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How can anybody srsly play as a Vampire Hunter?


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Is it just me or do people not go..."Oh she has an ELDER SCROLL...maybe I shouldn't just go all Whack-a-Mole on her" ?

Cause you know...Elder Scrolls are kind of a big deal in the "Elder Scrolls" series.


As for the debates about essential characters being "immersion breaking" I have to disagree. It would be more immersion breaking to believe that a random warrior from out in the wilderness would be allowed to approach a Jarl with weapons drawn and cut him/her down and then proceed to stroll out of the town killing every person that gets in your path. Really the guards should cut you down as soon as you reach for your sword...IF they even allow you to approach the Jarl without confiscating your weapons. The essential status is just the game's way of working that in without having to have all that extra stuff. In order to really RP in Skyrim you need to allow a bit of a stretch of imagination when it comes to game mechanics. I mean...you already have to imagine the "cities" having populations larger than 30 and more than 10 houses if your going for real immersion.

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Is it just me or do people not go..."Oh she has an ELDER SCROLL...maybe I shouldn't just go all Whack-a-Mole on her" ?

Cause you know...Elder Scrolls are kind of a big deal in the "Elder Scrolls" series.


As for the debates about essential characters being "immersion breaking" I have to disagree. It would be more immersion breaking to believe that a random warrior from out in the wilderness would be allowed to approach a Jarl with weapons drawn and cut him/her down and then proceed to stroll out of the town killing every person that gets in your path. Really the guards should cut you down as soon as you reach for your sword...IF they even allow you to approach the Jarl without confiscating your weapons. The essential status is just the game's way of working that in without having to have all that extra stuff. In order to really RP in Skyrim you need to allow a bit of a stretch of imagination when it comes to game mechanics. I mean...you already have to imagine the "cities" having populations larger than 30 and more than 10 houses if your going for real immersion.

The Elder Scroll...that all depends on your RP....My Dovah does not go far enough into the MQ before picking up Serana to know what an Elder Scroll is...he has no idea as to what she has on her back and nor does he care...what he cares about is the fact that she is a Vamp.


The Essential Status...a Jarl continuing to keep their Essential Status.....up until their dethroned anyway (if dethroned with Civil War outcome)...makes perfect sense.....But NPC's such as Serana no longer need their Essential Status once their story is finished and so thus the Essential Status should come off....this is done with a number of NPC's in the Game...so why does Serana keep hers... :dry:

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Is it just me or do people not go..."Oh she has an ELDER SCROLL...maybe I shouldn't just go all Whack-a-Mole on her" ?


Cause you know...Elder Scrolls are kind of a big deal in the "Elder Scrolls" series.



As for the debates about essential characters being "immersion breaking" I have to disagree. It would be more immersion breaking to believe that a random warrior from out in the wilderness would be allowed to approach a Jarl with weapons drawn and cut him/her down and then proceed to stroll out of the town killing every person that gets in your path. Really the guards should cut you down as soon as you reach for your sword...IF they even allow you to approach the Jarl without confiscating your weapons. The essential status is just the game's way of working that in without having to have all that extra stuff. In order to really RP in Skyrim you need to allow a bit of a stretch of imagination when it comes to game mechanics. I mean...you already have to imagine the "cities" having populations larger than 30 and more than 10 houses if your going for real immersion.

The Elder Scroll...that all depends on your RP....My Dovah does not go far enough into the MQ before picking up Serana to know what an Elder Scroll is...he has no idea as to what she has on her back and nor does he care...what he cares about is the fact that she is a Vamp.


The Essential Status...a Jarl continuing to keep their Essential Status.....up until their dethroned anyway (if dethroned with Civil War outcome)...makes perfect sense.....But NPC's such as Serana no longer need their Essential Status once their story is finished and so thus the Essential Status should come off....this is done with a number of NPC's in the Game...so why does Serana keep hers... :dry:


Could be glitched...like Derkeethus and Mjoll.


As for the Elder Scroll thing, I suppose it's just how you play it. I usually can't bring myself to play a chracter that has never heard about the Scrolls...or the Divines....or Deadra.... because those types of thing seem intrinsic to the very being of the world.

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Unfortunately it's not a glitch...Serana is flagged to remain 'Essential'.....I didn't know Mjoll was essential, I don't use her so I guess just never noticed and never heard about it either it seems...Edit: I just googled Mjoll, apparently she is meant to remain essential also.


The Elder Scroll....yep, it's very much an RP thing....due to the unknown Prisoner Bethesda game starts (I play Oblivion also) and I guess due to my own nature, I tend to RP characters who are on the outer in some way or another....My primary Skyrim character is a Pure Blood (born) Werewolf, isolated Tribal from the inaccessible Mountain regions bordering Skyrim, Hammerfell and Cyrodiil....thus knows very little nor cares about the goings on in the Provinces.

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Personally, I see the argument here much like the argument about FO3's Dad. Alot of people on the nexus are upset that he was upset at you for doing BAD THINGS. He raises you to do good, and when you do the opposite, your surprised? People even talked about wanting to join the Enclave. I don't know any person who would willingly join an organization that KILLED their father, unless it was to take it down from the inside.

Onto the point here though... I don't really roleplay as a vamp-hunter, more as a doer of good. And serana is a good person, even if she has a flaw. And even if I were to RP as a Vamp-Hunter, she would be a necesary evil. I understood her logic about "you kill me, I'm one vampire, but if these people are looking for me, then something big is going on." Especially cause I knew that was an elder scroll on her back. So, I'm more that willing to put up with her, if it means that I can kill more vamps in the end.

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Serana never really annoyed me (aside from a few repetative lines), and she was a nice person. Who cares if she is a vampire? That's like saying you hate high elves because of the Aldmeri Dominion, while there are undoubtably a large portion of good Altmer characters who disagree with the methods the Thalmor enact.

Yes, I think it's a good thing when I destroy Thalmor, but that doesn't mean every single high elf needs to die.
I think it's a good thing when I destroy a base of vampires trying to blot out the sun, but that doesn't mean every single vampire needs to die either.

So basically, I can roleplay as a vampire hunter if I'm hunting down evil vampires, but I won't harm a vampire I consider to be good.

Edited by billyro
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When you finish the quest, if you answer correctly some dialogues, you can cure her.



Which does literally nothing except change her eyes. She still uses vampiric powers, still wears that stupid hood and complains about everything.


Also we're in the spoilers section so you don't need to use spoiler tags.

Edited by Kayyyleb
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@Derok....the problem with the cure is you have to be nice to her and be all concerned about her to get that choice...RP out the window. As my Dovah doesn't like Vamps and Serana doesn't "soften" his feelings, he doesn't get that option...thus the only choice he has is for me to console her essential status off so he can finish the job he started with a quick throat slit when the mission is completed.

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