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Well with me, it would have to be the Matrix trilogy. Sorry. I know some of you think it's very lame, but I still love those films. :P And yes I have seen all 3 LoTRs. I love em but they're so longwinded, you can't exactly just casually pick them up and watch em again, you have to find a 4 hour slot! :P
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What about Enemy at the gates, jurassic park 1 and 2, armageddon, spy games, saving private ryan, budfinger (steve matrin eddy murphy), Blue streak, shanghi noon, blade,

scarface, half baked (so its poo........its so damn funny, Dave chappelle rules), the last of the mohicans. Also, terminal(new), the shining, lotr trilogy, das boot, alien vs preditor :) .


By the way, they made a movie of hous eof the dead and tombraider and both where poo yet they havent made a movie of warcraft 3 or frozen throne.................

Or a movie of dark reign, deus ex, half life, or falloat...........


If they made that then that would rule.

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They are making a movie on Deus Ex.


As for my movie choices... I'm really selective when it comes to movies and I'm also really easily irritated by other people's choices when I think the movie is bad so i'll resist the urge to down other people's choice.


in no order:


Saving Pvt Ryan

Lost Highway

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

The Pianist

The Great Escape

Citizen Kane

The Matrix <-- guilty pleasure


Bullworth <-- not a great movie but great message


Dune (the '80s version by David Lynch)

Metropolis (the original, not the anime)


There are some more but those are off the top of my head. Of them I would say that Adaptation, the Pianist, Citizen Kane and to a lesser extent Memento are some movies that no one should go without seeing as they are movies that pushed the art of filmmaking forward with new ideas.

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