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What would you use a Time Machine for?


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First off, this wasn't my idea, but something you should know about me is that if I run across something laying on the ground I'm quite likely to pick it up and try to find somewhere to put it.


Over in the Last Movie You Watched thread I was doing my Strikerized best to stir the pot ... not to the point of getting stuff all over the stove mind you, but stirring does come like second nature to me. Anyway Paga dropped something

THE BIG QUESTION IS; What would you use a time machine for?

Since you raised the banner, would you mind starting a thread and given the question I gave; answer it in your opening statements.

and now I've gone and picked it up.

Paga, is this your glove??
So I don't get to do this very often (start a thread), so I think it's only fair that I get to set the framework (I hestitate to call them rules for the simple reason that then I'd be compelled to bend them, and there are some who consider a "Striker bend" awful darned close to a break).
Let's say one of your favourite ultra rich guys (for some reason Elon Musk has been my "go to" guy of late ... so I'm going with Elon) out of the clear blue announces that his secret research into time travel has come to fruition, and he has a machine that will send one person back in time.
Elon is looking for that one person who has the perfect reason for travelling back in time, and is asking for a short essay explaining that reason. He also wants to be sure we aren't going to upset the balance of our time/space continuum, so he wants to know what you plan to do while in the past (we all know how it would turn out if you wanted to go back to kill your parents ... in which case you wouldn't exist now to be able to go back to kill them ... that "Arrow of Time" either nails you right between the lookers or the whole Universe blows up, or both).
The idea of time travel is a paradoxical conundrum looking for a place to happen.
So now it's time for me first:
In that same thread where Paga dropped his glove there was some discussion regarding another of Elon's little "quests" ... something to do with volunteers for a little side trip to Mars. As I alluded to in that Movies thread, I'd be up for a road trip like that but I've got a bit of a problem. I've exceeded the age bracket by quite a few decades.
My proposal is to send me back in time 49 years. I can still remember the address I lived at no problem. I go and talk to my younger self and convince him to take my seat in the Time Machine back to today (important to maintain "the balance"). He gets to go on the Mars road trip and I get at least part of a "do over" (somehow I really don't think I have another 49 years in me). I didn't have a clue which end was used for what back then, but I've got some pretty creative ideas now!!
Elon's going to love it. He gets another Mars candidate plus proof positive that his new machine works (I could show him pictures of who would be coming back) and I get another go round at the 70's. What's not to love about that, everybody gets cake and gets to eat it too!!
Only problem I need to figure a way around is me ... not this me, but the younger me. Trust me , I know how that me thinks. Typical 18 year old male, has it all figured out and don't be trying to tell me otherwise.
Might be that younger me will be sporting a goose egg on the back of his head when he arrives to his future/our present. Probably be the only way to get him into the Machine for the trip back.
OK Paga, may not be what you were lookin' fer, but this is what you've got to deal with ...
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While I was free for awhile I practiced mining asteroids using a Starship (in a video game simulation of a Starship, flying around in outer space above a planet, in an asteroid belt collecting ore). I was a rock collector as a child, and further along the path I had started I might have reasoned with digging a hole, and looking for Gold in that there soil, or among those rocks that I hadn't loosened or dug in. Only something happened that changed my focus and I have only just found it again. What would I do if I could go back in time?

Reset; my focus mining for a heart of gold? Maybe? Or something equally exciting learning all about minerals while learning to be one of those guys who collects samples to help find other good uses of the world we live on. I'll Google Geologist and see if that's the right one.

Yup! That's what I thought it was, Geologist, and what I might have been doing if I hadn't gotten my focus changed when I was going on 5 and little while before I was 6.
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Go back to 1985, invest a few thousand dollars in Microsoft, and Apple. Come back to this time, and be filthy rich. :D


I think it would be fun to go back to the late 60's, early 70's, and buy up some Muscle cars as well. Camaros, Corvettes, Barracudas, Challengers, Chargers, Superbirds........ Maybe some GTO's, and 442's... Stash 'em somewhere 'safe', and have about a 20,000% return on my investment. :D

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Go back to 1985, invest a few thousand dollars in Microsoft, and Apple. Come back to this time, and be filthy rich. :D


I think it would be fun to go back to the late 60's, early 70's, and buy up some Muscle cars as well. Camaros, Corvettes, Barracudas, Challengers, Chargers, Superbirds........ Maybe some GTO's, and 442's... Stash 'em somewhere 'safe', and have about a 20,000% return on my investment. :D


Funny, my youngest grandson (15 ... where does it go, this time thing??) and I were just talking about that. You'll need to allow for some expenses Hey (the building, heat/hydro, security etc). Of course don't neglect the "babies" either ... does 'em good to go for a little snort once in a while.


Lookin' for an extra driver by any chance?? I know a good wheel man ... can also drive stick!!

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Hmm probably to warn the countries common people how bad they getting backstabbed and messed and used by some people they defending and what await in future from the same people, how they used revolution to just to replace by their own people in background or front latter,how they use their double speak, how they use their influence toward the rest, how rampant their nepotism is, how they apply double standards, how they use corruption to keep people down so they don't apply their own medicine to them,how they always think only for them self first and network to keep them self on top and excluded while apply double standard for the rest, how they are two faces in public and in private,how they influence society and use constant and relentless propaganda to archive staying on top at cost of the rest,[ middle class], how they are "acceptable" tyrants and use victim shield and pseudo victim to turn down any criticism, how they are an top but act like they aren't while harming middle class and using low class to keep the middle class down but act as a they saints in public while those things they advance and implement harm middle class, how everyone has to kiss their ass if they want to advance in good places in society and how they use their network downgrade and exclude from any good position in society if you criticize them, how they employ methods from simple logical fallacies and pressure to organized institution to shut any criticism, how they use politicans usually ass clowns Obama[ a clown that was raised by them from the lowest position back in Chicago and now makes 400 k from speech, how many from wall street went in jail for 2008 ,yeah...none from the top while offering kabbuki theater from GS which prosecuted nobody on top helped so they could gain bonuses],clinton,bush, to do their bidding in many things,how how they have lead on their endless wars common people to their wars which has nothing to do with the country, beside their own agendas example Iraq [ with the WMD lie] and so many and plan to lead more wars, how the influence laws, and how deeply they influence political parties as democrooks clowns and how they make legal to buy politicians through donations and how much they influence behind umbrellas, how the so called deep state is reality when they have so much network and have so much influence and money, how they implement laws that are against middle class and corrupt the core of families of majority also use social engineering, just so they can advance their agendas of being on top and have criticism silenced in name of "progress", which is nothing than pure propaganda with regress and corruption where the only winners are this guys on top, yet they say they are offering democracy but the reality is oligarchy hidden behind propaganda of protecting minority, but true democracy the common people and majority make the rules not the money. They use lowlifes to advance their agendas while putting them on front and throwing them some bones, or this diversity to keep criticism and ultimately revolution from never happening, while middle class suffers and those who pays for everything. The only revolution they want is the one they control through kabuki theater and propaganda

where they are behind the puppets and facade of "injustice", to maintain power on top while scapegoating middle class or in other cases to replace with their own as in France and Russia in past through social engineering and by money and buying and influence some time in front some time in background. The entire kabuki theater is to advance their nepotism and hold key areas unquestioned and while the gain wealth in the back of the others and nepotism,while the middle class pays the price in lot of scenarios, a conquest and divide strategy, by diversification, using lowlife puppets and indoctrinated puppets w, corruption of the core of the family for majority, and buyout and censorship also relentless propaganda and indoctrination, while the true injustice is done to the middle class. They use the climate change kabuki theater of making things far worse by far far far greater than it is by buying "science" and having some leading heads to gains also or promising wealth, while the whole point they gain wealth through common people taxes indirectly through many methods while one method is they speculate and transform them into investment instruments.

They the elite send their kids in private school and hire multiple private tutors than they tell the rest how smart they are which is pure propaganda without mentioning private schools and the multiple tutors.

Not only that but they send in dedicate schools not only to network but it serves in order to marry their own people through those schools that serve only them, and network to contract a future marriage from early age example assure it in adolescent age yet marry latter after university or a promised marriage.

Yet for everyone else they have implemented laws and social engineering and diversification turning public school into useless garbage, removing any rules and meaningful direction of the past which had them in far better position, raising grades artificially and removing "problems" or hard questions, favoring bad teachers that are connected through a party or nepotism and unions who are a tool of the parties and protect the teachers that are in same party, favoring "diversification" giving even kids grants not on pure meritocracy but they add diversification grant, and other politics as usual bs. Pure meritocracy in public schools from the teachers to kids is out replaced by favoritism, nepotism and politics, and political connections. Also Public schools have Brosiceince, not only hard science it has lowered standards but the science has so much political propaganda it makes china circa 1980 look bad.


The democrooks ask why Finland has such a good system of public schools? Finland doesn't have crooks and corrupt leaders in their public school system at large nor mediocre and terribad teachers that are hired on party favoritism and nepotism, nor they have diversification as main element. The ironic thing is elite can influence public schools direction through politics and lobby but they don't send their kids in it. From every direction reeks of hypocrisy.


Second invest in Amazon [ sure they function on thin margins, but buying at early stage when amazon was dealing only with books would be a jackpot]

beside Microsoft, and Apple.

Edited by dragonking20000
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Hmm probably to warn the countries... ~snip~...make the rules not the money.


I'm uncertain what would constitute a world record, but that was one long sentence.


Not exactly easy to read, in fact I gave up and just started looking for the first period amid the first 28 commas (I do enjoy a good challenge, so we're all good).


So it looks like "makin' mo money fer me" is ahead but I can make a case that Paga and I are both looking for "do overs" (in which case we'd have a dead heat thus far, with break the machine pulling up the rear ... though I would like to point out that it isn't really any different than the kill your parents idea ... impossible to use a machine that you went back into the past and destroyed to go back into the past to destroy it).


Will we get a tie breaker next, or a whole new avenue of thought?

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My thought exactly my portfolio is doing ok, my uni loans are paid, waiting for the real estate to crash so i can get a second apt and a third hopefully full in cash that I can rent, so I can retire early rather than leaving money in bank with the mediocre investment they offer. If there is a time machine to go in future in stead to see if a real estate crash happens and when and market tanks beside relying the usual economics data, demand, feds data, u3 u6, that would be great.[ Pardon my engrish lexiconography, and carelessness on typing, Italian is my forte].

Edited by dragonking20000
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My thought exactly my portfolio is doing ok, my uni loans are paid, waiting for the real estate to crash so i can get a second apt and a third hopefully full in cash that I can rent, so I can retire early rather than leaving money in bank with the mediocre investment they offer. If there is a time machine to go in future in stead to see if a real estate crash happens and when and market tanks beside relying the usual economics data, demand, feds data, u3 u6, that would be great.[ Pardon my engrish lexiconography, and carelessness on typing, Italian is my forte].


LOL ... no actual problem Dragon. Heck, if it had been in Italian I would probably have had trouble even finding the commas!!


I'm just a smart ass ... and you have my permission to call me one.


I did consider the possibility of time travel in both directions when setting the original conditions.


When considering time travel at all, when you look in the direction of the past there is but one single line ... events that have already happened. I can conceive of a possible machine that folds back the timeline in such a way that you can jump from the present into the past (sort of like the description of how a wormhole works from the movie Interstellar ... the roll timespace like a sheet of paper and poke a pencil through, linking two distant locations via a short distance).


When facing the other direction time presents a different problem though ... an infinite selection of possible futures.


If you were sent to one possible future to discover when the next crash will occur it could very well be a possible future that does not coalesce into a present. That would put you in a situation where you've put all your marbles into option A (based on what happens in that possible future), but it turns out that option A was the absolute worst option and option C was the one that came to pass in the future that actually did come to pass.


Minefields are probably a safer area to try to navigate.

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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.

So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:

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