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Having trouble with installing mods


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I seem to be having a fairly consistent problem when installing mods with Vortex (specifically for New Vegas and Oblivion).

I am able to download form the nexus website using the download with mod manager option, that's no trouble.


The problem arises with installation. I am frequently getting a failed installation for several mods (an example is Dark Ui Darn for Oblivion and Fallout Character Overhaul for New Vegas). The error message I get is as follows:

"(intermediatevalue).Pair is not a construction".

What could be going wrong?



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What's going wrong is older mods, for older games such as Fallout New Vegas, and Oblivion arten't packaged properly for a Mod Manager to install them.

DarnUI being one of them.

If you want to use a mod manager, then you need to extract the mods, and repackage them properly in order for the mod manager to install them properly.

I spent a week doing this for Oblivion, and I wrote an article about it because I wanted to see if it could be done

Vortex and Oblivion an Experiment

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Thanks for the quick reply! I will have a read of that article you wrote up.


I am glad to hear it is not necessarily my incompetence but rather the age of the games being responsible for the problem. I used NMM way back when. Is there anywhere I can still download the old NMM from? If not I will use OBMM and FOMM I suppose.


Edit: If a file used to work on NMM, is it safe to assume it will work using Vortex as well?


Either way thanks for the information!

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Thanks for the quick reply! I will have a read of that article you wrote up.


I am glad to hear it is not necessarily my incompetence but rather the age of the games being responsible for the problem. I used NMM way back when. Is there anywhere I can still download the old NMM from? If not I will use OBMM and FOMM I suppose.


Edit: If a file used to work on NMM, is it safe to assume it will work using Vortex as well?


Either way thanks for the information!



NMM won't install them properly either, not without Repacking them.


You can use a combination of WryeBash and OBMM fror Oblivion, but if you can find all of the mods you want that have BAIN installation (WryeBash) it will be much easier than mixing them with OBMM, because you'll need to make a proper Bash Patch for use with Oblivion.



So, TL;DR NMM won't install the mods for FONV and Oblivion any better than Vortex would, because of the way the mod is zipped up.


WryeBash will install Mods packaged as BAIN archives, and OBMM will install OMOD

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