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Was Talos a BRETON?


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As a disclaimer: wikis aren't exactly 100% reliable on lore. However, being born in Alcaire doesn't make one automatically a Breton. People of all races live in all the different regions of Tamriel.

Edited by Kayyyleb
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I use both myself, as both wikis have issues. As a general rule, the TES wikia has longer, more detailed articles (except on matters of lore), while uesp has more accurate and more technical information. If the two conflict on some point, you should generally trust the uesp version. Edited by Rooker75
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Just from what I know of Elder Scrolls lore (which is to say, very little), I believe Talos was born on the continent of Atmora. That would make him, most likely, one of the Nedic peoples, or perhaps "Atmoran" is a race?

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