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42 Dungeons added.


I am remaking the scripts completely in the Display Room, so if you added weapons there, be prepared to take them down and put them back again. Well you do not need to do it but then those weapons you do not take down, will start to move sooner or later and no scripts will pick them up. The new script is extremely effective and have no impact at all at the performance what I seen so far and I doubt we will notice it even if we fill up the Display Room with weapons but it all depends on the size of the weapons textures really.


The holder has a small script that adds or remove weapons but the weapons coordinates are stored in a Quest that runs every 10.2 seconds, I do change it to 0.1s as soon as you add a weapon to the table but if you are fast enough and press the rack, nothing will happen until those last 10s have passed, then it changes to 0.1s until you are done.


Why not use 0.1s all the time? Well if a weapon looses its solid state and start falling, it is best it keeps falling until it stops to move and then we can add it back again with the script. This usually takes around 5-9s with my gravity and havoc settings, but I have only seen one weapon fall so far and I added more solid state commands in the script, so it runs as soon as the player enter the cell. If the player go out from the cell and get back, the weapons will become normal and needs to get solid again with the script.

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6 new rooms will be added to the newly expanded Library section and I will add at least one more bigger room with 6 side rooms. lets enter the Anvil Room before and after the Benirus Manor quest has been completed.


BTA also wants to buy the manor from the player and 3 different options are available in that quest, buy the manor for the BTA, Sell it to them, refuse to sell it and refuse to buy it for them. The manor will get 2 trapddors added in the corner of the main room as soon as the quest is completed, leading to a ruin under Anvil or rather 2 ruins, one haunted and one that will become the new home for BTA when they are in Anvil. If the player refuses to let the BTA insde the house, well thenm a Trap Door is also added outside the manor, in the opposite corner but will only become available 3 weeks after the player refused to aid BTA in this matter.


Well lets walk inside the new display room, the Anvil Display Room as I just finished the Benirus Quest, but I also need to do this 3 times more, to test all bloody options... :wink:





Before the quest is completed



After it is Completed and I will make similar for all quests in the game, well that is the plan, to make the house change and envolves with the player, like the Legacy of the Dragon Born in Skyrim







The shelves are the same as in the bookshelves I made earlier for the library, just upscaled and turned around. :wink:

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Thanks again OblivionAddicted as I could not do less. :D


The bookreading sections in the library will have 3 shelves each, for 12 books and those books will be about every dungeon in Oblivion and SI and when you read them, you will have the oportunity to teleport to them. They are inactivated until you visited the inner cell or completed the quest related to it so you must complete the dungeon until you can have a book about them, like you write the book your self as a report. The text in each book is from mostly from UESP.


45 Dungeons added as quests now.

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By the way, Oblivion + SI has 267 Dungeons and I did not knew they where that many and I guess roughly 160 of them are not quest related. I have split up the sewers here into several dungeons, at least 10 or so, but still. No wonder there are still so many I never have visited at all. :D


With this mod, we will not miss a single dungeon in the end, nor a single quest really. I really like this house more and more as it really is the center of the universe now, for me and i cannot say any other house mod I used made me feel the same way, and I enjoy visit it daily for sure, specially now when performance is increased so much. There is always something happening as so many NPC walks around the house in their own schedules and the surroundings offers something to do all the time. I have not done a single quest outside the house quests for a very long time, except for the Benius manor though. :D I will do them when time comes and when each quest gets synced with the house and becomes a part of it.


What is a house for you? What makes you wanna visit it daily except for storing stuff? :wink: Well for me it really has to offer something no where or no one else can offer and there is nothing like it in Oblivion for sure, not that I know off. :D

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48 Dungeons added. A new beta: The Legacy of the Champion


(New name of the project as now it really starts to work like the Legacy od the Dragonborn, which has been the goal from the start. File names are the same)


If Weapons you did put in the Display room falls off the North pointing hooks, well just put them back as they will stay there now, solid. I will fix the S, W and east pointing hooks later with the new scripts and if you have not added weapons at the Noth pointing hooks yest, test it. Expect up to 10s before the weapon gets in place. This used to be imidiate but that is not the case any longer. Who is in a hurry? I did set the timer to 0.1s as soon as you add something on the table but it does not seems to work properly, or I did not wait another 10s to check if the timer did change - I do change the questtimer at the triggerzone... :wink: Well it does not matter as the performance is so damn great now so be patient when adding stuff in the old Display Room. Sit on your hands.

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I noticed a slight down in the performance in the Library. Adding more than double so many books there is not a good idea, so I decided to move all dungeon books to Library hall 2. I will still add around 100 more books in Library 01 anyway.


I will add an option to allow us to stop the Book Tracking Agency to patrol the area. The Loremaster will of course tell theplayer that is is a bad idea as we do own the biggest library in the whole known universe, 5-10 times the size of Vivec Library and even bigger than the one in the monastary mod. But he say that it is up to me or the player as I am the owner of the library. So then I disable all agents and their horses and add an option to activate them if the player want to see them again. ;)

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Dungeon Teleporter Books

Some of the books that gets available after you visited a dungeon.


The IC way you get them, is like you write a report your self and place it in Library 02 and why visit a dungeon several times and not getting access to the books right away?


MOO and mages Guild has repeating quests inside several dungeons and HH will have that as well. Well the current quest you are on, you have a button at the desk in the Library that you push and you get to the Map marker of the current dungeon anyway so how much should we cheat? :wink: This is how far I cheat. :D We have explored the bloody landscape for 16 years anyway, so I prefer to get to the front door right away and if I do not have it marked, I mostly do a COC <DungeonName>Exterior as i never walk nor run to it, well extremely rarely. I have other things to do, like modding or writing rubbish here. :D It makes more sense to use the books later on instead of doing a COC and it is gonna be 270 similar books all together.


I should add the names of the dungeon to the cover when i think about it. I now where all books are for each dungeon and the order they are stored in. It will be a hell for anyone else to figure that out, even if I will add a map like this:

	32	48			64	80	
16							96
240							126
224							144
	208	192			176	160

SI Map markers?

Map Markers in SI miss Reference names, so I must add such to them, which Bethesda or Unofficial SI patch should had done 14 years ago already. There my plan to keep the game extremely clean went to hell. I will make the whole SI dirty... :D It does not matter anyway... The Map markers MUST have names and be persistent to be useful for anything anyway, so I have no choice.



I use 2 different AutoSave mods, on 2 different comps. So much waste of space really. I wrote my own in this mod instead, to save a slot. So 1s before that save takes place you hear: A pool Break

It saves the game every 5 min, never during battle and 30s after battle has stopped. It is of course Optional in the House Settings


Master Trainers.

Every NPC is a trainer, We have a huge staff, both at the house but also all agents and the leaders of the Agency, 3 bakers and chiefs and 3 Quarter masters, 3 fences and a librarian, so all will be able to train the player at Master Rating up to skill 100. I have restarted the game so many times, that I train 20 skills at some NPC daily or after a dungeon. So I get to max lkevel really fast. Why is that important, well it is not at all really, but as I use 3 small animal companions that gets exp from killed levels, they do not get full exp until my char is at max level, which I set to lvl 65 in Ultimate Leveling

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This became MUCH better than I had expected really and it sure makes more sense. I will do the same with the COBL books as well really. :ohmy: I think I did to a few earlier but when I look at the books in the Library now, I can't say which is which, not that it matter much to me as player, as I only collect them, fir their nice covers, ;) but I do have read most of them, as I did that at work when i was bored, from the Imperial Library. :D

My Favorite book muxt be the Doomed Mine, as I was lucky to catch all those miners in that tunnel at the right time, as they all walked away from there just a few seconds later. Some Screenies can never be retaken and this is one of those perfect moments. They really look DOOMed


Entering a dungeon in full Chamelion, letting the Dungeon to settle with all spawns, as I do ADD 8 to 18 more mobs to it and 18 will cause some lag, but just watching them do their stuff, taking the right perfect screenies and do not hurry, increases the performance a lot. If we hurry to much, to much stuff happens at the same time and we get some lag, specially if 8 or more start to fight eachothers, which happens a lot with the MOO spawns, specially with 3 companions scanning the surroundings every 3rd second to fill up a database with potential targets. So when i took the screenies, I spawn the companions, exchange the outfit and start killing them of with mostly high performance. :D targets..

I could make the Burglar faction to befriend all MOO enemy factions but there are so many, so I dropped that idea. We have enough stuff to kill anyway, no matter if they fight each others or not. The Burglars are friends with most original eneny factions, so it is what it is.

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I made a new Frame texture for the round painting. I should have done that 16 years ago really... ;) Well then I would not made it like this I guess.


I do love this Screeny but I do have the original at my flat, so the book texture will do for now.

I guess you see which is new and which is old?
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