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About to do my first play through of Morrowind.


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I'd love some quick tips, suggestions, advice! I've played Oblivion and Skyrim before.


Tips: don't play it like its oblivion or Skyrim. The combat system is vastly different. It's dice roll combat and I loved it and still do. Also, talk to NPCs. You'll get new quests, secrets, etc.


Suggestions: Explore all that you can. Morrowind is a beautiful place.


Advice: Join a guild or house. It'll give you somewhere to hang your head, but also you'll get some coin and training.


But above all, have fun! Morrowind still remains to be my favorite TES game. It's fantastic.

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Choose your skills carefully. If you don't like hauling around a million potions, be sure to pick Restoration as a major skill. And guilds in Morrowind have skill/attribute requirements, so look at some references and try to think about your factions ahead of time.

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  • 4 months later...

Always look around for everything... carefully, who knows you can steal things or kill sum1 undetected. Dun stray from the road too far if you have a low level character (if you play the hardest mode (+100)). Watch for assassin attacks after level 5 (if you have Tribunal installed), they're bad pain in the a**, I can tell you :P And watch yourself not to get into the line of magic fires if your character has no magical resistances. Either avoid the magic shot, or hit it with your range weapon before it could touch you (it works in my pc tho).


And, if you like; stealth is your best friend here, especially if you like to crawl in ruins, caves, or tombs.


Hope that can be of some help :biggrin:

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Always mind the fatigue. It affects everything you do, chance to hit, chance to cast and heck, even your sell price is lowered when your fatigue is low. So don't run to places and decrease your fatigue.


Read this. It should outline the differences between the games and understanding them saves you a lot of frustration.


Keep in mind that morrowind is a slow paced game. So, don't rush between quests. Take everything slowly. And there will be places you can't enter at lower levels. So be wary and TALK to people. Since you are new, follow the main quest for a while till you understand the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Remember to read your journal. The journal is your greatest friend.

This. Very much so.


My advice would be - don't expect to complete the game on your first playthrough. I can't tell you how many times I re-started because I felt I wanted to progress my character a little differently. There is so much to do in this game, you might want to do a few "trial runs" to begin with. 'Course, that's just how I started Morrowind, and of course everyone is different, but it can't hurt to test the waters, so to speak. Do all the little side-quests at Seyda Neen.


If you want to get a good handle of the game, don't use the Seyda Neen Silt Strider to get to Balmora; walk. It doesn't take long, and you can get to grips with the UI and the control system along the way.


*EDIT* Oh, also? A little hint is that NPCs do not leave their cell - in other words, they do not use doors that load into another area (into and out of houses, for example). This is handy if you are outmatched and you are close to one of these doors. Also, if you are in a house and there is only the one guy, you can kill him and "steal" his house. You can use his bed, and since there are no NPCs going in or out of the cell, you can use the storage. Forever. This depends on any RP you wish to conform to, but it's really helpful nevertheless. I always do this for the house at the very edge of Seyda Neen (the unlocked one, close to the Silt Strider) and at least once in every city so I have a place to stash all my lovely loot ^_^


Edited by DarthTwitch
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Try not to get caught up in the world. I've played several characters who never got around to finishing the main questline because the vast amount of armor and weapons i got to play with, as well as the side quests. Watch your stamina, you don't want it to be too low if you get yourself caught up in a fight.

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  • 8 months later...

My advice is to not listen to any of the advice here XD The game is really difficult at the beginning because it is old school gaming but with effort you will very soon become unstoppable. Get ready to read a lot and enjoy it because the story and lore in Morrowind is amazing. It is also the foundation to the next 2 titles. Unfortunately Bethesda did not continue on the path of story driven gaming. Still Oblivion and Skyrim continue to thrive from Morrowind's alien lore. Imo it is the best game in the TES series and in my top 10 of all time. Good luck and enjoy the adventure!

Edited by oOtailspinOo
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