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Vortex Anomalies with FNIS and Behavior Mods


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i5 3570K oc 4.2GHz / 16GB DDR3 / GTX970

Windows 7 Home Premium x64 (SP1+ all later updates)

Vortex 1.2.19 Rel 8 July, 2020


I am having 2 FNIS-related (and interrelated, which is why I choose to handle both in a single help request) issues with Vortex:


Issue 1: Vortex requires manual intervention every time GenerateFNISforUsers.exe is run:

Users cannot leave Vortex's "FNIS Integration" toggle enabled if they run any Behavior-file-providing mod other than FNIS (see Issue 2 below). Users can run

FNIS either via Vortex's Dashboard shortcut, or via an external Desktop shortcut- either method generates the required FNIS behavior files. However, even when FNIS is run via the Vortex shortcut, Vortex is not "aware" of that explicitly-invoked activity, and so generates the following anomalies:

  • Vortex detects a "new" FNIS Data file even though one has existed "forever" (with slightly different contents, to be sure) in all Profiles
  • Vortex reports the "new" FNIS patch as being "externally changed outside of Vortex" despite running FNIS via the Vortex shortcut
  • Vortex requires the user to accept or reject the "externally changed" FNIS Data file when there is only one logical answer, inviting user mistakes
  • Later, on Deployment, FNIS ignores any existing Priority Rules involving the FNIS patch even though "all versions" was the scope of the pre-existing rule/changed file acceptance, and forces users to make a new rule, functionally identical to the previous rule- again, inviting user mistakes

Since FNIS is a special case among mods, I believe that Vortex should be "aware" that FNIS has been run when users run it via the Vortex shortcut and accept the new, changed FNIS behaviors and/or patch just as it does with "FNIS Integration" enabled. This automatic acceptance should extend to any Priority "Rules" that may be involved with FNIS-generated behavior files/patches vs. any other behavior mod (see Issue #2, below) and not prompt for a new rule every time when the user has already put one in place for "all versions."


Issue 2: Behavior-File mod being inappropriately overridden despite existing Rule

I am running the FNIS (not Nemesis) version 1.2.0 of 360 Movement Behavior SE mod. This mod consists of actual Behavior file(s), not animations.


When I have Vortex's "FNIS Integration" turned on, it runs FNIS every time I deploy any "animation mod" including 360 Movement Behavior, which prevents the mod from working in-game. So I have had to turn FNIS integration off.


When I run FNIS due to installing/updating/uninstalling some other animation mod, Vortex ignores an existing Rule directing Vortex to prioritize the 360 Movement Behavior's files over the FNIS-generated files and allows FNIS to override/disable 360 Movement Behavior's file(s). Due to this error, I have to re-install 360 Movement Behavior and re-state the existing priority Rule to specify that 360 Movement Behavior must override the FNIS-generated files.



Please advise if there is something I can do (with the current state of Vortex) to mitigate this situation- some setting to generate the needed exception handling for 360 Movement Behavior, some toggle to make Vortex aware that I have explicitly run FNIS via Vortex's own FNIS shortcut, some way to turn FNIS integration back on without having Vortex disable 360 Movement Behavior every time anything is done with any animation mod, etc.


Failing that, please consider this a Feature Request to add a Vortex exception option to any mod that directly provides Behavior files, including but not limited to 360 Movement Behavior, such that Vortex stops ignoring the existing rule to let the behavior-file-providing mod override any/all newer FNIS data file so that I can stop having to manually

  • tell Vortex to accept the new FNIS patch; and
  • re-install 360 Movement Behavior every time I do anything with any animation mod

Thanks in advance for any help. Please let me know if I can provide further info for what is admittedly a somewhat complex issue.

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When FNIS runs is not her main problem.

If she installs her mod, and down the line she has reason to run FNIS (new animation, etc), running FNIS will damage her mod.

Reinstalling her mod damages the FNIS file (modified externally).

I think only Fore can really fix this.

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Man what an ugly use case...

Irrespective of what Vortex is able to do about this, it seems like the author of 360 Movement Behavior should contact Fore and get his mod included as an official FNIS patch/special case.

360 Movement Behavior works by directly providing a behavior file that uses the forward walk/run animations in all directions, resulting in silky-smooth direction changes, not restricted to the 8 cardinal and semi-cardinal directions with a little jerk-and-shuffle in some toward-the-camera directions. Moreover, the mod author has since embraced Nemesis (instead of FNIS) for versions later than the one I am using in order to add 360 Jump and Swim behaviors which he says cannot be supported by FNIS. That's why I'm using the version I'm using- I do not want to change over my 200+ mod installation from FNIS to Nemesis and give up FNIS Sexy Move, and version 1.2.0 is the last FNIS-compatible version of the mod.


Also, Fore has retired. His essential mods are now being maintained by "Caretaker" so asking for enhancements to FNIS doesn't seem appropriate, especially when the issue would seem to be down to Vortex ignoring its own priority rule in favor of FNIS.


"Run FNIS on deployment event" should be turned off FOREVER and removed There's no need for it.

Well, of course, I have it turned off, as I indicated above, but not because there's no need for it- Vortex "knows" when FNIS needs to be run (on any animation file change) and only runs it (if enabled) when needed. Until I discovered (and fell in love with) 360 Movement Behavior, I found Vortex's FNIS Integration convenient, and Vortex never detected the FNIS patch as "changed outside of Vortex," prompting me for what I feel is redundant guidance on whether or not to accept the newer patch or revert it.


When FNIS runs is not her main problem. If she installs her mod, and down the line she has reason to run FNIS (new animation, etc), running FNIS will damage her mod. Reinstalling her mod damages the FNIS file (modified externally).

I would say "override" as opposed to "damage," although your meaning is clear, and correct.


Supposedly, making a Vortex Priority rule stating that 360 Movement Behavior must "load after" the FNIS Data patch should handle the problem, but it doesn't- Vortex just ignores the rule and unilaterally prioritizes the FNIS patch to "load after" 360 Movement Behavior, in direct defiance of the rule.

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Vyxenne you may remember me as fred200. That is my nom de kink.

OMG! Hey, Fred, long time no see! :wub: Thanks for "poking Fore," but as I mentioned, he has retired.


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