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Decapitated Heads as retrievable items


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This would take a LOT of work. New meshes, scripting, etc. The closest thing that I believe is currently achievable would be to have their skulls as inventory items, so that you can take their skull when you kill them, much like in "Cannibals of Morrowind"

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  • 9 months later...

I'm not a big fan of brutal trophies, but perhaps how the unique head could be done, it could import the NPC face data onto the head item. Then a script could be used to make sure each NPC has one, and that their head item actually matches their face. It would probably have to be done in SKSE.

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Hm, I remember I saw a mod at one point that added skulls to death items, so you could get a skull every time you killed someone, but I don't think it showed the name. I can't find the mod now, though...

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Yeah it's a little sick, I know, but it would make playing as a barbarian more fun. Plus I'm making a casualties of war chest where I stow the heads away. :>


What would the difficulty level of making this happen be?




So I've heard of turtle cooked in the shell, ...


so is this some sort of twisted cannibalistic fetish for sweet breads cooked in the skull, therefore absorb the magicka and knowledge of your vanquished enemies?

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