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I'm looking for a mod to increase difficulty (and maybe add more realism)


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I'm on my first playthrough and have installed like 100 mods. One mod which increases the perks I gain per level made the game just too easy for me. I'm playin on Very Hard difficulty but it's still too easy. (and I can kill anybody with a few headshots since I installed Better Locational Damage Mod) Can you recommend any mods which increase difficulty and add some realism? I'm bored of taking on packs of enemies by myself (actually, I have Piper as a companion but she doesn't do much). I want to have to fear for my life and be forced to play smart and use my skills. Im a big fan of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game series, so something along these lines would be wonderful. (No, I don't want to play MISERY mod. That one is for masochists.) Any help is appreciated.

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I feel your pain. Been playing Fallout 4 since it came out. Because the game engine can be buggy (even without mods) I do not like playing survival as I believe the difficulty is not that different, it just limits what you can carry and how to heal yourself (is this right?) My biggest gripe is that I cannot save the game when I am in workshop mode or if the game crashes, and, as a result, I have looked for mods to spice things up.


I have the following mods


1. Endless warfare

2. More attackers, Get off my build zone

3. SKK Dynamic Damage manager

4. Zombie Walkers

5. Children of Ug-Qualtoth

6. I was using Feral Ghoul Outbreak

7. Pack attack NPC Edition


As to #1, very customizable, but the NPCs sometimes don;t acknowledge your existence until you shoot at them.


As to #2, sometimes the number of enemies spawned is ridiculous. But again, they are not that tough.


3. SKK Dynamic Damage Manager, my go to. You can edit the amount of damage you inflict on NPCs, increase the amount of damage NPCs will give you, increase the intelligence, damage they inflict and health of ghouls.


4. Zombie Walkers, lots of Zombies basically you can set it up that they can infect you, NPCs and you have killed can become Zombies.


5. Nice little quest that interjects a new group of Ghouls into the Wasteland. They are similar to other ghouls, maybe a bit tougher, but the kicker is that they come back to life unless you kill one or more senior ferals that happen to be nearly invisible until they hit you and you notice a blur in front of you.


6. I was using the lite version of this mod as the initial version would cause CTD in Boston (just a sea f feral ghouls. Uninstalled.


7. Pack Attack, makes NPCs smarter, they hide from you, try to ambush you and follow you trying to engage in a sneak attack.

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IMO, 90% of gameplay mods are horrible fun-reducers. I'm waiting for the ultimate lazy-player mod, one that just ends every main quest as soon as you leave the vault.


Modder SKK50 has made several mods that add to the fun factor. Here are some of my favorites:


SKK Random Encounter Manager (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/42081)

SKK Settlement Attack System (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37393)

SKK Combat Settlers (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/34693)

SKK Combat Stalkers (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/30308)


NPCs Travel by win2009 (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16987) doesn't make gameplay harder, just less predictable.

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