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Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV


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The single greatest thing that FONV has up on FO3 is a lot more thought went into balancing. Even after it went gold, they rebalanced things; the de-nerf of energy weapons in v1.3 (IIRC?) comes most readily to mind.

Also... DT. DR is the reason why power armor was pointless in FO3 and was awesome once again in FONV. Again, this goes into balance considerations.

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not a new thing, but necessary nonetheless.


Map annotations. We need the ability to note on the pipboy map. If not, some sort of journal to note notable location. If PS3/4 console doesnt have keyboard, make an ingame keyboard for them.


If that's too finicky for them, make a more detail automap. Make that an ability depend on perk (Eagle Eyes perk or some such) but get it done. The sparse presentation of a map is ridiculous.

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  • 1 year later...

i'm pretty late to this and I didn't read any posts.. =\ however heres what I hope is in the next fallout.


1st and most important- that they don't throw out all there meshes, textures and so on just to make a new versions of everything like they do for elder scrolls, that makes it take way to long for the game to come out and because they waste so much time on that they fail to notice some bugs along with missing out on time they could of spent on making more new stuff rather then having to make every tree over again and so on.. another reason is because itll be nice to have fallout3 and fonv as resources for moding it.


2nd clearly we need some kind of geck, fallouts and elder scrolls without being able to mod would be really boring. this is why I dropped council games as a child and stepped up to pc games because I can improve things to my likely rather then just taking it for what it is.


3rd animations, I don't mean just running with a gun and posing around I mean like.. I want to jump over stuff, climb latters at will, bust my ass tripping over something even I think would be nice.


4th hardcore mode is great, however I think it needs more work. if it were more like dayz where sometimes it doesn't matter whos trying to kill you or where you were going to go, seeking the smallest hit of food in a ruined city while your life depends on it is scary and fun for some reason. it should also be harder to find food, I mean in like what 200 years pass and this place still has a soda bottle just sitting on the table? doesn't seem real, everywhere would be looted even the boarded up places. I live in bronx new york which is kind of like the wasteland in it self and if there is even a 5 sec blackout everything will be looted, cars will not have tires, shelves will be empty.. so you are telling me in times where people believe it to be end times they wouldnt of been more crazy about looting?


5th housing is fun but needs more freedom so each person can be themselves. also idk about the power and pluming in the game but in real life.. this much time later without people maintaining plants and stuff there would be no running water in pipes nor power and streets would be flooded. I mean sure some people would have power but that's not from the grid it would be there own power sources that they rigged together like a windmill, solar panels, a guy on a workout bike spinning an alternator and so on. which is my point for our houses we should need to build our own power source or simply not have power unless like I said before there is something about fallout power that isn't like our own and can run for 100s of years without people doing maintenance.


6th It would be nice to not be in a desert for once.. I mean fallout3 was a city sure but most of the map was open land. and the city I understand was falling apart but it was pretty annoying to not be able to walk down two blocks because ruble is in your path.. I understand it had to be that way but it would be fun to be able to run around a full city. like the pit dlc was really awesome looking. and sure it was dirty and looted but nothing was really falling over.


7th it would be nice to see or find out about other places in the world, like is japan, rassia and other places just going about their normal day? is there nothing left of them? are they in the same state of being as the broken usa or what? idk but it would be nice to find out.


8th romance, if you want people to just beat the story and then go play something else fine then don't put housing, romance and things like this, but if you want people to feel the need to come back and play then you have to give them a reason. like animal crossing, sims and other things like this. that's all it takes- just let us live in that world and we will. like I said before about the food- just pic that you have your little house in the waste with a power source you made, a loving spouse at home but oh no.. you have to go find food just to stay alive and also bring some back for your family or they two will die.. but also the fear of what could happen to them while you're gone looking for stuff after all this is fallout no sims..


9th if you clear a place out yet as time passes itll now be taken over by a different group for there own reason and this keeps happing forever.. this is how I mod for my self and how im able to play one game for so long without needing to play something else. well that and the other stuff I said before like housing, family, romance, a reason to leave your house which is a need for food and supplies.


10th dual weapons: though not really great in real life its still fun.


besides this stuff "leave the game as is" while adding new stuff and itll be awesome from my point of view. but if you do what you do for elder scrolls.. which is trash everything to start anew again you will always forget and therefore leave stuff out. like crossbows, spears, porting spells, levitation, throwing weapons and so on in your jump from morrowind to oblivion.. skyrim is so good I fear in the next game they will forget or simply leave out horses.. or spouses and houses and such because this is how they keep going about things.. if something is good then leave it alone.. it doesn't need to be changed just expanded upon.

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a UI that doesnt take up half the screen,better quests,to not dumb down fallout,harder combat letting obsidian make it and not beth,energy weapons that dont hit like a wet noodle to name a few :smile:

Edited by Phoenix_1982
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Weapon customization

Ability to choose age in character creator.

Ammo types as well, maybe expanding it further with a better crafting system.

I just hope they at least reuse FO3's voice filter for Power Helmets, that face-rag replacement in NV was just.....egh.

I feel the state of being well-rested is not grave enough.

Personally, I'd like to see SPECIAL abilities expanded upon, giving gameplay changes other than simple numbers and probabilities. (Say, someone with a high agility can play the game closer to, say Mirror's Edge, if at least with just simple sprints, jumps and slides. Low intelligence actually affects the way you interact with the world, and vice versa once more, perception maybe actually affecting your fade distances, Strength giving you the option to kick down doors, break stuff open, etc, Endurance affecting your AP or stamina, if they choose to implement something of the likes, you know, stuff you'd expect.)

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i didn't read much of the other posts.. but

  1. i like the idea of dual-wield one handed weapons
  2. keep the game system stable.. (i mean really been playing FNV for 3 years try to play Skyrim and the base game is really really laggy(i blame all the flora and trees))
  3. (was on another post) i like the Chicago idea
  4. love the romance idea
  5. love the expanded idea for housing (really loved Tenpenny Tower quests in FO3)


unrelated (sort of)

  • i think the Project Brazil Team should be a part of the making :smile:
  • the companions need quests/storylines like Willow
  • (sort of a reply to jackalx137) other countries would be cool
Edited by DirectorKane
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i didn't read much of the other posts.. but

  1. i like the idea of dual-wield one handed weapons
  2. keep the game system stable.. (i mean really been playing FNV for 3 years try to play Skyrim and the base game is really really laggy(i blame all the flora and trees))
  3. (was on another post) i like the Chicago idea
  4. love the romance idea
  5. love the expanded idea for housing (really loved Tenpenny Tower quests in FO3)


unrelated (sort of)

  • i think the Project Brazil Team should be a part of the making :smile:
  • the companions need quests/storylines like Willow
  • (sort of a reply to jackalx137) other countries would be cool


If someone could script a real ranged weapons system into the Creation Engine (Skyrim). I would say that a fan made fallout Mod game would be best (as a mod for Skyrim). The Project Brazil's Team could work on the main quests, Willow's and Niner's Teams could work on companions, Etc... Basically it would be a giant Fallout project that and participation from the best teams would be essential. With that said, the lack of a Ranged combat system isn't the only problem, There are also textures and meshes to deal with (although the textures could be ported over in a TTW style port). We would also need an entire team devoted specifically to landscaping (however no mod team other than Project Brazil's Team comes to mind for that).

Edited by blaze1514
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Things I'd like to see kept:


The amazingly characterized companions of NV


The main questline that has some feeling of reasonable character motivation throughout of FO3, I liked the factions and the choice they give in NV, but many times it feels as if I have to shoehorn my characters motivations to continue past certain points...mostly killing Benny and delivering the chip.


The huge and detailed world of FO3, the much smaller and more linear NV felt like a huge letdown, especially considering the huge difference in RL sizes of the areas of what the worldmap contains between the two. Fill it with interesting little spaces I'm never compelled to explore but can and I'm happy.


Despite the hate for it...VATS. Many people hate VATS, but to me it is part of the Fallout experience and one of it's real trademarks as a series since it went first person.



Things I'd like changed/added:


A settlement that you can build/rebuild using NPCs from around the Wastes. I have thought this would be the ultimate thing for these games from the beginning yet the only mods I even see for it are for ES games (Rebuilding Helgen for Skyrim is a great example). This is something they had in the Breath of Fire games for Super Nintendo...how far have game designers fallen that they can't add it to an RPG now? Especially with games where you build settlements/neighborhoods being so popular that it becomes a baffling business decision to not add them, not just baffling from a storytelling point of view with the theme of trying to rebuild society that runs through the heart of Fallout?


Lasting changes based on your actions that go beyond "the person is dead/not dead" there are a couple of examples that exist in NV of this, and even less in FO3; but there needs to be real lasting changes brought by the things you do, not only does that add a whole new layer to immersion, it also encourages replay value immensely as you play around to see all the effects you can have on things. Make them real changes as well...killing Caesar and the people at the Fort should scatter most of the Legion forces, so no more Legion occupied towns in NV and no more assasin squads sent by Caesar either (wiping out the Fiends in Vault 3, or the Powder Gangers in NCRCF, qualifies here as well). For some reason things just get left dangling or unchanging...it's like they programmed it thinking like an MMO "doesn't matter what you do it resets right afterwards" instead of an RPG.


Fixed NPC and companion AI, no more sidestepping straight into my line of fire or slowly circling to fire straight into the back of my head while I'm in stationary thank you.


Fixed enemy AI, no more dodging like a kryptonian (watching your crit induced kill cam as they sidestep a bullet while it is less than arm's length from hitting them is very frustrating, they should be making sonic booms when they move if they are that fast) or perfect aim with both arms and head crippled, please.


Fixed pathing! No more NPCs/companions getting stuck against rocks or continuously walking into walls, why cliff edges are the only time pathing works properly is a mystery. Also...fix pathing/follow scripting so my companions will follow me over a cliff edge if it's survivable.


Give us companions that can change and grow over time, the same way the player character does. Some modded companions (and vanilla ones with certain mods) will loot bodies of weapons/ammo/armor that they need and equip it, make vanilla companions do it too without mods.


Let us realistically interact with the environment! No more invisible walls and unclimbable slopes of 75 degrees or less...I can walk up most grades that they make unclimbable in these games, and it is the biggest immersion killer and annoyance that an adventurer of either the fantasy or post-apoc flavor is incapable of climbing anything or even stepping higher than their lower shin.


No more "collarbone eyeballs"! This is most noticeable in games where your character can have various heights (i.e. Skyrim), but "first person view"

is really looking straight out of where your collarbone meets your breastbone. it makes for some clear views of your hands when they are at waist level (i.e. drawn weapon) but it is annoying when you actually know how tall your character (model) is and are staring out at the world a head shorter than your character. Actually giving us a realistic FOV would fix this, you could be looking out your eyes and still see your hands while they are in weapons ready position, it would also eliminate the first person view clipping issues you can run into with a number of armors (mostly modded ones admittedly).

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Things I'd like to see kept:


The amazingly characterized companions of NV


The main questline that has some feeling of reasonable character motivation throughout of FO3, I liked the factions and the choice they give in NV, but many times it feels as if I have to shoehorn my characters motivations to continue past certain points...mostly killing Benny and delivering the chip.


The huge and detailed world of FO3, the much smaller and more linear NV felt like a huge letdown, especially considering the huge difference in RL sizes of the areas of what the worldmap contains between the two. Fill it with interesting little spaces I'm never compelled to explore but can and I'm happy.


One of my main complaints is this


Despite the hate for it...VATS. Many people hate VATS, but to me it is part of the Fallout experience and one of it's real trademarks as a series since it went first person.



Things I'd like changed/added:


A settlement that you can build/rebuild using NPCs from around the Wastes. I have thought this would be the ultimate thing for these games from the beginning yet the only mods I even see for it are for ES games (Rebuilding Helgen for Skyrim is a great example). This is something they had in the Breath of Fire games for Super Nintendo...how far have game designers fallen that they can't add it to an RPG now? Especially with games where you build settlements/neighborhoods being so popular that it becomes a baffling business decision to not add them, not just baffling from a storytelling point of view with the theme of trying to rebuild society that runs through the heart of Fallout?


Lasting changes based on your actions that go beyond "the person is dead/not dead" there are a couple of examples that exist in NV of this, and even less in FO3; but there needs to be real lasting changes brought by the things you do, not only does that add a whole new layer to immersion, it also encourages replay value immensely as you play around to see all the effects you can have on things. Make them real changes as well...killing Caesar and the people at the Fort should scatter most of the Legion forces, so no more Legion occupied towns in NV and no more assasin squads sent by Caesar either (wiping out the Fiends in Vault 3, or the Powder Gangers in NCRCF, qualifies here as well). For some reason things just get left dangling or unchanging...it's like they programmed it thinking like an MMO "doesn't matter what you do it resets right afterwards" instead of an RPG.

Right, However I do think that more linear main quest-lines are better (its just my opinion). I like having a simple (yet flushed out) main quest. To make up for that however I like having tons of side-quests/side-questlines that do effect the world as a whole.



Fixed NPC and companion AI, no more sidestepping straight into my line of fire or slowly circling to fire straight into the back of my head while I'm in stationary thank you.


Fixed enemy AI, no more dodging like a kryptonian (watching your crit induced kill cam as they sidestep a bullet while it is less than arm's length from hitting them is very frustrating, they should be making sonic booms when they move if they are that fast) or perfect aim with both arms and head crippled, please.


Fixed pathing! No more NPCs/companions getting stuck against rocks or continuously walking into walls, why cliff edges are the only time pathing works properly is a mystery. Also...fix pathing/follow scripting so my companions will follow me over a cliff edge if it's survivable.

Mainly problems caused by the engine itself, Many will probably be fixed or updated on a modern game engine


Give us companions that can change and grow over time, the same way the player character does. Some modded companions (and vanilla ones with certain mods) will loot bodies of weapons/ammo/armor that they need and equip it, make vanilla companions do it too without mods.

Yes and no. I am all for improving the companion dynamic, I do not like the idea of them doing useless things like that (equipping random weapons that I do not want them using for one reason or another). I think that companions should just have more unique and personalized items (that will change depending on their level, or the progress of their quest)



Let us realistically interact with the environment! No more invisible walls and unclimbable slopes of 75 degrees or less...I can walk up most grades that they make unclimbable in these games, and it is the biggest immersion killer and annoyance that an adventurer of either the fantasy or post-apoc flavor is incapable of climbing anything or even stepping higher than their lower shin.


So... Better or improved techniques involved in player boundaries? Yeah. That is a good one. When I think of realisticly reacting to an environment, I think of things like...

-Starting a fire in a town to distract guards

-alarm and reinforcement systems

-using electricity to electrocute groups of enemies standing in water

-locking a door causing enemies to find alternate entrances

-messing with a power box to cause outages

-deploying a tent


All things FO3 and FNV do well (sometimes with mods), They just need to do it more, and be more extensive about its implementation.



No more "collarbone eyeballs"! This is most noticeable in games where your character can have various heights (i.e. Skyrim), but "first person view"

is really looking straight out of where your collarbone meets your breastbone. it makes for some clear views of your hands when they are at waist level (i.e. drawn weapon) but it is annoying when you actually know how tall your character (model) is and are staring out at the world a head shorter than your character. Actually giving us a realistic FOV would fix this, you could be looking out your eyes and still see your hands while they are in weapons ready position, it would also eliminate the first person view clipping issues you can run into with a number of armors (mostly modded ones admittedly).

Eh, not a big deal... However, there is no real reason why they wouldn't fix this in a "new" fallout game (unless of course they don't think of it).





Edited by blaze1514
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