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Weird Behaviour for an external change


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I've change a mod using Wrye Bash and then Vortex detected the external change. I selected "use newer", but every change was gone and the file was reverted. And then, I did it again and selected "revert", but the result was the same.


I did it again and now clicked "see individual file", but Vortex shows that the staged one and the deployed one have exactly the same date modified.(7/22/2020)


I don't know it's the problem of Win10 or Vortex.

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I've just clicked the the mod and masters are listed in the right pane, then click Blues Skyrim change to Dawn of Skyrim and save.


Actually, Vortex indicates missing masters before, but after that operation, no more such pop-ups. But when I "deploy mods" Vortex detects external changes and reverts all the changes unless I choose cancel.

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Yes. Use newer and Revert have the same effect : revert changes. I think it could be the problem of Win10 or so. Their modified date looks like the same.



I don't see anywhere in the Wryebash documentation about anything to do with removing masters from an esp.


You have to do it in Xedit, even Wryebash mentions Xedit for doing that

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That's not the point. I've tested that with a Witcher 3 mod and it happens the same. I edited a file with VS code and "use newer" reverted the file. Something is wrong but I don't know it is the problem of my Windows setup or Vortex.



Well, what do you run for an Anti Virus program?

Do you use Windows Defender?



I mass edit my ESPs, using Xedit, so whenever I deploy, I get a notification that around 20 ESPs have changed, and when I pick "Use Newer" or Save Changes, it always works.


So there's something specific to your system.


Have you tried installing it again, right over the top of your current installation, but turn off your AntiVirus before you install it, because it is known that AntiVirus programs can make Vortex "miss Parts" when it installs

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