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About Dragonborn dlc..


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Personally, I think completing the main Skyrim questline before starting Dragonborn would make sense chronologically. At the very least, go through the storyline up to the point where you have spoken with the graybeards and have been recognized as the Dovahkiin.

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At the very least, go through the storyline up to the point where you have spoken with the graybeards and have been recognized as the Dovahkiin.

Doing the first quest for the Greybeards is actually a requirement for the event that that allows the player to travel to Solstheim to trigger. After that point, it doesn't matter.

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Hi all, one quick question: can you uninstall or disable Dragonborn once you've downloaded it? As you'd have guessed, I have not yet bought it, I'm worried I'll get conflicts with some of my scripted mods... ;0)

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