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Skyrim's Humour


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I like the dungeon where that greedy dunmer woman wants the treasure (really badly, she's obsessed with it), so you go around and unlock the doors with levers and all that... then she charged in proclaiming "Yes, the treasure! It's mine, all mine!" then promptly dies from a trap, revealing the real treasure beneath.

Edited by billyro
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So far, the funniest thing I can recall is this random house I found, still in flames. In it, the dead body of a mage-in-training lay beside a candle circle, with a journal note about how he was going to try summoning a flame atronach. I think I know how that turned out!

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So far, the funniest thing I can recall is this random house I found, still in flames. In it, the dead body of a mage-in-training lay beside a candle circle, with a journal note about how he was going to try summoning a flame atronach. I think I know how that turned out!


Haha, yeah! That's near Riften, I think.


I think a funny saying is when you walk into that inn at Winterhold, and the conversation that ensues...


Nelacar: "Can you decribe the smell?"

Other guy: "It was like a skeever was turned inside out and then exploded!"

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One of my funniest moments was actually due to the mix of mod npcs & stock voicing. I was using a merchant mod that added Khajiit merchants inside shops. One of them was coming up the stairs and appeared to be stuck walking in place. When I approached she said "The road makes this one weary."

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had a good one caused by accidental timing.

I was sneaking through a cave full of bandits and had managed to kill 1 with a critical sneak shot, no big deal, we've alll done it, but then another bandit says "where are you?" and immediately from down a tunnel another bandit shouts "over here".

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I was running madly around the Reach looking for my horse in a pitch black night after an ambush by conjurers and a Dragon, and stumbled across three hunters having an orgy.
Well, there were two women and one men and they were all sitting in the water, one of the woman actually laying on her back, and since I use anatomically correct bodies it looked quite... orgy-ish.

My well-behaved good-boy Dovahkiin was not amused. .... I was.

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There is a line between Grelka in Riften and some female (I had my back turned) Unknown female tells Grelka that the harness she ordered came in the last boat shipment. She then asks why she needs such a harness. Grelka says, "Erm..its for religious reasons."


It made me want to immediately go to Grelka's house and look for oddly placed screws.....*cough*

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<p>hmmm.... can't think of any at the top of my head... but I'll post some when I hear them.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>Edit: You know how Khajiit aren't allowed in Cities?  I saw one in Riften... she started to Sweep...</p>

Edited by Amoryenar
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