicates, at least from the outside as in the case of some copies. While she was not happy about this discovery it was the CeRaFocusi who soon was able to use the link between RainbowTinzi and her Rainbowtoy to track it down. It had to be done though for it seemed to obvious a ploy to be played by any enemy.

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[0.1] Greater Crisis and Hope; Flashback Way Back Before NewEarth [45.1[49]


The massive, special purpose, Spacestation Futurehope shuddered as more alarms blared and were again cut short as they served no real purpose. The growing alien engulfment had reached Saturn and had absorbed the gas giant as if it were no more than a small asteroid. The experiment node points, inside the station, were vibrating out of coordination with one another even as the nulldrives were becoming increasingly unstable. It was moving steadily just before the wave front of the extremely exotic phenomena.


The experiment had gone wrong just before the engulfment had begun with the mysterious tenth planet. Was it at least partly due to the experiment's results that the solar system was being mysteriously swallowed up? It had been the 13Genius13's attempt to garner endless free energy, finalising as electricity output, that had led to the experimental project being created in the first place. Project Futurehope seemed to have led to no real hope for the future.


Over 200 years had passed since the engulfment had arisen to start absorbing the solar system or was that true? It could have been active before that but hidden in some way from humanity.


The last Arkstarships had departed from the home world' moon of Luna, Project Timehope had been instigated and other attempts to rescue humanity had been carried out.


An angry team of government VIPs had arrived at the spacestation to confront the 13Genius13 only to find that they had vanished away, along with their many followers and resources, from the great space structure. With the United Sol Nations envoys came elite special forces spaceman in powerarmasuits who explored the great spacestation. Some of the people had been left behind as dead bodies but most were angry, frightened, survivors.


The 13Genius13 had betrayed humanity for the project had been designed to start a distortion in timespace but what had happened was far beyond their expectations. So they left the spacestation protected by a prototype phase shift field even as it now moved more quickly towards the home world of Earth but why had they bothered to help those left behind? The VIPs wanted badly to know the answers to this and other questions.


They were still seeking answers when the great spiral shaped spacestation vanished along with spaceships including those that had carried the VIPs, and their party, from the home world. It was not the last 'thing' to vanish in that manner and perhaps it had not been the first to do so.

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [46.1[50]


The CeRaUnion found the powerful Rainbowtoy, of the matter duplicator, sitting waiting for the SteyelMisfits that found them underground, close to the outer rim of the SteyelCitadel. It just sat there, at the center of a great superconcrete chamber, with water flowing down across the tilted floor as it flowed out of cracks in one wall.


The message, on the wall, was a warning from an entity that named itself as the True Malignamasta; the warning was that the Malignamasta that had made a deal with the CeRaUnion was not the real one though it assumed that it was. It was being manipulated by the True GreatEnemy far more powerful, and dangerous, than any of the Malignamastas, true or false, being extreme Anticelestial in nature.


There was no real way to know if the message was true but deep tests, on the mattercator, proved that it was the formerly missing Rainbowtoy. Buried inside, to be easily found, was a special surprise.

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [47.1[51]


There was no one true Malignamasta but three of them splintered from the original one that ceased to exist at that moment. The special message was surprising in both the large amount of useful data it gave but also its frankness in stating that it may not all be true.


It gave a warning; behind the Malignamastas, true or false, was a far more malignant, dangerous, entity. Somehow this idea was no surprise for there had been growing suspicions that this was the case and not just by the CeRaUnion.


The Makingtoy began to produce a wide range of items from templates provided as part of the surprise. 3Dmaps and clues, of where other CelestiOnoyes, and RainbowTinzi, items were to be found were soon being copied-reproduced in different forms.


It was fine to have the Makingtoy back but it had been copied, with far from total success, by one of the Malignamastas so attacks by more copies, of real threats, were to be expected. The forged makers were less efficient, sophisticated, than the original and their output were inferior to the items produced by the Makingtoy.


The Malignamastas were at war with each other, to different degrees being from cold war right through to total war. They often hid behind more known factions that they both supported but gained tributes from.


Too many of the answers, gained through the special gift of data, led to more questions.


There were 13 small, vital, solid gifts along with the data hidden inside the returned Makingtoy.

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [48.1[52]


The Makingtoy hidden gifts came, as did the Makingtoy, from a fading false Malignamasta keen to become a follower of the CeRaFocusi. The gifts were made by some kind of Rainbowdeity who created them and gave them to false Malignamasta to pass on.


Gift #13 was the 13Home13 that gave greater structural solidity, reliability, to the CeRaHome. Of course it was checked out carefully before being activated but it bore a particular, unforgeable, celestial signifier that greatly pleased CelestiOnoyes and RainbowTinzi along with others there of the CeRaFocusi.


Gift #12, #11 and #10 were three networkframes that ended up strengthening the 13Celestimon13, 13Rainbowmon13 and 13Focusi13 multiple linked entities that were until that time rarely seen working in the open. The Rainbowmen, only a few times come forth into publicly meeting others before then, were part of the 13Rainbowmon13.


Gifts #9 to #1 were, in turn, three 13Service13s, three 13Protect13s and three 13Special13s being firstly to serve-support, secondly to protect and thirdly to run a range of miscellaneous special supports to CeRaHome and its occupants. They would be under the command of higher 13Entity13s and would work with others such as CeRaUnion Factions.


With luggage, the fading false Malignamasta was brought to CeRaHome where it was soon renamed Fredfrankie and was busy working for the CeRaHome. It confirmed that a powerful Celestigoddess, being the natural mum of CelestiOnoyes and the adoptive mum of RainbowTinzi, had provided the gifts and had rescued Fredfrankie but had tested him hard before sending him onwards to communicate with the CeRaHome.


CeRaPolitics were heavily at play along with greater celestial politics, related omniversal politics and that of the TUPA (TransUniversal Proclamation Accordance). The point of focus was that of the NewEarth that theoretically should not exist. Thus even the majestic, mighty, CelestiAnoyes had to be careful though she was one of the three most powerful of the Celestigoddesses; it was whispered that even the Greater Celestials respected her and heeded her advise greatly.

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[1.0] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; NewEarth Wide Incidents [49.1[53]


Real enemies, not copied ones, were approaching CentropolisCR as Ziziane, Yayeki, Nazzins who had not materialised where they had been told they would, Greyyari being the high castes of the Greyimassari also known by other names, and the Pakvaders coming in from the East Atlantic Ocean. With the Greyyari came larger numbers of Greymardi mid castes of hybrids, and even larger numbers of clone hybrids along with distorted, enslaved, other species.


Nazzin mastercopters, huge and lumbering through the air, were rotors lifted fortresses of much armour and armaments coming low over a large former upper middle class housing estate. Yet they were big targets and vulnerable so had to be protected by smaller, faster and more nimble machines; these were smaller manned attackcopters, unmanned dronecopters, and middle sized guncopters. In each mastercopter were over 100 powerarma paratroopers utilising not parachutes but moderately armoured parawings using parapods.


From mastercopters fell parapods being mostly small ones, less so medium ones and fewest of all big ones. They were all a mixture of troop carriers, equipment-supply carriers, robotic gunners or even mostly solid decoys shooting smokers and flashbangers at those below.


To most of those below it was too much but there were elite Ironsiders, Rangerfighters and others such who knew how to deal with such trickeries; they had done so before. SAMs (surface to air missiles) shot up through the air as clustermissiles splintering into more, smaller, missiles. Flakguns spat out thousands of fragmentation, sonic blast and flamegel shells. Pulselasers, pulseblasters and pulseflamers played it nasty against the amazingly brutal Nazzin Paragrenadiers.


It was a savage conflict, in the air, that was soon playing out on the ground where it became urban warfare being one of the worst kinds of such. The attackers were soon running into well organised killzones.

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [50.1[54]


The first Scitech Airfleet was secured down under armoured cover, being often underground, but already plans were being made to carry out the promised CeRaFocusi missions of rescue, and securing greater protection, for populations. The CeRaHome was increasingly stronger, more secure, as a hub between the various locations that were now part of it and yet still in the outer world.


The number, of Ironsiders had quadrupled and they were no longer named as 'mercenaries' but by the ancient term of guardiats as in Ironsides Guardiats. The term was that of followers, serviles and minions serving the Celestigods-Rainbowgods in special military and paramilitary roles.


Saraa, Sarae, Sarai, Sarao and Sarau led a larger Seekkar force through the depths of the Starfortress and with them came 'auxiliaries' of mutigeltants. This time they went through a curious set of very large chambers, hallways and other spaces allowing them to take their compact machines with them excluding the flyers. There were several moments when the groups experienced odd tingling sensations, sudden instances of extreme temperatures and the surroundings started out as quite standard Predoomsday military but grew slowly-steadily stranger.


Saraa spoke 2wayradio wise to others as she studied a row of combat ballet robots with metallic frilly skirts. "We appear to be in a kind of psychosomatic reflective zone or I suppose it may be called. Whowhat's mind, or minds, it reflects is anybody's guess except indications are leading to interesting conclusions."


Sarae responded. "You mean eccentric, if one is being polite."


A chamber was lined with naked sex androids, if androids could ever be said to be truly naked. Their sexual features were overdone as in proportions and fetishism. The Seekkars, who witnessed that chamber, took far many more data recordings of it than they were officially required to do.


The black grey wall was like solidified fog in nature as it went horizontally between two levels, cutting the higher from what lay beneath. The Seekkars were forced to focus on exploring, and charting, the area while activating networksystems that they could.


On a large superconcrete wall, written in preserved blood, was the scrawled message that was barely legible. It read: WE SHOULD NOT EXIST!!! WE DO NOT EXIST!!! TO TRULY EXIST WE MUST FIRST CEASE TO EXIST!!!


In that chamber was a great entanglement of machine that looked to be part clockwork, part steam engine, part autorobotic and part exotic organic in a kind of rubbery octopus fashion; it even had tentacles. Its function seemed to have been to assemble intricate devices with no visible purpose to them and then the disassembly of the same. Yet, somehow, in that place it seemed to make sense as if it belonged perfectly there.


RainbowEcci announced that a powerful CelestiArtefact was causing the distortions and perhaps even the solid foggy barrier but that another was operating the CelestiFielder. They kept on looking around and carrying out important tasks as they did so.

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [50.2[55]


They found, in a seemingly impossible chamber, a town that was a mixture of Predoomsday historical periods and cultures. Mosques mingled with Christian churches, rows of old style British double level terrace houses, golden autorobotic condos, Ancient Roman villas, igloos that failed to melt beneath warm sunlight and cable street trams coming along streets along with autorobotic hovercars. There were people but most seemed to be basic androids and it was very hard to tell if the others were advanced androids or genuine humans.


The name, of the town, was WE DO NOT EXIST SO GO AWAY!!! There was a large, vague, map on a signboard that indicated, with a great big arrow, YOU ARE NOT HERE!!!


Sarao spoke. "Very helpful, I am sure."


RainbowEcci shook her head. "No, it is not very helpful at all, at all, at all."


Sarao smiled. "You are correct, sweetie, and I was just being silly. What is wrong with this place?"


RainbowEcci smiled, trying to look reassuring with out much success. "Oh, nothing, but we should leave at once before the Great Sulky One attacks us. The CeRaFocusi must deal with this place directly for it is not what it seems to be or so CelestiOnoyes, and RainbowTinzi, warn me."


So they left!

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[0.1] Greater Crisis and Hope; Flashback Way Back Before NewEarth [51.1[56]


AlphaOmega Station, based at L5, was truly massive with many tasks carried out while six mighty spinwheels spun, three clockwise and three counterclockwise, and one was the creation, development and support of megaVreality programming; this was broadcast to the OldEarth, not then called that, and to colonies. Mega virtual reality was far more powerful than superVreality, used commonly, and even more so basic working baseVreality but megaVreality was mainly for large gatherings and a few, very wealthy, who could afford it but even they used it sparingly.


Now it was in barely controlled chaos as the engulfment approached them and other L5 based stations including a mighty spacefortress. The latter made no futile, resources wasting, attempt to attack the engulfment. Over the past centuries a great deal of scientific research-development had not even slowed the phenomena that seemingly could not, did not, exist. Except that more attempts at sending off refugees, to other realms, had been achieved and even some of the troubling ones had been utilised.


The 13Sages13 were 13 team13s of superclone supergeniuses attempting to finalise their latest project of creating a NewEarth megaVreality form. Most saw them as wasting time-energy but what else could they do. Few saw that they might be up to something more than seemed likely as they were too often dismissed as being teenadults of not quite official adulthood.


Each team was made up of 13 almost identical looking individuals being female, male and neuter. The mix, of genders, had been but a side effect of the cloning processes but had proven to be in some ways useful; neuters tended to be more calmly stable than either females or males. The 13 teams moved quickly to complete the very last step.


The prime team13 raced to do work as in directing, coordinating and supervising the others. It was they who detected the foolish, dangerous, attempts at a similar project by the 13Rejects13. Created before the mostly successful 13Sages13, the 13Rejects13 were criminally insane superclones who insisted on calling themselves the 13Geniuses13. The 13Sages13 considered the name, of 13Rejects13, to be too harsh but all their attempts to help the 13Geniuses13 had been brutally rebuffed. The 13Rejects13 had tried to steal project work, from the 13Sages13, and had paid dearly for it.


The spacefortress winked out of existence followed by two spacedrum settlements and then a spacefactory. Even as the massive spacestation vanished, with a flash of light, the 13Sages13 had just completed their project. Question was, what had the 13Geniuses13 been up to and what would the consequences be of their actions?

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[1.2] CentropolisCR Crisis and Hope; After the Arrival of the First Scitechdom Airfleet [52.1[57]


The 'Great Sulky One' was gone along with the strange town but where it all had gone to, the CeRaFocusi was not saying though there was a strong hint that the matter would be clarified in future. The great, solid, smoke barrier remained in place but it appeared to becoming, in a very slow-steady manner, less solid and more transparent. The very exotic mechanism was also gone but a great chamber was found of a most curious nature.


It appeared to be a great display chamber of the OldEarth, also known as the LostEarth, that was barely remembered. The chamber spread outwards in a seemingly impossible, transdimensional, manner. Things, in odd display bubbles, floated as if in zero gravity but solidly.


The range was impressive and at first the Seekkars noted Viking dragonboats along with bigger dragonships.


Elvis Pelvis look alike androids stood in a row wearing different, famous, costumes attributed to the star.


A row of battletanks were variations of the same 'family' being of different sizes, numbers, of autocannons, lasercannons, blastercannons, missile launchers, rocket autolaunchers, armoured fighting carriers, armoured recovery vehicles, armoured headquarters, armoured ambulances and others of which a small number were very interesting in nature. They were electric motorised, amphibious and could hover but only for a short time unless linked to an armoured batteries carrier or armoured generator vehicle. These were to prove to be very useful in future.


A great row of racing bicycles were close to a sleek sailing schooner that was next to very accurate looking mannequins wearing historical outfits from cultures, time periods and geographical zones; there were hundreds of them. Then it was discovered the mannequins were mannedroid androids designed to appear real but only of moderate quasiartificial intelligence.


Then there was a surprise in the form of three fully accurate replicas of alien aerospacecraft and spacecraft but only of smaller size. The Yayek, Ziziane, Cyborz, Greyyari and others were there, a few being unknown to the Seekkars. A few were of human design-make from the LostEarth being aeroshuttles, orbiters, spacepods and others.


A massive Trident submarine was not too far from a row of hulking labour mechas.


Then there was the great rainbow sphere with three smaller spheres orbiting them and three even smaller spheres orbiting each of them but even the littlest was very large. Unlike the other displays, seen so far, the big sphere was spinning slowly and the others were orbiting at the same speed.


They deepsensed, especially the quintuplets, that they had found something vitally important to the CeRaFocusi but not quite why that was slow. Except that is a rather stunned looking RainbowEcci who spoke in awe. "That is CelestiOnoyes' almost most important CeRaArtefact and it is very muchly protected muchly very that CelestiOnoyes made for RainbowTinzi to use to expand her powers."


Saraa kissed RainbowEcci, who sat one one of her powerarma shoulders, and then nodded. "It is very muchly impressive muchly very, sweetie sweetiest. We will not get too close to it."


RainbowEcci smiled. "It would not let you or the others protecting it. It is here because it proved to be too much for RainbowTinzi to use but now matters have changed it can be sent to CeRaHome." She went to sleep before anybody could ask her to more fully explain what she had said; this was clearly intentional and she ended up in her special pouch.


They kept on exploring!

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