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I found what was causing all lag in the display room!!!!!

The Small rack. i have loads of them and they have a poor and very bad and ill made UV, well it was a disaster so when I decided to remake it, I did notice it uses a 1024x1024 texure and I have 60-70 such racks in my display room. Now I use a 2 fancier textures, the wood is 256x256 and the Iron is 64x64 and the room loads 4 times faster and runs perfect. I did have 8-12 fps in here, I forgot to check what I have now but I do that later. I thought it was the collisions that was the fps thief, but it really was the textures. Well now I have both optimised textures and collisions, so it cannot be better than this. The 1024x§024 texture is not mz fault as that is Qarl's retexture of textures/wood as I think the original is 128 or 256. Well it doesn't matter, the UV it self sucked big time honestly and was among the ugliest UV I have ever seen, sorry whoever made it if you read this, but it is true. The fps is high in this room now, well as high as expected at least. i will take a peek at other objects later and reconsider if a high res texture really is needed or not? Who will stop by at each objects to admire the details in the texture anyway? Well i have better things to do in game really. :wink:



I am also remaking the scripts as each hook has its own script and it just takes up lods of RAM, nothing else but I am a better and more optimeized scripter now than I was when i made these scripts. So now they will be run as quests. The hooks will have 4 rows, changing 4 variables for the quest script that takes over as soon as the player activates a hook. The hooks will store the WeaponRef too, well i can use arrays in the quest script but it is OP really. I store it in the hook. So the hook send the weapon, if it has any, the angle, if it points N,E, S or West and activates the Messagebox in the quest + it alo send its own reference, so 4 variables and no gameMode at the hooks. that will optimize this room even more.


If we are not in this room, we can stop the quest entirely, but I will let it run. If we are not there, it will return

If ( the player is elsewhere )

Well, you get the point... :wink: n Time setting for the quest will be 5.1 and I will make 3 more similar quests and they will be set to 5.2 and 5.3 and the reason for that is that each 5s, the quest will update 1/4 of the hooks, so a hook will get updated each 20.4s and now each hook updates itself randomly between 9-15s and 20.4 is perfect and that will make the quest not to sync with all other quests that runs at the same time, in 5.0000 s cycles. I should set all my quests to run odd times really. We all should. :wink:





Why have I not done this earlier? Staffs and spears tends to roll of the bloody table.


Edited by Pellape
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The Arcane University has a new stable as the agents complained about the distance they have to walk to the IC stable, that is to small really for all horses that the Agency owns. First I tried to use rocks but it went very bumpy and ugly so I loaded up Blender and made something smooth and flat. Well, see your selves. :D






Horses out walking

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Thanks a lot OblivionAddicted as usual :D


31 Dungeons added

I have done a lot of updates, have 31 Dungeons as quests for the house now + I built a lot on the BTA faction, added quests, well I am in the middle of it at least and expanded the Library, doubled its size and made a Display Room for Anvil related quests and started to decorate it in Anvil Theme stuff, that will only get visible after the player completed each quest related to the items in the room, like Benirus house, the altar, the corps, small candles and similar stuff. It looks damn cool really. I add screenies later as the items are hidden right now.


Making useless and boring no-quest dungeons fun

The coolest thing with all this is all new dungeons that I never had reason to visit, well new? They are new to me as I seldom just pop in to a boring dungeon, as most of the none quest related dungeons are boring but as I add at least 18 Book Burglars to them and 36 to the ones that has 3 cells, if the cells are big enough that is as one 3 cell dungeon is so tiny that 18 was more than enough. So what happens when i add 36 is that I first add 18 to the first cells before the player enter the dungeon and when they enter the 3rd cell, those 18 from the previous cells respawns there, sometimes in front of the player, something that is odd as even if I add the coordinates, where they should spawn, specially the group of 4 with the leader, that are supposed to be where the chest with the book is, sometimes spawns at the door instead, almost in the lap of the player. This happens randomly.


I made a new char a couple of weeks back that is lvl 52 now and I have not done any other quests than my own ones. No need to hurry with the other quests anyway, except for testing the new Display Rooms. I did not get to lvl 52 by only fight in those 31 dungeons as I also pay trainers a lot. All my NPC in the Hobbit home and BTA are Master trainers, except the staff at the Academy stable. I added a book that explains who trains what as otherwise I lost track myself.


New Beta

New beta uploaded if anyone would be interested of testing it. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IedD5wYGTgK1fbCLIWGnh6vEueV6-Ili/view?usp=sharing


I added a couple of side ESP now, the names to the files explains them selves really. I add explanations later in the readme about details for each and everyone of them.


Making the game crash

I found a way to make the game to crash: When i made quests for BTA, the game crashed every time I tried to read the journal. I tried 3 times until I saw what was missing in the journal: The Quest Name MUST be added in a quest if the journal is in use and that is what I saw the 3rd time, no name of the quest. Damn I was worried that it was something else I had done to make the game hard crashing :D But no, the mod is stable.


Very Disturbing bug with pathing:

One thing that is extremely disturbing is that the Agents wants to walk through the whole IC and go back on the outside to get to the stable. They walks for 3 hours and will never reach it, until the next package gets active, and they turn around outside the Waterfront and walks back the way they came.


I even made the path blue to the stable and the path at the bridge between the Academy and IC red, it does not matter. Well I added a trigger box at the bridge, so when they enter it, they get ported to the stable. I even deleted all paths outside the Academy and added new, it does not matter a thing as they still behave like this.


Another disturbing thing is that the agents wants to ride over my house instead of around it when they leave for the evening. I added 2 doors to the stairs that leads up the roof and it does not matter. Every damn agent wants to ride that way anyway. I tried to make a patrolling with trigger boxes, and failed. There is a 3rd way to solve this but I had enough of it right now. So the horses and agents walks to the road outside the house 1 hour before they ride away now. To solve it is to add scripts to the agents, to follow a path, adding new packages when they are withing 2-300 of markers during the path. I do that a day when the sun shines... ;)


Lets say they start to gathering 20:00 and ride away 21:00, if they try to enter the roof 21:00, a trigger will teleport them to the gathering place 21:00. So lets hope they stop fooling around around 21:00 now.


Leveled Creatures

There are so many creatures in the game, in MOO and also WAC that are lvl 1, that should be at the same level as the player or 10-15 levels below, but not LVL 1, that I made a separate esp and added a lot of creatures to it, like spiders, lvl 1 goblins and other critters. It will take a long time to complete this but lvl 1 creatures is just a bloody waste. Why putting a lot of work into a creature mesh and add it to the game as lvl 1? If I played my char alone, it would matter less as I one shot kill them anyway, well 1-3 shots. My 3 follower pets gains exp depending on the targets level and gain exp much better now.


I added armour to the Imperial Soldiers horses, and set aggression to 10 and offset lvl 0 as a war horse should be able to fight really and I did the same with all bloody horses. That esp is added in the beta package.

Edited by Pellape
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I found this guy in the library yesterday. I will let him stay as long as he do not cause any problems. I think he did follow one of the agents here, but I am not sure. It is a bit to get to where these guys hangs out and it is not within the close area to the entrance to the library but not far away from the border to the area I claimed.


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