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Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV


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I want Bethesda to abandon the Fallout IP and give it to Obsidian, unconditionally.


My understanding is that Obsidian will likely make a NV sequel (Obsid CEO hint) while Bethesda sticks to the East Coast for F4. Best of both worlds, baby /wink

Edited by LordXayd
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Much as I'm going to attempt to write this concisely... I know it won't be.

Immersion, immersion, immersion.

Immersion and modding create (for me) 3 to 10 times the replay value than originally intended with a main storyline. Now, some specifics...

  1. Lets stick with the Creation Kit/GECK. I have every reason to believe that Fallout4 will have one too. But just in case, I thought I'd mention it.
  2. I would like 10 times the amount of interactive talk radio that F3 had. Meaning, I would like at least two active and opposing DJ's reporting/skewing Wasteland activities, to whatever meet their personal agendas. I would like their airings to reflect my actions directly, and preferably offer their opinions of my choices/karma. Don't get me wrong, I do like the 50's lore appropriate music. But hearing about myself as I creep through the night, 50cal in hand, entrenches me (the player) into the game. I make radio mods myself. I have no trouble adding whatever music I like. But adding voice actor radio that's pertinent to the game is difficult to the point of being near impossible. Please bring back Three Dog and someone to oppose him. Mr. New Vegas had almost nothing of Wasteland relevance to say. He was pretty much limited to Vegas commentary, and not even your Vegas commentary. That made him very boring, and he was the only DJ on the air.
  3. Do not use Skyrim's crafting system. Use New Vegas'. I say this because I prefer to play on Very Hard (Fallout) or Master (Elder Scrolls), with no companion to get in my way or give away my Sniper position or Sneak backstab attempt. In Skyrim on Master level, I can't really dig into the core content without 100 Alchemy/Enchanting/Smithing to create my gear. Without that, I'm running around popping potions, kiting and using LoS to win via multiple save attempts, which is not fun. With 100, I can have a more controlled encounter where I can typically play just one time through while enjoying the atmosphere that was intended. God-mode via hitting F9 is immersion breaking and annoying. HOWEVER, getting 100 in all those skills doesnt usually happen until I'm L40. In F3 and NV, balancing was as simple as changing the difficulty level. If I play on Expert (Skyrim), in no time at all, I'll be 1 or 2shotting dragons because BethSoft's Skyrim crafting system allows TOO MUCH mixmaximization when combined with perks. I have spent far too much time finding personal balancing methods to limit myself to avoid 1 or 2shotting dragons on Master level. I think I finally have it right, now. But why should I have to do that? I never had to fool with that in Fallout. Modding weapons in NV didnt break anything, and gave me all the customization I wanted. Repairing equipment with other equipment resolved the armor crafting concern as well. No sitting at home, upgrading your enchanting equipment to make progressively better combat equipment, or some such foolishness. My home is my hoarding and trophy display, not a place to sit for hours working up skills. Not when I wanna be out in the world collecting more booty.
  4. I do NOT want a govt in active control of the US. In F3, it was anything goes. In NV, the NCR is the recognized US govt. That means NV is post-postapoc. There is a national army. There are police. There are rules. Even looting/prospecting is no longer considered an acceptable vocation. Somehow, it's become immoral because the land and its contents once again belongs to a centralized body. The civility is in the process of being brought back into civilization, along with civil services. I don't think so. The wasteland is the playground of the lone wanderer. Not whatever political power currently claims to be the right and just owner.
  5. I'd like a moddable 50cal rifle. I dont care if it weighs 20lbs. As a rule, I dont use nexus mod weapons. Balancing is too much of a concern for me. I'd also like to see the return of the Perforator (endgame though).
  6. Like F3, I'd like to see the main storyline continue into at least 1 major DLC. The complicated factioning in NV that prevented that should be avoided. I saw more people requesting a main storyline continuation in NV than those pleased with it ending with the base game. And consequently, the radio personalities should reflect your actions in their additional airings. Even DLCs that are nonStoryline specific (like Point Lookout or The Pitt) should have DJ commentary. It doesnt have to be about you, but they should mention it in some detail. Not just an offhand blip in a single repeating comment. Three Dog's presence in the DLC's was sorely missed.
  7. Let's continue with the lack of vehicles. No vehicles! Any ingame vehicle inherently implies the landscape is designed for its use, both topographically and in scale. Larger environments in games are typically coupled with less detail grid for grid and increasing inconvenience with foot travel (if so desired). The argument that we should have vehicles because one can choose to walk is a fallacy. If you want a vehicle, head over to the Nexus. If you want to walk, the game has to be designed for it.
  8. Let's continue with the lack of player character voicing. Hearing someone else's voice in place of the one I read aloud in my head breaks immersion. But please, NPC voicing is very much appreciated.
  9. Ron Perlman. 'nuff said.
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One more thing I'd like to see is a Hearthfire quality home. Semi-customizable with native armor and weapons displays. I know it won't be on Danthegeek's level. He's gotta be my favorite modder behind Caliente and Dimon99. But it's going to take a while for Dan to get us an F4 Hideout (praying he does!). The stock houses in NV were certainly better than F3, but pitiful compared to Hearthfire.

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Wouldn't that be a strange scenarion, 2 Fallout releases within a small time frame lol. I think Urquhart was more fantasizing over the idea of a sequel than "hinting" it. I would really like to see another take of NV from them, hopefully they nail it next time, if indeed there ever is a next time.


Couldn't agree more on the vehicles though, wouldn't it be brilliant, especially if you can make them rare and the fuel too.... So you'd have to hold on to that vehicle with your life lol.


I hope Bethesda have had a look at my thread here lol.

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I agree Id like to see a lot of Immersion in fallout 4 like I use the red indicators showing you where hostile targets are but in the real world if a nuclear bomb hit and the laws meant nothing you would not see a person from a distance and know if he is going to be hostile or not. Just a thought though

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A compelling story is also necessary. New Vegas had a horrible story, it felt like a waste trying to play through to get one of the endings. It wasn't worth it to play through the game again to get an ending beside the NCR one.

Implying Fallout 3's "Find dad" is any better.


Oh well, as for my opinion, have Obsidian write the game.

That's all I want.

Edited by TorrentialDefect
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A compelling story is also necessary. New Vegas had a horrible story, it felt like a waste trying to play through to get one of the endings. It wasn't worth it to play through the game again to get an ending beside the NCR one.

Implying Fallout 3's "Find dad" is any better.


Oh well, as for my opinion, have Obsidian write the game.

That's all I want.

hahaha seems there's some very mixed opinions about the stories of both games compared LMAO. Me personally, I judge them for each game individually, I'd say they are both okay, but NV is much better in terms of options and politics, I think FO3 lacked that, but I consider FO3 as more of a story of one person than a whole nation.


@JontheHero: Bring on Xfire and 6-core support! I'd love to see support for my 3960X, hell yes!

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I'm only going to comment about a continuation of FONV (NV2). I would prefer that the ending with an independent New Vegas be the basis of the follow on. Advance 40-50 years. Your (grand)daughter/son has to address certain problems caused by the open wasteland you created. As far as gameplay is concerned, I feel the present system is a sufficing solution. I would like a 64 bit op system option out of the box. I also would love to see Bethsoft use the best NPC AI they can find or make. What they call an AI is actually a Real Time Transaction Processing System (RTPS). Hire a RTPS professional to design and troubleshoot. It's 2013. I have a computer and monitor that couldn't be purchased at any price 5 years ago. I don't see why I should be punished for making buying choices different than others. I am not anti-console or anti-older tech. Different executables for different grades of hardware are well within modern compiler capabilities. Heck, automated hardware detection is mainstream technology that fell off the leading edge twenty years ago. This may just be me, but fix the stinking creation kit you "give" me. Last, pay no attention to the reviewers at the gaming mags. They are paid to say darker, darker/ edgier,edgier by people who don't care what you or I think. They are trying to sell magazines and advertising. Rate their comments based on how much they paid you, Bethsoft, not how much their advertisers pay them. Even though that was rambling and incoherent, I feel better for some reason.
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