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Why does everyone get so mad when I make a request IN THE MOD REQUEST .. serious if it can't be done it can't be done no need to get all mad I mean I said 2 times before I new I don't mean any harm or to frustrate anyone I literally just want to make requests nothing impossible not like I asking for anything unreasonable, eve9d9 said it best (yes or no will do)
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Could have something to do with the reaction you are getting. This is no different than loading the kids into the car, pulling out of the driveway and making it half way down the block before you hear the first "Are we there yet" from the back seat.


The post I linked was made four minutes before this post, and I have already seen one other thread you started in the Skyrim forums (and not one you made in the Mod Request section).


Sorry Danny but your reputation is already preceding you where ever you go on the site.

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I've read your posts and it seems part

of the problem may be "it's now what

is said, but how you say it"....

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I'm to happy of a person for all the moody ppl here didn't know being angry and bitter was a requirement to post mod request I withdrew anyway forget it I don't even care anymore if its that big of a deal to express excitement I'm a paraplegic wheel chairbound for life after car accident last year this is all I have Skyrim and a bedroom sorry if this is a little bit to much for me not only and I disabled but I'm stuck inside through this Corona B's but the one game I love I'm losing interest in thanks
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  On 7/28/2020 at 1:26 PM, Dannyvela198535 said:

I'm to happy of a person for all the moody ppl here didn't know being angry and bitter was a requirement to post mod request I withdrew anyway forget it I don't even care anymore if its that big of a deal to express excitement I'm a paraplegic wheel chairbound for life after car accident last year this is all I have Skyrim and a bedroom sorry if this is a little bit to much for me not only and I disabled but I'm stuck inside through this Corona B's but the one game I love I'm losing interest in thanks

You gotta keep in mind that many people just don't have people skills. There is a reason they ended up behind a monitor, and it was not an car accident.


Cheer up, and know that there are a lot of empathic and nice people out there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would think like the poster above me mentioned that most people don't have people skills. I think instead that we do not use enough of them online and on the internet. There is something to be said for a courteous Please and Thank you and May I?

To me those are more enlightened responses although I do admit falling from Grace especially when I see an outright distortion or lie like most people are wont to do now, especially about political divides.

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It's the internet. People aren't polite, they aren't nice. They don't have to be.... Not like some folks have much motivation to be nice..... Granted, there are exceptions here. Some folks are indeed nice....... they are simply outnumbered. :)


That, and folks see mod requests every day...... Know how many of them actually get made? Vanishingly few. Like, maybe .00001%.... and even that may be optimistic. If there is a particular mod that you want, you are much more likely to get it, if you learn how to do it yourself.

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Then I went my be nice either , sick of moody ass ppl bitching about how I make inquiries my request where simple and serious a simple yes or no was alot better than a whiney I hate the world ass response , and as far as making my own mod it's not that important to me especially if I have to deal with crybaby as nerds who gave no joy in theirs lives apart from acting superior all because they can mod ,they wanna impress me lose your virginity and be a happier person just because your a modder doesn't mean u have to be pissy all the time and I seriously stopped give a f*#@ a lonnnng time ago
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