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Should we do a new wiki?


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Ohhh ...

That would be great!

Documentation is always good!



The CK wiki can't be accessed anymore?

I can load that website just fine ...

You probably mean "it can't be edited" or something like that ...



Would it somehow be possible to "migrate" the articles that are on the "CK wiki" to the "new one"?

If so, that would save some work ...


I could possibly help ....

But I am not that knowledgable about the CK and it's workings .... (found that out the hard way ...)

But it is always better to actively help improve something, then to just complain about it not beeing good enough, right?



But the obvious questions:

  • Who would host it?
  • Who would pay for hosting it?
  • Who would be "responsible" for it?
  • What about backups?



Funny that you bring this up right now ...

The company that I work for IRL is currently also going through some "documentation changes" ...

Edited by YouDoNotKnowMyName
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> Since the CK wiki cannot be edited accessed anymore and no one can be reached, what about a new wiki that adds new information?


I requested a new password from the site a while ago (June, 2020) and yours truly is still waiting for the reset password email.

Spam checked etc. I tried reporting it at the Bethesda forums, but there has not been any response yet. Because of the low importance that time, I just forgot about it


Anyways. I read it as you are saying that write/edit access is not available anymore, right?


It is not unusual that non-critical sites lacks checks to see if access rights, email configuration etc. are working as expected. Eg. server software upgrades.


I am not against the idea of a new Wiki, but maybe the first step should be to figure out if the current situation is going to be permanent or if it is just some accident that can easily be fixed?

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I still have edit access to edit the wiki :smile: But, I can't offer typing pool publishing services :sad:


Peer reviewed authoritative publishing location would be great. | have a lot of articles based on empirical testing attached to my nexus mods that don't seem to be google indexed to be found by folks who would be interested.


Except if it turns into a fandom like wiki where one bothers to publish empirical test based information and some drooling half-wit internet monkey changes or removes it. That needs some thought.


I am in contact with a Bethesda community manager about the creation kit site no longer being google indexed which is painful as the internal site search doesn't support keyword fragments or mis-speeling.

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If you've established contact could you adress the situation of people not being able to register and if there's someone who could resolve this situation? If it's about a server I could set up a small one maybe.

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I am powerless to address anything, as in make something happen.


I am dealing with someone who is probably equally powerless, but may with luck be able to find someone in the Bethesda organisation who has the power/authority to make something happen. Remember this stuff is 5 years old so no one in Bethesda is getting performance measured or paid on it. Except maybe folks associated with creation club.


Rule #1 in corporate influencing - make ONE ask or request at a time. If you heap up a stack of difficult requests you will find that NONE of them get done.


If I can get movement on google indexing (which is probably a web admin adding NOINDEX tag on the webpages without understanding/caring about the consequences to us) that earns the right for the next ask which would be logon account management.

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