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removing certain mod changes?


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I want to remove some edited faces from NPC's, but it's not just as easy as deleting their actor data. So, is there a way to simply default them back to an untouched state? I got a bunch of other face mods that I'd rather use and instead of them overlapping each other, I really want them to mix and match in synergy.

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Definitely from mods, I deleted some meshes and textures of NPC's faces in mods like the ones I described in another post from the mod talk section, then tried deleting or reverting the edited NPCs in CK, did not go as planned. Well, actually, Aduri happened to work perfectly somehow when I deleted the overridden NPC in CK of the mod I didn't want the face to, but the rest are uh... you know.

Edited by ZodiacBlack
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Open up the mod in Xedit, and simply delete the NPC from the ESP. (Back up the mod first)

I used to do that with an NPC mod by KekeBu for Fallout 4
There were 4 NPCs I used different mods for, so I would just delete those 4 npcs from KekeBu's mod

The easier way was to just load the 4 mods that changed the characters I liked AFTER KekeBus mod so those 4 would overwrite the 4 in his/her mod.

That's the way I did it anyway.
I've yet to use the CK for anything useful.


Or, you can make your own mod that changes the NPC from those "Some" NPCs you don't want to change and load it after the other mod, in order to overwrite the changes to that mod.

Sometimes you don't even have to edit, you just need to load the mods that change the NPCs you want AFTER the other mod

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Thanks, I'll try using xedit then. As for overrides... I actually want multiple mods to work in synergy, without a single conflict. So putting anything after anything else is right out of question. I'll come back with the results in a while.

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Thanks, I'll try using xedit then. As for overrides... I actually want multiple mods to work in synergy, without a single conflict. So putting anything after anything else is right out of question. I'll come back with the results in a while.



I you're going to use overrrides, then you load the mods one after the other, then make a Patch, where you create Overrrides for each mod, to one ESP of your making, that you want to win in the load order.

So your patch would have those NPC mods as master, but your Patch would only contain the NPCS from all of the mods, that you want to win out, and override all the other ones.


Because in a load order, whatever loads last, wins the conflict.

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Say you have Mod A where you want to use NPC 1, 2, 3, 5, 7

You load Mod B after Mod A, and you want Mod B to use NPC 4, 6, but you don't want Mod B to override Mod A's 1, 2, 3, 5, 7

So you do this..

You Go to Mod A, right click on NPC 1, and select "Copy Override To...", then you have the option to make a new ESP, and say you call it, My Npcs.esps

So, now you've sent Mod A NPC, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 to MyNPCS.esp, that loads AFTER both Mod A and Mod B.

Now you open Mod B, and right click on NPC 4 and do the same thing, Copy the Override to MyNPCS.esp, and do the same with NPC 6

Now, you have an ESP, that loads after Mod A and MOD B, with NPCs 1, 2, 3,5, 7, from Mod A in it, and NPCs 4, 6 from mod B in it, now those NPCs WIN because they load last.

MOD A NPC 1---------------->MOD B NPC 1-------------->(Mod B wins, however, you made an override)---------------------->MyNPCS--------->MOD A NPC 1 WINS
MOD A NPC 2---------------->MOD B NPC 2-------------->(Mod B wins, however, you made an override)---------------------->MyNPCS--------->MOD A NPC 2 WINS
MOD A NPC 3---------------->MOD B NPC 3-------------->(Mod B wins, however, you made an override)---------------------->MyNPCS--------->MOD A NPC 3 WINS
MOD A NPC 5---------------->MOD B NPC 5-------------->(Mod B wins, however, you made an override)---------------------->MyNPCS--------->MOD A NPC 5 WINS

MOD A NPC 7---------------->MOD B NPC 7-------------->(Mod B wins, however, you made an override)---------------------->MyNPCS--------->MOD A NPC 7 WINS

MOD A NPC 4---------------->MOD B NPC 4-------------->MOD B NPC 4 WINS (but to make it easier, use override------->MyNPCS---------->MOD B NPC 4 WINS

MOD A NPC 6---------------->MOD B NPC 6-------------->MOD B NPC 6 WINS (but to make it easier, use override------->MyNPCS---------->MOD B NPC 6 WINS

etc etc

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