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What would you use a Time Machine for?


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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.


So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:


Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry.


Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down??


Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.

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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.


So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:


Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry.


Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down??


Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.


Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D

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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.


So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:


Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry.


Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down??


Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.


Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D



Oh great ... now I'll have nightmares.


- Edit - That's not what "livin' the dream" is supposed to be about you know!!

Edited by Striker879
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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.


So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:


Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry.


Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down??


Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.


Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D



Oh great ... now I'll have nightmares.


- Edit - That's not what "livin' the dream" is supposed to be about you know!!



Nightmares?! Like the time in Morrowind when I had several long distance levitation scrolls so I could reach the northernmost coast after taking the Vow of Silence. I needed to get to the Sanctus Shrine on an island. I levitated off the steps from the Temple. I was levitating at 500 feet per second high above the clouds, when, halfway across Vvardenfell the game crashed.


When I rebooted the game had me suspended in the air and immediately after the game started I began to fall.


I was so shocked that the game opened with me still up there, I fumbled madly, and barely got another super levitation scroll out, before I hit the ground. :ermm: I forgot mention that I met the ground, before I could use the scroll. Game started again at the same place. Up in the air!

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I'd rather play with horse shoes than hand grenades. The only difference with playing horseshoes with time machines, traveling about, is, being close doesn't count. Where with a hand grenade near to the post in point of time, getting it close is all that matters.


So! With what I have in mind right now throwing a grenade at the past, would only prove whether this REALITY WE BELIEVE IS REALITY would reset, spawn all the NPC's, one of us would wake up to discover we have to start a new game. :laugh:


Of course there is one other time that close counts ... Ooops, sorry.


Yes I often wonder what will become of us if that nine year old kid in Topeka Kansas shuts off his machine. Do we all just disappear/cease to be if he forgets to save before shutting down??


Scary thought ... maybe we should remind him to save first.


Well, if its a beth game, it should automatically save on exit.... Trouble is, what happens when it crashes? :D



Oh great ... now I'll have nightmares.


- Edit - That's not what "livin' the dream" is supposed to be about you know!!



Nightmares?! Like the time in Morrowind when I had several long distance levitation scrolls so I could reach the northernmost coast after taking the Vow of Silence. I needed to get to the Sanctus Shrine on an island. I levitated off the steps from the Temple. I was levitating at 500 feet per second high above the clouds, when, halfway across Vvardenfell the game crashed.


When I rebooted the game had me suspended in the air and immediately after the game started I began to fall.


I was so shocked that the game opened with me still up there, I fumbled madly, and barely got another super levitation scroll out, before I hit the ground. :ermm: I forgot mention that I met the ground, before I could use the scroll. Game started again at the same place. Up in the air!



But you forget to mention that falling did absolutely no damage to you ... in fact if you think in the right "direction" falling could be considered quite liberating ("Gravity ... pahh ... it's got nothin' on me").


The problem always arises from the fact that we can't fall infinite distances, so we always arrive at the "suddden stop" situation that sucks all the fun out of falling.



Just a word of warning to any considering diving into our little thought experiment here (sort of a public service announcement) ...


I've just spent a few hours on YouTube looking for a particular Brian Greene talk about time I watched some years ago. That may give some of you a notion that perhaps I have some inside track or additional spin on this subject of time and time travel. You wouldn't be wrong, at least in the sense that I have found the subject interesting for quite a long time.


That doesn't mean I've studied it, or even spent inordinate amounts of time researching the subject of time. It does mean that when I stumble across information on the subject I'm more likely going to read/watch/listen about what's being proposed (as opposed to what many would find my odd reaction to what happens when I see something regarding news about some celebrity ... negative interest in finding out more).


The more astute among you would have noticed that it was quite easy for Paga to "goad" me into this. Yes he needed to drop the gauntlet, but no rattling of sabres was required ... I was quite happy to pick it up for him. You could have seen this coming.

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Time machine travel is like stepping into a wind tunnel and being blown all the way to the other end in under 5 seconds. You have to walk back to the door against the wind to get to the side entrance and that will take longer.


I too have read many interesting documents on Time Travel Machines. I have seen pictures that were being used to get our attention so we look at what famous stars and celebrities are up to or made a boo boo that was funny. And some photos that caught people who were dressed n styles from the 1970' and even our present time. Photoshop remakes? Maybe, but why so many pictures found that can't be explained and can be tested to be sure they are not layering so a part of it looks like the real picture?


Pictures found in old magazines, newspapers, and such that were taken long before with cameras which need flash powder instead of a flashbulb. Recently discovered pictures also taken in the distant past that suggests some people already have time travel devices, and seem to miss their intended date which the clothes they were wearing weren't in style yet.


Most of the pictures could have been layered so other pictures seemed a part of them when they were from two different eras.


If you want some entertainment just Google questions about pictures showing people in them that appear to be from a different era, back years ago. You'll be amazed at how many photographs you will see that have shown disturbing evidence someone already knows how to travel, through time, and space back to the past from our present day.


I was bored and found this site. Time travelers, or just people who didn't dress like everyone else?

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I would assassinate dictators before they usurp the power and try to prevent catastrophes.


I haven't got around to resuming my search for that Brian Greene video about time, but when I was looking the other day I did run across one that I hadn't seen before that touched on matters pertaining to what you propose OA.


According to what Brian explained, if you travel back in time from this present you cannot change anything in the past. All of those events in the past are what lead to that moment in our present that you left. What you suggest does open up an interesting concept though.


Mathematics is the primary tool used to establish fields of study. The math predicts that "A" should happen as a result of "B", and then scientists have something to look for after "B" occurs. A good example of mathematical prediction is one of those made by Einstien's General Theory of Relativity. The math predicts that gravity will bend the path taken by light as it passes an object. That comes from the equations, not from Einstein's "thought experiments". That light does bend in a measurable amount when passing a sufficiently massive body was proven during the May 29th 1919 solar eclipse, as predicted by Einstein.


So math preceeds observation, and can give observation a "direction" (if you will) in which to look.


So on to this interesting concept.


One of the mathematical outcomes from the equations used to describe String Theory is called Many Worlds or Multi-verse (String Theory is one of the ways that are being explored to unify the laws of the universe we see on the atomic and larger scale with those that dominate the sub-atomic or quantum domain). The math seems to indicate that our observable universe may not be the only universe, and in fact there may be many (or infinite number) universes out there.


One of the Many Worlds predictions says that we may be able to prove the existence of these other universes by something akin to how soap bubbles interact with one another (when one bubble comes into contact with another it deforms the shape of both while they are in contact). If the "bubble" that is our observable universe has come into contact with another then the math predicts how the interaction would have affected the background radiation left over from the Big Bang (our Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation). There are current studies today looking in the CMBR data for that signature (to date not found, or at least not announced).


So on to how that fits in with your propsal OA.


If we are the only universe and the Many Worlds proposals are only artifacts resulting from equations and not predictions then I think you're out of luck ... but an interesting possibility arises if Many Worlds is correct. It could be that when travelling into the past you either don't arrive in your past but the past in another one of the multi-verses where the dictators are assassinated in their past (do you then return to that universe or back to our own??) or you travel back to our past, but because you have changed the course of history you don't return to our present but another universe's present (maybe one where the dictators are not assassinated).


In another part of that same Brian Greene video I was reminded that we do in fact have the technology today to time travel, in fact we currently have people who are time travelling. Albert also has this little thing call "special relativity", which again is math equations that in turn make predictions. One of them is what happens to time as you travel faster and faster.


For you the traveller time is the same as it ever was, 24 hours takes exactly the same number of seconds to complete (86,400 seconds). To an observer left behind here on earth your clock will be running slower though, proportional to how fast you are travelling. What that means is when you travel fast enough you will return to "the future" when you arrive back on earth ... you will have travelled for 86,400 seconds on your "day trip" but more than 24 hours would have passed here on earth while you are gone.


Proven whenever our astronauts return from a mission of any length (longer travel time is required because we aren't really going very fast on the cosmic scale of things ... an insignificant fraction of the speed of light).

Edited by Striker879
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Sorry I'm late. I was in the standard time for us on Earth. I used Google Chrome Search to help pick up the trail and highlighted "Brian Greene video about time" and in a couple of seconds while the rest of you were still in standard Time I found lots of YT's that might be one of them. I think the YT's are all his. Pick one!


Brian Greene videos _ It's about time!

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Sorry I'm late. I was in the standard time for us on Earth. I used Google Chrome Search to help pick up the trail and highlighted "Brian Greene video about time" and in a couple of seconds while the rest of you were still in standard Time I found lots of YT's that might be one of them. I think the YT's are all his. Pick one!


Brian Greene videos _ It's about time!


Ya, those are all the ones I was searching through Paga (but thanks for taking the time ... I figured you for a Mountain Time kinda' guy, go figure eh?).


I keep text files with links to articles and videos that tickle different areas of that big gray lump that sits on my shoulders. Usually I'm pretty good with including enough description to know what a particular link leads to, but I do have one link in my Brian Greene (and astronomy in general) text file that has the simple "description" Time. Unfortunately for whatever arcane reason the internet tells me I'm not allowed to view the video in my country (well Canada is one of "those" nations I guess). This is the link ... maybe you live in a free world country that is not so overrun by subversives that certain information must be hidden from the occupants:




- Edit - Now that I can at least see the thumbnail I think that may be the one!!


- Edit - Still blocked to subversives from Canada though ... maybe if I go over to HeyYou's house we can turn his antenna the right direction and pick it up from the CMBR.

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