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[WIP] New Vegas Bounties Update

Guest deleted2159825

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Sorry for deviating off topic here man, but I figure you must have some idea on how this'll work.

I was wondering how you were able to make a patch with your mods and Moburma's freeside open mod. I know how to make patches btw, thats not the issue, the issue is with the frreside open mod itself.

What I need your input with is actually being able to open the 'new' Freeside, whenever I open the cell it'll load up most of the world space and then my GECK will crash.

Hey, my apologies for reaching this question late. I created the Freeside Open patch using FNVEdit. The simplest way to put it is to say that Freeside Open moves everything from the Freeside North and Mormon Fort cells into the one Freeside cell (which containes The Kings and the Strip Gate). All of the moved objects keep the cooradinates they had earlier, the only difference is their cell. Now, when a mod places something in the Mormon Fort Cell or Freeside North cell, this poses a problem because these cells are no long reachable, the fix, however, is relatively easy. You simply edit their cell to be the Freeside cell, everthing else can stay as is, Freeside Open itself would have been created in a similar way.
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No worries man, tbh the only reason I never asked you directly when Someguy mentioned your name was because I wasn't actually sure if you're still active here or not.

Aye yeah, I figured thats how you'd make a patch to move a couple of door/markers/whatever... The problem is I was kinda hoping to do a complete overhaul type mod of freeside, in my own tastes; just tidying up some areas and adding more detail to others. Thanks for the info anyway, I'll keep it in mind for any other mods that deserve a patch for freeside open.



Actually I just thought, using your method I can make a brand new esp and set up freeside how I want it to be, between the two cells as in vanilla, then I can just transfer it all over later on.

The only problem would be Navmeshing. I know how to work and adjust it in the GECK, but do you have any hints on how I could then transfer my changes to Moburma's freeside open file (esp in regards to the changes I would've made to the navmesh in freeside north)???

Cause while I can see how the coordinate changes for moved and adjusted items would work, I'm not sure how well the Navmeshes would overwrite each other :S

Edited by pwinkle
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Guest deleted2159825



It's been a busy week, but progress continues:

- There is an added level to Jacob Powers' cave complex, and it should enhance stability (no more dumping of feral ghouls en masse)

- Thanks to runaway feature creep, the second sidequest has evolved into a full-blown espionage questline that climaxes in the new worldspace, "Canyon Cove" (reference prior posts for pics).

- There are now a total of four new quests. The update could add as much as two hours of fresh content, as well as 6+ characters.

- The new VA for NVBI is almost finished. Thank you, voice actors!


That's it for now. Oh, you can expect to run into a few characters from The Inheritance, though things might not play out like you anticipated... ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest deleted2159825



It's been a spell since I posted, so here's an update:


- The second of two major quests is almost complete. It begins as an espionage-oriented questline that climaxes in a new worldspace, "Canyon Cove".

- I've continued implementing leveled lists in order to trim superfluous content and NPC's.

- There has been substantial work to retrofit existing dungeons in order to make the "evolve". Not every dungeon will "evolve", but most will have at least one iteration. A few may undergo two or three changes, with some locations hosting randomized NPC's/creatures.

- The dungeon evolution will also include the addition of random Prospectors to select dungeons. For example:


Wiping out the Burns clan will lead to a group of NCR settlers, merchants, and prospectors settling into the cavern. The prospectors have packages that make them roam the Wasteland during the day, hopefully leading to some interesting encounters. As you might infer, there are counterparts for hostile NPC's in other dungeons, so you may well run into a Viper patrol, Fiends, etc.



Another example of the "evolution" is in allowing the player's actions to alter moribund/unoccupied vanilla locations. Example:


There is a new bounty that deals with the Viper raids on settlements in the southern part of the valley. After the conclusion of the quest, "Raided Farmstead" will be inhabited by settlers. New quests dealing with protecting and upgrading the farm are a possibility, though nothing is certain.



Thanks for the support - sorry if I don't immediately respond to all the comments and questions. Please know that I do take the time to digest all of them, and I appreciate the feedback.

Edited by someguy2000
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Guest deleted2159825

I can't wait!


Quick question as far as continuity goes, should I play The Inheritance before or after New Vegas Bounties? I just got it installed and have not played it yet.


Thanks for your hard work, and those who helped, (people who gave advice and voice actors!) ^_^


It doesn't matter too much, though some content in the next version of NVBII will depend on player choices in The Inheritance. As long as you start with NVBI, it doesn't make a huge difference.


Thanks for the support!

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Guest deleted2159825


I was about to post a comprehensive update, but a browser crash sabotaged my efforts. Here is an abridged version of the changelog:

- The Shadow Company bunker has been overhauled and divided into two cells in the interest of performance and overall design. The exterior site has been relocated to the hills south of REPCONN HQ.

- I've managed to purge a large number of redundant/superfluous NPC's and packages, thanks to a shift to leveled lists and default content (which I was unaware of in the initial design back in 2011).

- Here is an overview of the new quest content (spoilers abound):

- "A Dying Breed": Battle through a building inhabited by Fiends in the pursuit of their new leader, "Blood-Hammer". This quest is triggered by vanilla content, NVBII, and The Inheritance.
- "Enemy of my Enemy": The NCR recruits the player to investigate a frumentarius ring; this quest climaxes in a new worldspace, "Canyon Cove" (reference earlier posts for pics)
- "The Old Ways": Kill the Viper chieftain responsible for recent raids on farmsteads. Player actions can trigger rehabilitation of a vanilla site.
- "The Last Laugh": Find and kill/capture a serial killer who preys on children, and is rumored to dress as a clown.

- I've continued to tinker with Doc Friday's dialogue and AI in order to ensure he's a fully-functional companion. It's a WIP.

- Finally, I'm pleased to announce the inclusion of an additional, finished companion. Meet "Guts":
He's an Alsatian (his model is based on Alien Slof's work, with her permission) whose owner was recently killed by marauding Fiends. I originally began work on Guts as a private mod, but ultimately elected to share him in the patch for NVBII. He's a slightly larger, faster version of Rex, and is more than capable in combat:

That's it for now. I'm hoping to wrap up the quests and get everything uploaded at some point in April. Thanks for the feedback and encouragement!

Edited by someguy2000
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