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FO4 Wont start via Vortex (Everything is ruined and idk what 2do)


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Hi all,




Im not sure if this is right place to add my consern.


First of all thank you modders and developers for great work.


I started moddin about 1 or 2 years ago so im new of this. NMM didn't bring much of issues, i had fun with it and had mods for my fo4 (77atm) and skyrimSE (43).

so not too much right?


When vortex(app) came around, i had chance to ignore it, yet i had to register and login, but i had chance to use NMM instead of vortex.

I used it because it was only way to make mods working.


Now i cannot use NMM or Vortex to launch game or play.


I've been searching and doing everyhting i can to make my beloved games working, yet i cannot.


Skyrim says that my game is older than skse64 and it wont even start.

(it is extremely hard to update game, well i dont have knowledge to do so, i downloaded it years ago)

So maybe that is not hard to fix after all. But nees alot of working around it.


But FO4!

What is wrong with it? It is legit, from steam. So updating shouldn't be problem.

I've imported every mod from NMM to Vortex. Installed, Enabled, updated vortex, configurated settings but still it wont let me play.

If i launch game, it start with menu, but i cant select anything.

It had same issues long time ago, then i just had to update NMM and everything was fine.


Do i have to go back to vanilla to get back to commonwealth?


Do i have problem with Vortex or with game? Any1 else with same issue? or is it just me.


TBO after Vortex none of mods have worked and idk what can i do.


Please guide me back to modded commonwealth. :)

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Uninstall FO4 before you reinstall. Just deleting the game folder can leave an odd or end hanging around as well as confusing your registry. As for updating, do what HadToRegister said. Open Steam, go to your Skyrim page, click the update button and wait patiently.

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  • 7 months later...

Thank you for your answers and appologies for taking so long to respond.. Uninstalling and reinstalling was successfull after 3rd time, but after i erased all game parts. It seems ive been struggling this problem before but never deleted old files.

If remember correctly, some vortex file requred to open by admin. I got it work. :)


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