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Mod authors abusing control granted to them


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Hot on the heels of the locked thread about mod authors deleting forum comments, I have a personal example of abuse of the authority granted to mod authors, but it's an abuse far worse then merely deleting forum comments. After an exchange in a mod's forum, I found myself blocked from even being able to download the mod or visit its NexusMods page; instead, the page is replaced by this:

The author of this page blocked your access to this content. This is not an error with the site and the Nexus staff will not get involved with unblocking your access, so do not contact the moderation team for help. Accessing an author's page is a privilege, not your right.
You can try to amicably resolve this issue with the page author, if they'll let you, but be warned: if you are rude or break our terms of service when contacting the mod author and they report you it's extremely likely you will be banned completely from these sites. Is it worth it? You decide.

This is the exchange that precipitated it (with names redacted):

I am dissatisfied with ..., and I would like to adjust it to suit my taste. I am assuming there is not already a mod that does just that and only that? I've only spent perhaps ten minutes looking for the responsible variable or value, and found nothing. Before I embark on a more extensive pursuit of the goose, does anyone know where I might look for that? Is it a record in the ESM, or a constant in a Papyrus script? Just knowing that would help narrow my search considerably.

Done by SKSE script based on different factors in the item.

Do you mean to refer to an SKSE plugin DLL? I don't see an SKSE plugin in this mod, but if it's embedded in a DLL then I don't possess the skill to modify that.

It's scripted, not in a .dll.

What SJ is basically saying is, it would be far easier for you just to go to a store and sell your gear if it bothers you. The reduction is to balance out the fact that its an unlimited sell pile.

The sell pile saves a ton of time and effort well worth the discount to me. If anything this service is OP since I don't have to waist perk points in the Speech tree.

Judgement in place of assistance or even simple information. Wonderful. At least one person was willing to offer a straight answer. I see the scripts are locked away in a BSA with no source, so this will be loads of fun if I can accomplish what I want at all.

Two different devs gave you an answer. Anyone else's comments are basically just airing opinions.

I don't know developer Dick from player Harry, since posts from them are not identified as such. Regardless of Who's Who, I clearly stated that I disagreed with the approach and wanted to change it for my own use. The question I asked was only regarding achieving that goal, not whether I was justified in disagreeing with the approach. If I had wanted to solicit arguments why I shouldn't disagree with it, I would have done so. I didn't because I already understand the rationale behind it and still disagree.

This is likely what I will be altering:

TotalSale *= ValueMod
MoneyBox.Additem(Gold001 as Form, TotalSale as Int, false)
TotalSale = 0 as Float
if ValueMod < 0.500000
SellChestUses.value = SellChestUses.value + 1 as Float
if SellChestUses.value == 10 as Float
ValueMod += 0.0200000
SellChestUses.value = 0 as Float


Posts with blue outlines are devs/moderators.

At the end of the day, this is a comments section, We have just as much of a reason to tell you we disagree with you as you do in saying you dont like it. Just because you want to change something doesnt mean we should then be forced to help you change it, hence why we explain why it is the way it is.

We arent here as whipping monkeys, you want to do something outside of support relating to actual issues feel free to do so yourself.


We arent here as whipping monkeys, you want to do something outside of support relating to actual issues feel free to do so yourself.

No whipping or other abuse took place. I made no demand of you or anyone else; I didn't ask that anything be done for me; I didn't even ask for detailed instructions. I simply asked, free of any attempt to "whip" or manipulate or sweet-talk, for very brief information. The one direct response I received was sufficient. I will do what needs to be done myself or not do it at all.


Why are you still talking like you're important?
I'm sick of your attitude. Go do what you want to do already.

And with that, I was blocked entirely from access to the mod. Could I have managed to be more polite? Yes, but as the exchange makes clear, I insulted no one, only bluntly stated and re-stated my motivation and expressed some non-directed frustration. In return for one of the authors being merely irritated by the exchange, I was blocked. The exchange wasn't even deleted.

That is what I would call an abuse of authority, and thanks to the ominous declared-in-orange NexusMods policy, I have no recourse. There is little point in asking an author to be reasonable and reconsider when he has already so clearly demonstrated an unwillingness to be reasonable. This is the point at which a higher authority would demand a reasonable response, but that higher authority has abdicated its responsibility to moderate those to whom it granted the authority that was abused.

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I'm not sure what you hope to achieve with this, staff aren't going to involve themselves in this and they sure as hell won't "demand a response" from the author. The mod page is the authors space and if they don't want to be bothered with this sort of thing they don't have to be, put yourself in an author's shoes, imagine dealing with this day in and day out, it gets old fast. I know several authors who share their work privately because they don't want to deal with some of the nonsense users throw at them, I would imagine there would be a lot more if the ability to remove users was taken away.


I would let this go and move on.

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If you want to use the mod, contact them via private message. Be nice with your request. Re-read what you write before sending it, make sure it cannot be mistaken for anything but nice. After that, should you be granted access to use the mod, post not on the mod page for help making changes but in the mod talk or creation kit sections of the forum. You should then be able to get the help you need without fear of loosing access to the mod.


Do not get upset if you do not hear back right away. If it is a developer team rather than a single mod author, they may have to discuss the situation first.

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I must say this is ridiculous. If I can be so easily banned from mods, I don't want to support them anymore. I will be cancelling my Premium membership.

Mod authors can only ban users who post in the mod comments section of their mod. If one does not post a comment, then that one cannot get banned. Not all mod authors utilize this feature either. It isn't something in general to be afraid off.

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There are many toxic mod authors. Sorry to say many have little to no respect for users like yourself. I have been railing against such attitudes in the Mod Author exclusive forum for quite some time and have also asked many times for users to be able to read posts there (but not to comment) to keep the toxicity in check. There has been no indication such a thing is even being considered.


I would say keep supporting the Nexus as they are not to blame for the fragility of mind and outright delusional perception by some modders that they are above everyone else in the community. They are always working to make this better and I hope someday they see see how a premium member being denied access on the whim of a bitter spiteful person is just wrong on many levels.

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... the fragility of mind and outright delusional perception by some modders that they are above everyone else in the community.

You mean like telling someone in "his" forum, "Why are you still talking like you're important?" and then pejoratively banning him?


They actually are above everyone else in the community, precisely because NexusMods' policies grant them the authority with no accountability.

Edited by VulcanTourist
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They actually are above everyone else in the community, precisely because NexusMods' policies grant them the authority with no accountability.

False. There is accountability for mod authors, just not for the specific, documented action taken by the mod author against you, because mod authors blocking people is explicitly allowed in the site rules. On top of that, the moderators of Nexus Mods have made it clear that they aren't going to get involved, so it would seem they consider the actions of the mod author justified enough to not step in and overrule the mod author's judgement.

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Careful, this topic will be locked.


I already had this out with someone, when the previous thread was locked and my criticisms cited as having been reviewed by Nexus someones, and being something THEY would have blocked or deleted too.


It's a simple fact, Nexus make money off this site, the site is fueled by the mods.


Thus the Mod authors are granted FAR more leeway than USERS.


When I pointed out that it is the USERS who attract the adds, and users who pay for membership, I was bluntly told that the data showed ever increasing user numbers, so Nexus had no concerns about alienating any with their policies.


I was also told that Mod authors are hobbyists, there's no obligation upon them, even for the most basic QA, and Nexus generally speaking has no QA policy. That unless a mod was so toxic it broke systems, then it was what it was, and all obligations regarding are upon the user.


Additionally I was told, essentially, that one must be polite to mod authors at all times.


This is just how it is, not matter how f*cking ridiculous that can be in some contexts.


The position is less than stellar, to quote an Nexus admins criticism of me.


But it is what it is.


Though if more people responded like Peacebringer, maybe they'd have no choice but to review that position.


I am not a premium member, though I was about ready to become one, which I shant now, and more, I will now ensure my add/pop-up blocker is active here too.


I am not saying mod Authors do NOT have deal with a f*** ton of BS comments, from uneducated users blaming their mods for things they are not responsible for, or making demands, but VALID criticism, and even VALID (no f*cks given what people say, sometimes it IS valid) bollockings, are always of value to end users, and Authors having the ability to delete, or even BLOCK users over them, and it then being up to US to file a complaint for abuse, is just bad business to me, as the motivation exists for Nexus to always side with modders.


I think the uploader should bare the responsibility to refer the offending posts to Nexus, and THEY then act or not. Yes, might mean you gotta work a bit harder if you're Nexus, but better than these things happening.

Edited by Apis4
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Why wouldn't Nexus side with modders. They are the only reason the Nexus exists. It is here to provide the means to share mods and nothing else. I am sure if you want to discuss mods, there are other forums you can join.


As for the start of this thread, the OP got just what he deserved. The OP started out with "I am dissatisfied with ..." If it were me, I would have told the OP that I would have no intention to help alter a mod I uploaded and if the OP didn't like it, don't use it.


I just don't understand the point of the thread. The mod author did not abuse any power. The authors make the mods and make the pages and have the right to refuse access to their work. If you don't like the policies here on this private website, you are free to leave at any time. The site owner will set the policies here. Again, if you don't like it, leave.

Just watch the door as you leave, it swings fast, don't let it hit you in the a**.

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