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WIP - The Companion friendly Hobbit Home


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As always, thanks :D


I am making Dungeon 60 now... *Dries his sweaty and wet forehead with a big kitchen tovel*


I am not sure if I did mention a side esp that I am working on? Adjusting the levels as I sure want more challenges, setting most stuff to level offset and Horses should fight as companions, specially Imperial Horses that are a bit stronger than the others. I am a bit tired of one hitting stuff. I do not care about levels, but my small companion pets does. Hmmm, I do think I did mention it when I think about it :D


Some stuff are obvious when we think about it. I add the ore nodes I find into the dungeon books as well. MOO exchanges a lot of rocks into Mining nodes and it is impossible to track which ore and gem type that is available where.

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Finally - I have reached an old goal

I did not plan to make a house before Aug 2020, as I made myself a tent, a big round yart with 6 beds for me and my companions but it felt so claustrophobic.


Companions are boring when you leave them. my 5 companions have been running in the same cell, doing boring stuff for almost 2 years, eating, farting, fake training, fake ambushes, so immersive... :/


I wrote a year ago that I planned to make new schedules and that we can add anyone to those schedules and 5 are planned and I made the first yesterday. It took me 8 hours to make it working.


When we add a package to anyone, it remains active for 20 min then it falls off. So each 10 min in game, my elf tried to run off as it is a quest script, and the package updates each 3s, not each frame and it looks fun. When she sit and read books, she runs away 4-5m stops and runs back reading, like she has ants in her pants. I do not want this to have any impact on performance, so I will not make the quest to run faster than this.


So fun to follow her around, seeing the first schedule in action. I thought it was broken at 19:00 as she was back inside, talking to the staff in the kitchen as you see in the left lower corner, but she was only passing, on her way to the Library and that is so damn immersive, as I did not expect it. I couldn't find here where I expected her to be and I do have recall to companions spells, so I used it and found her in the kitchen, where she was not supposed to be but, well as I did mention, she was just passing.




I never ride. I usually run faster or recall direct to dungeons but I really love this horse, and rode it from Anvil to IC just for fun a couple of weeks ago. The colors also fits my colors on my armor. Well the same armor that the elf up there are using. I love when stuff fits together and feels like a unit.




I just loves the look of the BTA and the recolored Horse Armor. They look so damn powerful. The horses have same lvl as the player, health 25*lvl and high attack, so they works as a power war horse guardian. 10 Aggro




Same with the Imperial War Horse. I seen it in action and it is powerful. It does not make sense to have a horse just standing still while the rider are fighting. It should either flee in panic or fight, not something in between as they never do in the real world. Horses acts mostly in one way or another.


The armor looks darker at my own computer. I guess I do not use the same textures at my 2 comps. I did made a Retexture for Imperial Legion 2007 as I did add armor to all Imperial Horses back than but I cannot find it.




This BTA horse got lost. It did follow a BTA agent in here or he rode in, and unmounted inside the workshop. I had to help the horse outside with moveto player.



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Congratulations! Definitely a massive amount of work has gone into this mod over the time.


A horse inside the workshop, now that's unusual. I recall from my ridable dragon project I couldn't pass through load doors while on "horse". I specifically had to make door activation unmount the invisible player first, then remount the dragon after cell change somehow.

I think I finally settled on just turning back to human when activating a load door. Also makes more sense lore-wise with my dragons.

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Thanks Drake. Well there is MUCH more to be done.... :wink:


Yes, well it is fun when Unexpected stuff happens really. It enhances the immersion for sure :D


A lot of Screenies in that package presentation are missing, as you see there is gaps in the timeline, but it is cool never the less.

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I decided to make a first release as soon as all 5 Schedules are made. I plan to add it under factions/Guilds or Quest/Adenture section as it is more like an adventurer mod now than just a simple home.

I do have 2 places to add it:

Which is most fitting? I have only made 1 quest for BTA so far and 60 quests for our own library. Well we do have a couple of days to think this over.


BTA Quest line - Skyrim Books

The BTA quest line will be focused around the Skyrim books and is far into the future really. Iy is first there we meet the Book Burglar King and I think he should be Nord or Dark Elf. As it is Skyrim books, Nord might be most fitting as he is involved getting those books back in time and that scare the Cyrodiil leaders, as they do not want the future to be known. Is the future really set? Will Morrowind go under during the volcano erruption as one example? Well these books are dangerous and must be kept secret.

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Damn - I did take screenies every hour but they are not saved. Well this is what I managed to salvage from Schedule 2. I will also add the whole script here when Schedule 5 are done as this is so good, that it should be a standalone mod really but that is not possible to make, as the packages are hardcoded for this area, but it will allow you to make similar, making the game MUCH more immersive and better.


I did read that Salmo the baker makes the game to crash as it use to many and complicated packages? I have hundreds of packages now so who knows? This advanced mod may cause future problems as it is complicated as it is. Well no turning back now, only rush forward as it works great and no performance issues what so ever. Damn what this is fun. :D


I will take multiple screenies for Schedule 3, making sure I get one each hout. I used TM, when I tok the ones for Schedule 1 and 2 and then we do not see if they gets saved or not. It happens often that I need to press [PRNT SCREEN] several times until a screenshot is taken but mostly it works if I press it down and keep it down, not just touching it :D Well if i want to retaker the screenies, they do this Schedule every day so... Well lets look forward, not backward.


At 12:00, we really see Schedule 1 and 2 cooperating as the two first companions meet on the roof, eating lunch together. So Sweeeeeet... :wink: 3 are still inside the house, doing boring stuff, as bloody prisoners. They do not complain, but these first 2 seems extremely happy doing their work. I did add that they will rake the farm when guarding it, but I never seen them do that so far. Their job is to keep it clean.




I change the Aggression up and down, depening on which package they use and today number 2 attacked the pigs or got into the pigs when walking from the kitchen to the farm as that is when many odd fights starts, when NPC passes doors, colliding with each others as I seen it so many times in towns. I did let them fight, as I just watched the behaviour and it did settle after 10 min. I did fear she would kill the whole bloody farm :D The farm respawn after 3 days anyway... :wink:


As Chapamn always say in Monthy Python, now to something completely different:



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I did learn something new today.


I did mention that I added a package with raking, that when they guard the stable area, they should mock all animal spills there - Well they refused to do it and was just standing there...


I spend an hour at the animations, trying to figure out if anything was missing. They use the standard skeleton, therefor they use the same animations as any farmer do. This did drive me nuts....


Why does the Nord farmer at Anvil Rake and my Cute elves refuses it? I have not used Idle animations for a year, so I had forgotten all abput them :D


How to make anyone Raking!!!!!


I found the Raking Idle in the Idle animations section after scratching my head for an hour as I had forgotten all about it as I did to search around in CS, where the hell do we set or even have the Idles? This MUST be possible :D Nothing is impossible.... NOTHING!!!!!!!


My companions use weapons. Farmers do not have melee weapons. So the animation requirement is set:


If the NPC has a sword, shield or a Torch equipped. ignore this animation... So I clicked the Unequip wepons checkbox at the package and it works 100% or even 37656% ... Damn...


DAMN!!!! :D


I really feel like a bloody MOD GOD and KING right now!!!!!!!


So why does the read book animation work for them?


I checked the Unequip Weapons box by default when they are indoors. It is not immersive if they have weapons and shields equipped inside the house, not even as The Book Burglars keep sending Assassins to me, but then they equip their wepons anyway. I did not think abut this, as I did that as it makes 100% sense. Weapons are used outdoors, not inside my fancy abode.

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Schedule 3 - Another hard day at Hobbit Home have ended well. They killed all enemies, picked all flowers... Raked up all pooo


3 Done and 3 more to go and the Schedules are complete. Next is to complete the Display Room... Add the new scripts to the Racks.




BTA Dining Room at the Arcane University





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