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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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All the support in the world from me, like posted below, Ive gotten more out of these sites than i ever paid for in the lifetime membership. Keep up the amazing work, and thank you for not going corp. REAL gaming sites run by REAL gamers, for REAL gamers. Once again, THANK YOU.
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I own Fallout 1,2,3,NV ... Never Winter, Never Winter 2 (even though NW2 is not on here) So yea i have MORE than enough reason to be here. I just as others here have said "I love Nexas" I'm on here more than facebook, i really dislike the app games on Facebook. That and I have Nexas on my TOP 10 Favorite firefox Top site tab page and it's #1 on the list. Anyway I thank you Dark0ne for all that you do and your team of devs, please don't change. And also as one member below said about being poor, so am i which in turn makes it very hard to be a Life time member but I'm getting there. THANKS!! and keep up the hard work.
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I have been a huge fan of the Nexus site ever since it's been out, I havn't been on the forums much, but that's because Nexus does it's job so well, you come here find all the greatest mods you want for your game, and you get more play time, Even when Skyrim well bethesda released their steam workshop, I still have yet to use it as I still prefer the Nexus. So keep it up I love this site =]
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just a thought, but why don't you put a rotating banner ad on the actual nexus app? people have the app open as much as the website, would that not double the ad revenue you can reinvest into the site.


free ipod/android apps generally have ads, so most people are comfortable with seeing ads on free things.

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When I read this I'm really amazed how the site is even able to run. I mean Nexus provides us with terrabytes of data and severeal downloadsevers which they all pay by themselfs. About 90% of the visitors probably block the ads and still I can write this comment...
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Kia ora


I have to say I'm more than impressed with the site mate


A very big thanks to all of those who bust the wee hours to keeps the clock ticking man


I guess TESO is gonna nail some resourde's too or do you not plan on adding that, maybe doen't need a site like this but the commuinty is here already no dount


Thanks again for the great work


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is there a account i can send money to to help pay for this (server transfer till you get it server clustering) cause to think about it regardless of the traffic your getting (although there is alot of nexus's that are all pratcially the same thing) if every user even donated 1 dollar to help dont you think this would in turn speed up and help the dev and your team . i dont know about anyone else but id be willing to throw donations out. come on surely everyone can donate a dollar at least and shoot its not like you have to but 1 dollar come on everybody you can afford a dollar thats four quarters. (you can find a dollar's worth of change definetly within a week if you actually look).


but as far as everything else you have mentioned thanks for the feedback and i think its great to hear drom the web owner cause all these other websites you may see posts but is it ever from the person sitting back collecting the money? think about it.


thanks for this Dark0ne

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@Dark0ne and the Nexus Team


Wow! I mean I always knew running a site like this had to be quite a bit of work but I never really looked at it with much more depth than that. I also never sat and thought about how you guys have refused to take certain routes in the business of running this site in favor of sticking to the visions and goals you have for this site. This article really opened my mind to those things. You guys are just awesome, dedicated, generous, great guys and I cannot express how much my appreciation and respect has sky-rocketed from where it already was before reading this article. I wish there was some other way I could show my thanks other than with this message. I wish I were in a position to donate but I just can't. I sincerely thank you guys for what you do!


These are just some things that stood out:


So why don’t I hire some ad reps to better sell the inventory and use that money to pump it all back in to the sites? The reasoning is very similar to my private investment reasoning; when the focus of your business is on increasing your ad sales, and on ensuring a prompt ROI to your investors, you begin to lose sight of what your original goals were and instead focus on one very simple goal: making money.


You guys are really, really good when things go wrong on these sites. By and large the reaction is often tame and supportive rather than stressed and raging. I like to think it’s because you know we’re not some corporate mega-money machine that’s cutting costs by cutting corners, but just 5 gamers trying to provide the best service we can.


These explanations of your business model are flooring! If only there were more people in this world that had the kind of character it takes to run a business or a service with a similar model. Such a model might not make as much profit but damn will it get you a ton of respect and sincere appreciation. I can't applaud you enough for so closely guarding your vision for this service in spite of the plentiful ways to turn it into a cash-grab. That is character! Again, thank you guys all soooo much.



Edited by ThyHarrowing
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If I had just a little more income I'd be a premium member - maybe even a lifer. God knows you guys deserve it. My best friend spent nearly two solid weeks puzzling out a load balancing setup last summer while receiving virtually no help from the worthless hardware vendor (cough*Cisco*cough). He was victorious and hailed as a hero - the new system is lightning fast and rock-solid, so I'm really looking forward to what such a setup may do for Nexus. Frankly, there are only four things that I even consider less-than-optimatal about the Nexus sites:


* Forums are totally separate from the main site. I hate messing with dual logins. I understand that to maintain flexibility this is almost a requirement, but I wish that each site could at least pass credentials to the other. I know Vbulletin and several others can do it.

* Some of your ad sources like to embed malware, or at least they used to. That's why I started blocking them. I've been tempted to disable blocking on Nexus to see if this is still going on.

* The rather loose requirements on mod descriptions are often annoying. Sometimes only their mod page has any details while other times its only in the readme. I hate downloading something only to discover I have to go back to the mod page just to find out how to use it, install it, etc. I'm similarly irked when I grab a new mod and in the readme I find out that its incompatible with other key mods, requires jumping through a bunch of hoops to use and so on. Probably the best answer to this dilemma would be a system that extracted the contents of any README*.* files and posted them sequentially on a new Documentation tab. I should add that some of my frustration comes from the fact that I'm stuck at ISDN speeds where I live and if use more than 2.5gb of data/month its cut to 2G wireless speeds.

* The "kudo" system is a bit generic. I think a proper up-vote function for individual posts would be a huge improvement. Also, whenever you do give kudos to someone it sends you to a Skyrim Nexus page where you have to confirm it. Rather annoying.


If the day comes that these issues are addressed, I will immediately become at least a premium member. Heck I may do it anyway just to try and hasten that moment! Keep up the fantastic effort..if not for Nexus I'd probably lose my mind, literally. The Bethesda games have kept me sane during some rough periods of my life and I couldn't have truly enjoyed them without this network.

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I strongly believe in your business model, and I appreciate your dedication to the users instead of a cash-grab. I wouldn't be able to play all of my favorite bug-riddled bethesda games without you guys. thanks a lot, Hking0036


(also, I don't use ad blockers :p)

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