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Final attempt... let's have some humour here!


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I love this forum but... but... there's no fun! There's no sense of humour. Is is banned? i like the word A***, but that's banned. Or is it? Normally its only American phrases. Let's try Arse. If the last 4 letters are blotted out, we know the site has learned English. Bet they don't know about shite, though! Hah!


Anyway, onwards...


Modding is fun. Or at least it is to me. If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. I love it, hate it, want to throw my PC out of the window at times, listen to Linkin Park at max volume to drown the sorrows... but... it's worth it.


I can't help but think that people come on this site for advice and go... "What? They're all like my granda!"


Humour, folks. That's what we need!


Edit: Proper English swear words such as 'Arse' are obviously not banned. Oh my giddy arse! I can now be silly! Perchance Nexus will address this terrible lingual misadventure? Just goes to show, where swearing is concerned, Nexus doesn't know sh*te! (edited, in case it was too strong. You can type the actual word)


Edit 2: I'm not associating humour with swearing. I love to swear and don't mind it. Humour is what I was going for. I just got a bit miffed by all the other PC (not personal computer) stuff that stands in the way of people properly engaging with each other. I want a laugh.

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@M4BA5 Still odd they bar US 'Swear Words' but not the english spellings. Nice though.


I always watch my language.


Bon jour!


I just watched it and it was French. Guten nacht... oops slipped into german.


Over to you. au' revoir!


edited this one too: I thought I was a bit wrong. What I left was just me being daft!

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Hmm... better word for testicles... Gonads?


Edit: Gonads is acceptible, surely a better word for testicles is neither balls, nor nuts. Peanuts can't be removed either, I wouldn't have thought. I'm trying to find the word that was banned by posting... hmmm...


Daftly, on another site, I wanted to talk about birds of the flying variety. Once I got around to discussing tits, it all went tits up. Every time I mentioned tits, it came up as *censored* I love tits. The other day, I saw a coal tit. In my part of the world, they are quite rare, so I was very happy.


Edit: Looks like I can talk about tits all day on Nexus... cool. Marsh tits are especially rare, and well worth discussion.


What did the site censor for you? knackers? *censored*?


Edit2: OK, I know now. Take the 'or' from 'boor' add 'l' and 'locks'. Maybe that was it. I just tried it and it got censored. You know, the world is going up in flames with coronavirus, global warming and the like but we're still concerned about prudish langauage? Odd. Actually it's a load of *censored*! (Boor-or+l+locks) People ought to get their priorities right.


At least we 2 know we can talk tits and shite all day long!


The Resident poster who originally commented stated that Nexus was British. True, but they use American software. They don't know an arse about proper swearing!


I'll get my coat... probably get banned for this...



...still, It was worth it, for a laugh! :unsure: :teehee:

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Actually, since it's plainly obvious that Nexus uses US software to detect and censor so-called swear words, I bet that a lot of proper British swear words won't get picked up.


Let that be a warning to you! (nudge, nudge, wink, wink... a nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat!)


Try releasing your powers of Anglo-Saxon and Viking!


If the Americans haven't learned it yet, it could still work for you, you old buggers, you!


Edit: I didn't intend for this to be a lesson in swearing. PM me if you want finer details in the art. If not, stick it up your snuff box.

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I love this forum but... but... there's no fun! There's no sense of humour. Is is banned? i like the word A***, but that's banned. Or is it? Normally its only American phrases. Let's try Arse. If the last 4 letters are blotted out, we know the site has learned English. Bet they don't know about shite, though! Hah!


Anyway, onwards...


Modding is fun. Or at least it is to me. If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. I love it, hate it, want to throw my PC out of the window at times, listen to Linkin Park at max volume to drown the sorrows... but... it's worth it.


I can't help but think that people come on this site for advice and go... "What? They're all like my granda!"


Humour, folks. That's what we need!


Edit: Proper English swear words such as 'Arse' are obviously not banned. Oh my giddy arse! I can now be silly! Perchance Nexus will address this terrible lingual misadventure? Just goes to show, where swearing is concerned, Nexus doesn't know shite!


Edit 2: I'm not associating humour with swearing. I love to swear and don't mind it. Humour is what I was going for. I just got a bit miffed by all the other PC (not personal computer) stuff that stands in the way of people properly engaging with each other. I want a laugh.

Oops. Double post somehow. I've made a right arse it, then!


You can all laugh at me now and that's a good thing!

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