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OK good.


Before we get the UOP reinstalled I'd like to make sure that BOSS is up to date.
The latest masterlist for BOSS can be downloaded from BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion. Download it to a folder and extract it to that same folder.
You will now see a folder named Masterlist Update 12-18-18 and inside that folder a file named masterlist.txt. Copy masterlist.txt and then navigate to where you installed BOSS (the top level folder will be named BOSS). Open the BOSS folder and find the BOSS\Oblivion folder. Right click on the Oblivion folder and paste ... if you get a file overwrite prompt select yes.
This will give BOSS the most up to date masterlist that we have for Oblivion.
Start BOSS and click the Run BOSS button and when it's done and you have closed the report window and closed BOSS start the game once more to be certain all is OK.
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Good ... I was worried about whether BOSS would be up to date.


So now we will install just the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.


It should already be downloaded to your folder and it may still be showing in OBMM with the green box. If it is showing in OBMM then just double click to install it. If it is not still showing in OBMM then you will need to go through the Add Archive and Create steps to get it showing in the OBMM right hand panel.


Once you have that installed check that Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp, Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp and UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp all have tick marks in the left hand panel.


Next run BOSS once again to sort the new ESPs into your updated load order.


When BOSS is finished close it and check in the game that all is working OK.

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OK ... deactivate just the Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp and UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp in the left hand OBMM panel and then run BOSS again. When BOSS is done test in game again.

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Next deactivate the Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp and then run BOSS and test in game.


I need to go out to the bank and our local boating store, so it will be a while before I can check back. Post your result of the latest test and I'll see it when I get back OK.

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