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Blog Piece: Nexus plans for stability and infrastructure improvements.


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Great to hear how committed you are to staying "local," as it were (the Internet version of not selling out and becoming a Corporate drone). That makes ALL the difference to me and more people out there than you might realize.


I also love having the behind the scenes details of how a particularly well-run corner of the Internet (e.g. Nexus) actually functions. These are the details that will motivate more and more "local," high-quality, user-focused sites to be created, or continue to develop without just becoming cash-cows.


Thanks for your dedication.

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"...that’s a 1:5 ratio of people working on content to people working on making money. To me, it’s crazy to have more people working on selling than actually improving and producing the content that sells."


Bingo- one of the problems with a whole lot more than just the gaming world, but the big real-life world and you nailed it in this simple phrase. Greed above love. Greed above quality. Greed above passion, Greed above all. I applaud you for being ethical, and for putting something- almost everything, in fact- ABOVE the greed. :) thank you.

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A criatividade nunca vai se deixar abater, nunca, jamais, nem por "grandes" corporações ou por qualquer grupo ou quem quer que seja, seu trabalho é magnífico justamente por estar livre e faze-lo por que ama-o, mesmo que de um tempo, por qualquer que seja o motivo, ele re-nascera em algum ponto, Faça como em wasteland...


Creativity will never leave cull, ever, ever, even for "large" corporations or any group or whoever it is, his work is magnificent to be free and just do it by loving it, even though a time, for whatever reason, he re-born at some point, as in Make wasteland ...

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I've been following this site for almost three years now, and I feel bad for not getting premium yet. Next chance I get, I will, though. Especially if it means helping you afford a server upgrade, because things have been rather slow, lately.
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Id just like to say how much i appreciate this site and all the work you and your team put into it. The Nexus site and the NMM are two things i do not think i could game without anymore and you guys have done a great job. I'm sure you will continue to improve this site and i am sure to eventually get that premium membership to help you out.
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